Final Fantasy Wiki

Master prowess to deliver flurries of powerful close-combat strikes!

Tutorial Description

The Pugilist is a Basic Job in Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, and is available in the earliest stages in the game as well as the first job available to Ash at the start of the game. Leveling this job is required to unlock the Monk and Thief jobs.

Pugilist serves as an introduction to the Knuckles, close-quarters striking weapons used fit for dealing break damage and landing critical hits. They will increase what is called a Boost Level upon delivering hits, which increases the general damage dealt and break damage dealt the higher the level, along with providing different combo enders at the end of a normal attack combo. To keep up with its speedy playstyle, the job grants passives such as increased MP recovery via normal attacks, greater ability damage, and faster break gauge recovery speed.


Job Action[]

Ability MP Cost Description Movie
Explosive Fist SOPFFO
Explosive Fist
100~ [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Deliver a weighty striking blow. Hold R2 to continue the assault, slowly increasing the number of attacks made.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
SOP Explosive Fist

The Pugilist's Job Action is Explosive Fist, a heavy hit that advances toward the opponent and continues with a speedy barrage of blows as long as you hold R2 that lasts until the player runs out of MP. This ability is good for increasing the player's Boost Level and in certain cases it can aid in enemy status accumulation.

Command Ability[]

Ability Job Points MP Cost Required Ability to Unlock Description Movie
Counter SOPFFO
7 100 Way of the Warrior Temporarily reduces the break cost of a successful soul shield and increases MP restored. SOP Counter

The Pugilist obtains the Counter support ability which improves your soul shielding by spending less Break upon a successful soul shield and improving the MP recovered thereof. This ability is great for defending yourself and retaliating in quick succession without using as many resources. It becomes very beneficial at later levels when break recovery becomes a greater issue and soul shielding much more costly.

Combo Abilities[]

Ability Type Job Points MP Cost Required Ability to Unlock Description Movie
Aerial Hook SOPFFO
Aerial Hook
Knuckles Combo 5 100 Normal Attack MP Recovery +3.5% [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Leap into the air to unleash two consecutive kicks that deal striking damage and knock enemies back.

[Link 2 Ability]
Can be set to R1 > R1 > R2.
SOP Aerial Hook
Takedown SOPFFO
Knuckles Combo 9 100 Fists of Steel [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Charge forward and slam an enemy to the ground, dealing striking damage and knocking enemies back.

[Link 3 Ability]
Can be set to R1>R1>R1>R2.
SOP Takedown
Double Uppercut SOPFFO
Double Uppercut
Knuckles Combo 3 100 Pugilist Affinity +10% [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
A series of uppercuts that deal striking damage and knock enemies into the air.

[Link 1 Ability]
Can be set to R1>R2
SOP Double Uppercut

Combo Effects[]

Ability Job Points Required Ability to Unlock Description
Knuckle Buff SOPFFO
Fists of Steel
6 Explosive Fist Mastery [Weapon Type: Knuckles]
[Charged Attack Link]
Enhances abilities set to Hold R1>R2

Increases break damage dealt.
Knuckle Buff SOPFFO
Way of the Warrior
5 Double Uppercut [Weapon Type: Knuckles]
[Parry Link]
Enhances abilities set to After Parry: R2

Guarantees a critical hit.

Job Passives[]

Ability Job Points Required Ability to Unlock Description
Pugilist Affinity SOPFFO
Pugilist Affinity +10%
1 Explosive Fist Increases pugilist job affinity.
Passive SOPPFO
Break Gauge Recovery Speed +3.5%
2 Pugilist Affinity +10% Increases break gauge recovery speed.
Passive SOPPFO
Normal Attack MP Recovery +3.5%
3 Break Gauge Recovery Speed +3.5% Increases MP recovery from normal attacks.
Passive SOPPFO
Normal Attack MP Recovery +7.3%
7 Aerial Hook Increases MP recovery from normal attacks.
Explosive Fist Mastery SOPFFO
Explosive Fist Mastery
4 Break Gauge Recovery Speed +3.5% Increases the attack speed of explosive fist.
Passive SOPPFO
Ability Damage +3.0%
8 Fists of Steel Increases ability damage dealt.
Pugilist Affinity SOPFFO
Pugilist Affinity +15%
4 Double Uppercut Increases pugilist job affinity.
Passive SOPPFO
Break Gauge Recovery Speed +8.5%
7 Way of the Warrior Increases break gauge recovery speed.
Passive SOPPFO
Ability Damage +3.2%
9 Counter Increases ability damage dealt.
Pugilist Affinity SOPFFO
Pugilist Affinity +25%
9 Counter Increases pugilist job affinity.

