Final Fantasy Wiki
Gilgamesh: Enough expository banter!
This talk page is used for discussing improvements to the page "Quetzalcoatl". It is not the place for general discussion or sharing stories about the topic of this article.
Cactoid Summon
BlueHighwind TA
Cactoid Summon
Cactoid Summon
BlueHighwind TA


I think we should mention that the FF8 depiction (and possibly RW as well) is more based on the bird Quetzal than the mythological god, which was basically a snake with wings.Glorious CHAOS! 02:08, 14 May 2009 (UTC)


Cúchulainn Glyph Art

Parasite Eve trivia[]

I disagree the kind of "this looks like this other thing" trivia mentioned in articles when there is no intended link between the two. Various enemy/weapon/boss/summon/character designs from multiple different media just end up looking similar..basically just saying the design is not very original. We could find loads "this looks like this" stuff for other summons too I bet and any number of other things. I think this would only be relevant trivia if the Parasite Eve boss was meant to look like Quezacotl, but I suspect it is coincidental.Keltainentoukokuu 19:11, November 21, 2011 (UTC)

That thing is the closest thing I've ever seen to Quezacotl in any media. This closest thing also happens to be in a game developed by the same developer.
But regardless, coincidental similarities, or similarities with no official statement saying one was based off another, are still notable. I don't know if it was ever stated, but Cloud wears clothing a lot like Vincent's in KH. If this were not officially stated, would we still mention it in the article? Yes, I think we would. There is a clear similarity.
Compare the two images. The resemblance is by no means as strong as Cloud in Vincent's attire, but I doubt you'd find anyone that would say they look nothing alike, and far more willing to say it's entirely possible that one was based off the other. 19:20, November 21, 2011 (UTC)
I think it looks similar, but I don't think this similarity is notable because it appears to be coincidental. Cloud wearing Vincent's clothes in KH was not coincidental, some development material exists where his KH design is explained.Keltainentoukokuu 20:01, November 21, 2011 (UTC)
I was saying that if it was not officially stated, then we would still report on it because it would be a notable similarity observed by fans. Although it isn't the case, I was trying to think of a similar scenario but couldn't find one.
Although, Yunalesca's third form has similarities to Goddess, and is mentioned without official confirmation (our article's say "seem to be based on" and "greatly resembles"). Meh. You can say that Yunalesca is probably based on Goddess, but there's no more proof of this than with Quezacotl and Parasite Eve's boss. 20:53, November 21, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah there are many such mentions on the wiki. Some I find really rather reaching though. Same kind of themes keep recurring especially in boss designs.Keltainentoukokuu 21:08, November 21, 2011 (UTC)

Sound Bug in the PC version?[]

I just bought Final Fantasy VIII for the PC since my PSX version has seems to be broken :( (The game freeze during the WMVs)

The PC version seems to work well and finally I also can play Chocobo World ^^

But I found something odd: When I summon Quetzalcoatl the sound of the summon is the same like the sound of the appearance of Phoenix. Only the big thunder which is shot on the enemies is sound like in the PSX version everything else sounds like the summon of Phoenix.

Is there any way to fix this? I really hate using this G.F. just because of that sound bug :(

Sorry of posting that question here but I didn't found any related task via google. ADreamer (talk) 12:45, October 5, 2012 (UTC)

Connection/Link to Quetzalli?[] 04:04, February 7, 2015 (UTC)

Summon pages split[]

I would like to start making the FFVIII GF pages (woo). Should I call it Quezacotl or Quezacotl (Final Fantasy VIII)? I'm thinking just Quezacotl because that's just the FFVIII summon that is shortened like that. I don't know what the Record Keeper one is called because nothing is filled in on this page (but its image is called "Quezacotl"), but I should think these appearances of the FFVIII Quezacotl would go to an "other appearances" section of the FFVIII GF article, anyway?Keltainentoukokuu (talk) 17:04, November 8, 2016 (UTC)

I would be tempted to call it "Quezacotl (Final Fantasy VIII)" due to ambiguity, if they share a Japanese name. Record Keeper info could go on VIII's other appearances section and on the recurring page, like what happens with some Gilgamesh appearances.
Would definitely welcome you doing FFVIII summons! I don't remember that game super well.--Magicite-ffvi-ios Technobliterator TC 17:17, November 8, 2016 (UTC)
Okay cool, I will get on with it sometime soon then!Keltainentoukokuu (talk) 18:14, November 8, 2016 (UTC)
FFRK calls it "Quetzalcoatl" if that helps anything.—Kaimi (999,999 CP/5 TP) ∙ 19:54, November 8, 2016 (UTC)

Japanese name[]

Quetzalcoatl actually appears with a different name in its three major appearances:

  • FF8: ケツァクウァトル
  • FF12RW: ケッツクアトル
  • FF11: ケツァルコアトル

We don't have the FFXI appearance on this page though. Not sure it even should so this probably needs disambigd. The FFXI servers were never given Japanese names I don't believe. JBed (talk) 18:30, November 9, 2016 (UTC)