Final Fantasy Wiki
The following list is based on a combination of in-game sources and fan conjecture - many enemy families have not been named or classified by official Square Enix material; the current classifications are merely placeholders.

A list of Elemental enemies from Final Fantasy XIV, which consists of varying forms of creatures comprised almost entirely of aether.


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Anemos Anala 21*(Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Blazing Anala 80-90 Labyrinthos Quest*(Lv.80 "Fiery Thirst")
Cerule Anala 95 Shaaloani Standard
Center Anala 88 Labyrinthos Standard
Hellborn Anala 62 Ruby Sea Standard
Molamander 77 Amh Araeng Standard
Steppe Anala 66 Azim Steppe Standard
Volcano Anala 60 Sohm Al (Hard) Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Center Anila 88 Labyrinthos Standard
Djinn 74 Rak'tika Greatwood Standard
Dust Anila 60 Peaks Standard
Geomantic Anila 70 Swallow's Compass Standard
Jahannam 7*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos FATE boss*(Lv.7 "Disinherit the Wind")
Salt Anila 69 Lochs Standard
Storm Anila 85 Labyrinthos FATE*(Lv.88 "Sheaves on the Wind")
Ventus 60 Peaks FATE boss*(Lv.60 "Venting")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Anemos Apa 22*(Water-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Anapos 24*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos FATE boss*(Lv.24 "Melting Point")
Apa 63 Ruby Sea Standard
Center Apa 88 Labyrinthos Standard
Dohnfast Undine 73 Dohn Mheg Standard
Gensui Apa 64 Yanxia Standard
Geomantic Apa 70 Swallow's Compass Standard
Immaculate Apa 70 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) Standard
Reisen Apa 70 Hells' Lid Standard
Rusalka 80 Tempest A-rank elite mark
Undine 72 Il Mheg Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Amber Carbuncle 40 Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Quest*(Lv.40 "Slings and Arrows")
Proto-Carbuncle 90 Abyssos: The Fifth Circle Boss


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Center Dhara 88 Labyrinthos Standard
Dust Dhara 60 Fringes Standard
Geomantic Dhara 70 Swallow's Compass Standard
Gnome 76 Amh Araeng Standard
Highland Dhara 67 Fringes Standard
Mettling Dhara 65 Bardam's Mettle Standard
Salt Dhara 69 Lochs Standard
Scree Gnome 78 Kholusia Standard
Wild Dhara 95 Shaloaani Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Charred Luminare 70 Burn Standard
Crystal Incarnation 100 Heritage Found, Kozama'uka, Living Memory, Shaaloani, Urqopacha, Yak T'el SS Rank Minion
Dhruva Cluster 85 Labyrinthos FATE*(Lv.88 "Residual Complications")
Euphrosynos Dhruva 90 Euphrosyne Standard
The Forlorn 60-99 Amh Araeng, Azim Steppe, Elpis, Fringes, Garlemald, Heritage Found, Il Mheg, Kholusia, Kozama'uka, Labyrinthos, Lakeland, Living Memory, Lochs, Mare Lamentorum, Peaks, Rak'tika Greatwood, Ruby Sea, Shaaloani, Tempest, Thavnair, Ultima Thule, Urqopacha, Yak T'el, Yanxia FATE*(Has a chance of spawning during any FATE)
Forlorn Maiden 60-99 Amh Araeng, Azim Steppe, Elpis, Fringes, Garlemald, Heritage Found, Il Mheg, Kholusia, Kozama'uka, Labyrinthos, Lakeland, Living Memory, Lochs, Mare Lamentorum, Peaks, Rak'tika Greatwood, Ruby Sea, Shaaloani, Tempest, Thavnair, Ultima Thule, Urqopacha, Yak T'el, Yanxia FATE*(Has a chance of spawning during any FATE)
Haam Dhruva 90 The Aetherfont Standard