Job/Class Unlocks[]

These nodes lead to the following Advanced Jobs/Job Classes:

Job Type Required Ability to Unlock Description
New Job: Monk
Job Unlock Takedown Partial unlock for the Monk Job. Also requires a similar ability in the Lancer Job Tree.
New Job: Thief
Job Unlock Pugilist Affinity +25% Partial unlock for the Thief Job. Also requires a similar ability in the pugilist Job Tree.
Pugilist Evocation SOPFFO
New Class: Martial Master
Class Unlock All Pugilist tree abilities Unlocks the Evocation Class for Pugilist, Martial Master. Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC.
Pugilist Ultima SOPFFO
New Class: Iron Fist Champion
Class Unlock All Pugilist tree abilities Unlocks the Ultima Class for Pugilist, Iron Fist Champion. Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC.

Class Trees[]

Introduced in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC, These classes are unlocked after visiting Bahamut's Cave and completing the "A Token of Courage and Strength" conversation with Bahamut and the abilities thereof can be bought by using Rat Tails which are accumulated by completing missions on the Bahamut difficulty onward and purchasing them from the Bahamut Exchange Shop via Dragon Treasures:

Pugilist Evocation SOPFFO
Martial Master[]
Ability Type Required Ability to Unlock Description Movie
Explosive Fist SOPFFO
Phasing Palm
Job Action All Pugilist tree abilities Explosive Fist
[Class Change Effect: Evocation]
Increases duration of buffs on self every time an attack hits.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Ability Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Luck +6
Passive 2 Phasing Palm Increases luck.
Strength Up SOPFFO
Strength +5
Passive 4 Luck +6 Increases strength.
Passive SOPPFO
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0%
Passive 6 Strength +5 Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Pugilist Master Points +3
Passive 11 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases pugilist master points acquired.
Intellect Up SOPFFO
Intellect +5
Passive 6 Strength +5 Increases intellect.
Stamina Up SOPFFO
Stamina +6
Passive 8 Intellect +6 Increases stamina.
Agility Up SOPFFO
Agility +7
Passive 2 Phasing Palm Increases agility.
Passive SOPPFO
Break +160
Passive 6 Agility +8 Increases break by 160.
Passive SOPPFO
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0%
Passive 8 Break +160 Increases resistance to status ailments.
Spirit Up SOPFFO
Spirit +6
Passive 10 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases spirit.
Knuckle Buff SOPFFO
Defensive Pugilism
Combo Ability Effects 16 Spirit +6 [Weapon Type: Knuckles]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Left stick up + R1 (Weapon Skill)>R2.

Decreases damage taken while the ability is active.
Passive SOPPFO
HP +200
Passive 12 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases HP by 200.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Pugilist Master Points +3
Passive 17 HP +200 Increases pugilist master points acquired.
Pugilist Ultima SOPFFO

Iron Fist Champion[]
Ability Type Required Ability to Unlock Description Movie
Explosive Fist SOPFFO
Job Action All Pugilist tree abilities Explosive Fist
[Class Change Effect: Ultima]
Enemies broken or brought to 0 HP by this attack will be finished with a soul burst. Releasing R2 will increase its damage based on your prowess.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Ability Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Luck +6
Passive 2 Bloodpunch Increases luck.
Strength Up SOPFFO
Strength +5
Passive 4 Luck +6 Increases strength.
Passive SOPPFO
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0%
Passive 6 Strength +5 Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Pugilist Master Points +3
Passive 11 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases pugilist master points acquired.
Intellect Up SOPFFO
Intellect +5
Passive 6 Strength +5 Increases intellect.
Stamina Up SOPFFO
Stamina +6
Passive 8 Intellect +6 Increases stamina.
Agility Up SOPFFO
Agility +7
Passive 2 Bloodpunch Increases agility.
Passive SOPPFO
Break +160
Passive 6 Agility +8 Increases break by 160.
Passive SOPPFO
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0%
Passive 8 Break +160 Increases resistance to status ailments.
Spirit Up SOPFFO
Spirit +6
Passive 10 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases spirit.
Knuckle Buff SOPFFO
Magic from Might
Combo Ability Effects 16 Spirit +6 [Weapon Type: Knuckles]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Left stick up + R1 (Weapon Skill)>R2.

Restores MP based on physical damage dealt.
Passive SOPPFO
HP +200
Passive 12 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases HP by 200.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Pugilist Master Points +3
Passive 17 HP +200 Increases pugilist master points acquired.

