Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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Jayanti seems to have reservations about her next outing.
Use the flat ale at the designated location and slay the Gyr Abanian mud slugs.
Report to Jayanti.
Slug It Out script
Ah, adventurer. We were jussst preparing to go hunting. It is a duty in which we take great pride, but I fear the risssk to my sisters only grows in recent daysss.
Our greatest weapon is the poison-tipped arrow. All beasts succumb to its effects quite quickly. All sssave for one─the Gyr Abanian mud ssslug. Their numbers have increasssed of late, which makes hunting all the more difficult.
Their resistance to our poisonsss leaves us with no choice but to fight in close quartersss, and therein liesss the problem.
They attack by ssspitting. It appearsss ineffectual against most creaturesss, but is highly corrosive to our ssskin.
The Lady of Blisss would surely be cross if we marred the beautiful ssskin she's blessed us with. That is why I would ask you to thin their numbers in our ssstead.
Take thisss bottle of flat ale. Ssscatter it about the grounds north of here, and ssslay any slugs that are drawn by the sssmell.
When the ssslugs come, be careful of their ssspit. I don't know what effect it will have on ssstriders.
You've returned, and no worssse for wear. We are lucky to have made friends with one so capable.
Tell me, did you also find the ssslugs to be repulsssive?
Their ssslimy backs and unsssightly squirming. I can think of no creature more hideousss than the ssslug.
Yet you seem unaffected both by their sssaliva and their grotesque visssage. If they pose a threat to usss again, I will be sssure to call you.