Haam Forlorn 90 The Aetherfont Standard
Luminare 70 Lochs A-rank elite mark
Salt Dhruva 69 Lochs Standard
Sinking Desire 89 Aitiascope Standard
Sulfur Byrgen 78 Kholusia Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Aion Teleos 60 Containment Bay P1T6 Boss minion*(Sophia, Extreme only)
Arrhidaeus's Lanner 60 Alexander - The Soul of the Creator Boss minion*(Alexander Prime)
Belias-Egi 50 Mor Dhona Quest boss*(Lv.50 "Primal Burdens")
Binah 60 Containment Bay S1T7 Boss minion*(Sephirot)
Chirada-Egi 45 Outer La Noscea Quest boss*(Lv.45 "Austerities of Wind")
Cochma 60 Containment Bay S1T7 Boss minion*(Sephirot)
Garuda-Egi 45 Outer La Noscea Quest boss*(Lv.45 "Austerities of Wind")
The General's Might 60 Alexander - The Soul of the Creator Boss minion*(Alexander Prime)
The General's Time 60 Alexander - The Soul of the Creator Boss minion*(Alexander Prime, Savage only)
The General's Wing 60 Alexander - The Soul of the Creator Boss minion*(Alexander Prime)
Gigas 70 Ridorana Lighthouse Boss minion*(Belias, the Gigas)
Ginryu 70 Royal Menagerie Boss minion*(Shinryu)
Granite Gaoler 50 Navel Boss minion*(Titan, Extreme only)
Grey Arbiter 50 Striking Tree Boss minion*(Ramuh)
Hakkinryu 70 Royal Menagerie Boss minion*(Shinryu)
Suparna-Egi 45 Outer La Noscea Quest boss*(Lv.45 "Austerities of Wind")
Ifrit-Egi 30-35 North Shroud, Southern Thanalan Quest boss*(Lv.30 "Austerities of Flame", Lv.35 "Austerities of Earth")
Phoenix Egi 50 Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 Boss minion*(Phoenix)
Titan-Egi 35 North Shroud Quest boss*(Lv.35 "Austerities of Earth")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Corruption 60 Pharos Sirius (Hard) Boss minion*(Ghrah Luminary), standard
Eo'ghrah 57*(Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos Standard
Ghrah Luminary 60 Pharos Sirius (Hard) Boss
Ghrah Maximization 80 The Twinning Standard
Luminion 89 Ultima Thule Standard
Territorial Luminion 90 Ultima Thule Treasure map
Wandering Luminion 86 Ultima Thule FATE*(Lv.89 "Beacons of Lost Hope")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Aeetes 42 Eastern Thanalan FATE boss (Lv.42 "Bad Hair Day")
Golden Fleece 40-42 Eastern Thanalan Standard
Gossamer 26 Eastern Thanalan FATE boss (Lv.26 "Spare the Hair")
Phurble 25-29 Eastern Thanalan Standard
Phurbleweed 14-18 Eastern Thanalan Levequest (Lv.15 "The Law Won")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Brine 50 Sastasha (Hard) Standard
Brounger 41 Outer La Noscea FATE boss (Lv.41 "Make It Rain")
Corrupted Aether 46 Upper La Noscea Quest (Lv.45 "For Your Fellow Man")
Croftlight 16 Tam-Tara Deepcroft Standard
Dark Plasma 48 Southern Thanalan Quest (Lv.50 "Always Bet on Black")
Dragon's Eye 50 Coerthas Central Highlands Quest (Lv.50 "Into the Dragon's Maw")
Ectoplasm 45 Mor Dhona Quest (Lv.45 "Problem with Plasma")
Hound Light 50 Amdapor Keep Standard
Inner Rage 50-52 Eastern La Noscea, Coerthas Central Highlands Quest (Lv.50 "How to Quit You", Lv.52 "Duty and the Beast")
Irregular Plasmoid 7 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Irrlicht 71 Lakeland Standard
Luminescence 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Boss minion (Boogyman)
Nburu 45 Mor Dhona FATE boss (Lv.45 "Black and Nburu")
Plasma Spark 36-40 Northern Thanalan Levequest (Lv.40 "Circling the Ceruleum")