Job Affinity Bonuses[]

Most weapons and items of clothing have a certain percentage of Job Affinity for a certain job. By combining them together and raising this percentage, the character may not only gain extra EXP to that Job, but also unlock abilities and bonuses to their stats. The bonuses for the Pugilist Job Affinity are:

Name Job Ability Percentages Description
Pugilist's Wisdom I 20% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Pugilist's Wisdom II 30% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Strike Attack Bonus I 50% Increases strike break damage dealt by 5.9%
Pugilist's Wisdom III 80% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Strike Attack Bonus II 120% Increases strike break damage dealt by 9.8%
Pugilist's Wisdom IV 160% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Brawler's Soul 250% Knuckles: Reduces the enemy's max break gauge when hitting with a strong attack (Hold R1).
Grappling Master 400% Knuckles:
Enables the use of all weapon abilities for the knuckles and increases damage dealt with knuckles combo abilities.Including Explosive Fist
Memories of a Brash Martial Artist 600% Reduces the MP cost of knuckles combo abilities while knuckles are equipped. Also enhances the effects of Pugilist's Wisdom.
Pugilist's Essence 800% Enhances the effects of Pugilist's Wisdom, and also boosts stats based on your affinity.


Pugilist is a close-quarters Speed-type job centered around the use of knuckles for hand-to-hand combat with great speed to quickly stagger and break enemies. While it has a good balance of offensive and defensive play, its main selling point is the barrage of blows it lands with high agility and MP Recovery. This jobs is a good choice for those who enjoy dodging attacks and going in for the kill at the right time and can be a great DPS job for parties within the earlier levels of the game.


  • Good overall balance between offense and defense, possessing abilities scaling from Agility and Stamina.
  • One of the best basic jobs for breaking enemies and clearing break gauges.
  • Easy to build around, whether it be for extending buffs with the Martial Master or landing easier kills with the Iron Fist Champion


  • Very vulnerable to enemy attacks with Explosive Fist, as it cause the character to enter a stationary stance.
  • Rather unspecialized. Can be replaced with the Thief, Monk, or Assassin.


This job gives a stat bonus to Agility, giving the character more break damage upon landing a critical hit.

Job Stat Rating and Growth by Level
Stat Rating Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 55 Lvl 80 Lvl 99 Lvl 120 Lvl 135 Lvl 150+
HP C 900 1489 1927 2050 2143 2269 2359 2449
Strength B 16 19 32 32 32 32 32 32
Agility B 16 19 32 32 32 32 32 32
Stamina C 15 18 30 30 30 30 30 30
Intellect D 14 17 28 28 28 28 28 28
Spirit D 14 17 28 28 28 28 28 28
Luck C 15 18 30 30 30 30 30 30

Recommended Subjobs[]


Hunter is an excellent support job for any physical job, especially those that deal in Agility. Analyze is helpful to bolster your attacks with the Pugilist's excellent damage speed with the addition of bypassing resistances. This can also aid in MP management should the Pugilist have the Lancet support ability at the ready.


Similar to Hunter, Tyrant is a good support job for any physical job, especially those that deal in Intellect. The Tyrant's Enchantments help to add elemental attributes to your attacks for the Pugilist's less than stellar damage output by easily taking advantage of elemental weaknesses and gain MP.


Monk probably remains the most popular support job for Pugilists at any level. The Monk's stats compliment Pugilists well and provide a moderate boost in total HP and means of quick attacks. Also, the Monk's Focus ability is useful for total damage output and damage mitigation.

Recommended Weapon Abilities[]

SOP Knuckles Equip Icon

Ability MP Cost Description Required Weapon/Affinity
One-Inch Punch
One-Inch Punch SOPFFO
100 [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Unleash an explosive burst of energy, striking any nearby enemies and knocking them back.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Sonic Knuckles
Killer Knuckles
Phantom Baghnakhs

Grappling Master Affinity
Spiraling Claw
Spiraling Claw SOPFFO
100 [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Launch forward into your enemies with a spinning slash.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Dueling Claws
Inferno Claws
Raptor Claws

Grappling Master Affinity
Death Claw
Death Claw SOPFFO
100~ Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Perform a quick slash. Hold R2 for successive attacks.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Dueling Claws
Inferno Claws
Raptor Claws

Grappling Master Affinity
Meteor Strike
Meteor Strike SOPFFO
200 [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Slam the ground, sending forth shock waves that deal heavy break damage and knock enemies back.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Maverick Knuckles

Grappling Master Affinity
Brutal Bash
Brutal Bash SOPFFO
100 [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Counter any incoming attacks on activation, kicking the attacker into the air and then throwing them toward the ground. *(Does not throw larger enemies and bosses.)

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Maverick Knuckles

Grappling Master Affinity
Iron Palm
Iron Palm SOPFFO
200 [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Dash towards the enemy and unleash a powerful reverse punch that deals strike damage.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Soul of Earth
Any Artifact or Relic Knuckles after clearing Floor 12

Grappling Master Affinity