Rigels in Final Fantasy XIII.
Designed for suppressing civilian riots, the killing power of these pistols is artificially limited.
Final Fantasy XIII description
Rigel (リゲル, Rigeru?, lit. Rigel), or Rigels, is a recurring weapon in the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]
Elaborate gun inscribed with noble words.
Rigel is the initial weapon for Balthier, which provides 70 Attack, 35 Magick Attack, and 36 Attack Speed. Additional copies can be bought for 6,000 gil after Chapter 8 and forged from the Connoisseur's Guide recipe.
Final Fantasy XIII[]

Final Fantasy XIV[]
The Rigel is a star globe for astrologians. It can be obtained from Castrum Abania, either as a treasure, a drop from the boss Inferno, or a reward for completion of the duty.
Rigel | AST Lv. 69
Item Level 288 |
Magic Damage: 124 | Auto-attack: 98.13 | Delay: 3.2 |
Repair/Melding Discpline: Goldsmith | Dyeable: No | Unique Untradeable |
Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
A relic from another world miraculously discovered in functional condition. Although guns are incredibly useful when attacking enemies from great distances, their frailty requires a knowledgeable owner that can properly do any upkeep necessary for their maintenance. Since spare parts for these are so scarce, gun users are also believed to be quite rare.
Rigels is a gun that provides 60 ATK. It can be bought for 3,600 gil at Karvell Resort Town and Town of Desolation Visectrum, and found at Sorcerer's Hideaway and Kappa Village.
Rigel, also known by its Bayer designation Beta Orionis (β Ori, β Orionis), is the brightest star in the constellation Orion and the seventh brightest star in the night sky, with visual magnitude 0.13.