Plasmoid 34-48 Coerthas Central Highlands, Mor Dhona, North Shroud, Outer La Noscea, Western La Noscea Quest (Lv.40 "By the Lights of Ishgard", Lv.46 "Drowning Out the Voices"), FATE (Lv.45 "Black and Nburu"), standard
Pure Energy 44 Coerthas Central Highlands FATE (Lv.47 "What's On Your Mind")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Center Prabhasa 88 Labyrinthos Labyrinthos Standard
Frenzied Thunder Spirit 94 Heritage Found days of thunder
Thunder Spirit 97 heritage found Standard
Vanguard Prabhasa 97 Vanguard Vanguard Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Alexander Prime 60-80 Alexander - The Soul of the Creator, The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate) Boss
Anima 83 Tower of Babil Boss
Asura 90 Gilded Araya Boss
Bahamut Prime 50-70 Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4, The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate) Boss
Bismarck 57-60 Limitless Blue Boss
Chirada 50-70 Howling Eye, The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate) Boss minion*(Garuda, Hard, Extreme, and The Weapon's Refrain only)
Cinduruva 81 Tower of Zot Boss
Cloud of Darkness (Eden) 80 Eden's Promise: Umbra Boss
Dragon-king Thordan 90 Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss
Echo of Hydaelyn 89-90 Mothercrystal Boss minion*(Hydaelyn)
Enkidu 50 Battle in the Big Keep Boss
Fatebreaker 80-100 Eden's Promise: Anamorphosis, Futures Rewritten (Ultimate) Boss
Garuda 44-70 Howling Eye, The Porta Decumana, Xelphatol, The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate) Boss, boss minion*(The Ultima Weapon, Tozol Huatotl)
Garuda (Eden) 80 Eden's Verse: Furor Boss
Good King Moggle Mog XII 50 Thornmarch Boss
Hydaelyn 89-90 Mothercrystal Boss
Ifrit 20-70 Bowl of Embers, The Porta Decumana, The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate) Boss, boss minion*(The Ultima Weapon)
Ifrit (Eden) 80 Eden's Verse: Furor Boss
King Thordan 60-90 Singularity Reactor, Tempest, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss, quest*(Lv.80 "Faded Memories")
Lakshmi 63-70 Emanation Boss
Leviathan 50 Whorleater Boss
Leviathan (Eden) 80 Eden's Gate: Inundation Boss
Lunar Bahamut 80 Paglth'an Boss
Lunar Ifrit 80 Carteneau Flats Quest boss*(Lv.80 "Death Unto Dawn")
Lunar Odin 80 Carteneau Flats Quest boss*(Lv.80 "Death Unto Dawn")
Lunar Ravana 80 Carteneau Flats Quest boss*(Lv.80 "Death Unto Dawn")
Minduruva 81 Tower of Zot Boss
Odin 50-60*(Odin's level in the "Steel Reign" FATE varies between 50 and 60. If the FATE is failed, Odin's level will drop by one the next time it spawns, and vice versa if the FATE is completed successfully.) Central Shroud, East Shroud, North Shroud, South Shroud, Urth's Fount FATE boss*(Lv.50 "Steel Reign"), boss
Perfect Alexander 80 The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate) Boss
Phoenix 50 Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 Boss
The Queen Rank ★ Delubrum Reginae Boss
Quetzalcoatl 80 Akadaemia Anyder Boss
Raktapaksa 80 Eden's Verse: Furor Boss
Ra-la 90 Dead Ends Boss
Ramuh 50 Striking Tree Boss
Ramuh (Eden) 80 Eden's Verse: Fulmination Boss
Ravana 53-60 Thok ast Thok Boss
Sanduruva 81 Tower of Zot Boss
Sephirot 60 Containment Bay S1T7 Boss
Ser Adelphel 57-90 Singularity Reactor, The Vault, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss, boss minion*(King Thordan)
Ser Charibert 57-90 Singularity Reactor, The Vault, Tempest, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss, boss minion*(King Thordan), quest*(Lv.80 "Faded Memories")
Ser Guerrique 60-90 Singularity Reactor, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss minion*(King Thordan)
Ser Grinnaux 57-90 Singularity Reactor, The Vault, Tempest, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss, boss minion*(King Thordan), quest*(Lv.80 "Faded Memories")
Ser Haumeric 60-90 Singularity Reactor, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss minion*(King Thordan)
Ser Hermenost 60-90 Singularity Reactor, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss minion*(King Thordan)
Ser Ignasse 60-90 Singularity Reactor, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss minion*(King Thordan)
Ser Janlenoux 60-90 Singularity Reactor, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss minion*(King Thordan)
Ser Noudenet 60-90 Singularity Reactor, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss minion*(King Thordan)
Ser Paulecrain 60-90 Singularity Reactor, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss minion*(King Thordan)
Ser Vellguine 60-90 Singularity Reactor, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss minion*(King Thordan)
Ser Zephirin 60-90 Singularity Reactor, Tempest, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss minion*(King Thordan), quest*(Lv.80 "Faded Memories")
Shadowkeeper 80 Eden's Promise: Litany Boss
Shinryu 70 Royal Menagerie Boss
Shiva 50 Akh Afah Amphitheatre Boss
Shiva (Eden) 80 Eden's Verse: Refulgence Boss
Sophia 60 Containment Bay P1T6 Boss
Suparna 50-70 Howling Eye, The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate) Boss minion*(Garuda, Hard, Extreme, and The Weapon's Refrain only)
Susano 63-70 Pool of Tribute Boss
Titan 20-70 The Navel, The Porta Decumana, The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate) Boss, boss minion*(The Ultima Weapon)
Titan Maximum 80 Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage) Boss, boss minion*(Titan (Eden))
Titan (Eden) 80 Eden's Gate: Sepulture Boss
Usurper of Frost 100 Futures Rewritten (Ultimate) Boss
Warrior of Light 80 Seat of Sacrifice Boss
Will of Ramuh 80 Eden's Verse: Fulmination Boss minion*(Ramuh (Eden))
Will of Ixion 80 Eden's Verse: Fulmination Boss minion*(Ramuh (Eden))
Zodiark 83-90 Dark Inside Boss
Zurvan 60 Containment Bay Z1T9 Boss


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Aeolian Cave Sprite 80 Matoya's Relict Boss minion*(Mother Porxie)
Ceruleum Sprite 82 Garlemald Standard
Corrupted Sprite 50-60 Diadem, Pharos Sirius, Pharos Sirius (Hard) Standard
Cracked Ice Sprite 54-56 Coerthas Western Highlands Quest*(Lv.54 "The Girl with the Dragon Tissue", Lv.56 "The Dark Blight Writhes")
Crazed Sprite 30 Lower La Noscea Quest*(Lv.30 "Pride and Duty (Will Take You from the Mountain)")
Dark Sprite 50 Coerthas Central Highlands Quest*(Lv.50 "Our Answer")
Deep Palace Sprite (Earth) 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 101-110 Standard
Deep Palace Sprite (Ice) 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 181-190 Standard
Deep-stained Sprite 35-40 East Shroud Quest*(Lv.35 "Only You Can Prevent Forest Ire", Lv.40 "O Brother, Where Art Thou")
Divine Gale 60 Neverreap Boss minion*(Waukkeon)
Divine Mist 60 Neverreap Boss minion*(Waukkeon)
Earth Homunculus 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Earth Sprite 5-60 Diadem, Dravanian Forelands, Dravanian Hinterlands, Eastern La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan, Northern Thanalan, South Shroud, Western Thanalan Quest*(Lv.5 "Harder than Rock", Lv.7 "Getting Your Bearings", Lv.25 "Like Mother, Like Daughter"), FATE*(Lv.8 "The Cores", Lv.49 "Core Blimey"), levequest*(Lv.15 "Earthbound", Lv.20 "Blood in the Water", Lv.20 "Watch Me If You Can", Lv.25 "The Third Prize Is That You're Slain", Lv.30 "Twenty-nine Was the Cutoff", Lv.40 "Circling the Ceruleum", "Someone's in the Doghouse", Lv.52 "Feathers Unsullied", "Scavenger Hunt"), standard*(in Dravanian Forelands, Dravanian Hinterlands, Eastern Thanalan, Northern Thanalan, and Western Thanalan only)
Ember Sprite 27-39*(Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Eroded Earth Sprite 58 Dravanian Forelands Quest*(Lv.58 "In the Wake of Death")
Fire Homunculus 50-60 Antitower, Great Gubal Library (Hard), Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Fire Sprite 1-60 Azys Lla, Central Thanalan, Diadem, Dravanian Forelands, East Shroud, Halatali, Northern Thanalan, Southern Thanalan Guildhest*(Lv.15 "Hero on the Halfshell"), quest*(Lv.20 "Lance of Destiny"), levequest*(Lv.25 "Drakes' Misfortune", Lv.30 "Grapevine of Wrath", Lv.40 "Blow-up Incubator", Lv.52 "Feathers Unsullied", "Scavenger Hunt"), boss minion*(Tangata), standard*(in Azys Lla, Dravanian Forelands, and Southern Thanalan only)
Firemane 20 Halatali Boss
Flame Shiver 30 Southern Thanalan Quest*(Lv.30 "Austerities of Flame")
Glacier Sprite 50-53 Snowcloak, Sohm Al Standard
Hailstorm Sprite 51 Dusk Vigil Standard
Holy Sprite 60 Sohr Khai Boss minion*(Hraesvelgr)
Hydrocore 60 Void Ark Boss minion*(Cetus)
Hydrosprite 60 Void Ark Standard
Ice Homunculus 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Ice Sprite 34-60 Coerthas Central Highlands, Coerthas Western Highlands, Diadem, Mor Dhona, Snowcloak, Stone Vigil Levequest*(Lv.35 "Dress for Aggress", Lv.40 "No Big Whoop", Lv.45 "Turnabout's Fair Play"), quest*(Lv.40 "Whey Too into You", Lv.50 "At the End of Our Hope", "Memories in the Snow", "Spearheading Initiatives"), FATE*(Lv.40 "If This Wall Could Talk", Lv.50 "Land of the Freeze", Lv.56 "Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia"), standard*(in Coerthas Central Highlands, Coerthas Western Highlands, Snowcloak, and Stone Vigil only)
Icicle Sprite 50 Coerthas Western Highlands Quest*(Lv.50 "Work in Progress")
Kindling Sprite 50 Copperbell Mines (Hard) Boss minion*(Gogmagolem)
Light Sprite 60 Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Standard
Lightless Homunculus 70 Drowned City of Skalla Standard
Lightning Homunculus 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Lightning Spark 29 Central Shroud Standard
Lightning Sprite 9-60 Azys Lla, Central Shroud, Churning Mists, Copperbell Mines, Diadem, Halatali, Lower La Noscea, Mor Dhona, Outer La Noscea, Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak, Western La Noscea Levequest*(Lv.10 "Shock Therapy", "The Sprite of Competition", Lv.20 "Claw-struck", "The Creep from Work", "The Deadliest Catch", Lv.25 "Double Dose of Impin'", Lv.45 "Amateur Hour", "The Museum Is Closed", "Necrologos: The Luminal Ones", "Science Shindig"), quest*(Lv.30 "Master of Marksmanship", Lv.50 "The Legend Continues"), FATE*(Lv.45 "The Prodigal Son", Lv.54 "Sprite Club"), boss minion*(Thunderclap Guivre), standard
Lutin 39 Coerthas Central Highlands FATE boss*(Lv.39 "A Freeze Is Coming")
Onyx Claw 48 Mor Dhona Quest*(Lv.50 "Primal Burdens")
Palace Sprite 1 Palace of the Dead Floors 1-10 Standard
Pseudo Sprite 59 Great Gubal Library Standard
Seawater Sprite 50 Hullbreaker Isle Standard
Shadow Sprite 50 Chrysalis Boss minion*(Nabriales)
Sinking Impatience 89 Aitiascope Standard
Snowstorm Sprite 20-28*(Ice-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Stagnant Water Sprite 8-52 Central Shroud, Coerthas Central Highlands FATE boss*(Lv.8 "Something in the Water"), quest boss*(Lv.52 "A Journey of Purification")
Stone Shiver 32 North Shroud Quest*(Lv.35 "Austerities of Earth")
Storm Sprite 33 Eastern La Noscea Quest*(Lv.33 "The Wind, It Passes")
Tainted Earth Sprite 5-30 Central Shroud, North Shroud, South Shroud Quest*(Lv.5 "Trial by Earth", Lv.20 "Sylphie's Trials", Lv.30 "In Nature's Embrace"), quest boss*(Lv.25 "Like Mother, Like Daughter")
Tainted Water Sprite 15-20 Central Shroud, East Shroud Quest*(Lv.15 "Trial by Water", Lv.20 "Sylphie's Trials")
Tainted Wind Sprite 10-20 Central Shroud, East Shroud Quest boss*(Lv.10 "Trial by Wind), quest*(Lv.20 "Sylphie's Trials")
Thunderbolt Sprite 55 Aery Standard
Void Sprite 60 Dun Scaith Boss minion*(Deathgaze Hollow)
The Wail of Mhach 60 Diadem Boss minion*(Buer)
The Wake of Mhach 60 Diadem Boss minion*(Buer)
The Warmth of Mhach 60 Diadem Boss minion*(Buer)
Water Homunculus 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Water Sprite 5-60 Central Shroud, Coerthas Central Highlands, Diadem, Dravanian Forelands, Dravanian Hinterlands, East Shroud, Middle La Noscea, Sea of Clouds, South Shroud, Upper La Noscea, Western La Noscea Levequest*(Lv.10 "Bump in the Night", Lv.25 "Up the Creek"), quest*(Lv.15 "Trial by Water", Lv.20 "Lance of Destiny", Lv.30 "Seer Folly"), FATE*(Lv.33 "Rogue on the Water", Lv.38 "Spring Forward, Fall Back", Lv.57 "Obey their Thirst"), standard*(in Central Shroud, Dravanian Forelands, Dravanian Hinterlands, Middle La Noscea, Sea of Clouds, South Shroud, Upper La Noscea, and Western La Noscea only)
Whispering Wind Sprite 58 Dravanian Forelands Quest*(Lv.58 "In the Wake of Death")
Wildfire Sprite 45-49 Southern Thanalan Standard
Wind Homunculus 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Wind Sprite 4-60 Churning Mists, Coerthas Central Highlands, Diadem, East Shroud, Eastern La Noscea, Lower La Noscea, Sea of Clouds, South Shroud Levequest*(Lv.5 "No Pain, No Grain", Lv.20 "Mortal Munchies", Lv.25 "Blinded by the Wight", Lv.30 "Necrologos: Igneous Toil", "Out to Sea", "Sol Survivors", Lv.35 "Feathered Foes"), quest*(Lv.10 "Trial by Wind"), standard*(in Churning Mists, East Shroud, Eastern La Noscea, Lower La Noscea, Sea of Clouds, and South Shroud only)
The Woe of Mhach 60 Diadem Boss minion*(Buer)

The Twelve[]

Name Level Area Spawn notes
Althyk 90 Euphrosyne Boss
Azeyma 90 Aglaia Boss
Byregot 90 Aglaia Boss
Eulogia 90 Thaleia Boss
Halone 90 Euphrosyne Boss
Llymlaen 90 Thaleia Boss
Menphina 90 Euphrosyne Boss
Nald'thal 90 Aglaia Boss
Nophica 90 Euphrosyne Boss
Nymeia 90 Euphrosyne Boss
Oschon 90 Thaleia Boss
Rhalgr 90 Aglaia Boss
Thaliak 90 Thaleia Boss


An elemental is a mythic being described in occult and alchemical works from around the time of the European Renaissance and particularly elaborated in the 16th century works of Paracelsus.
