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Urianger would speak with you regarding the unidentified primal.

Quest description

Primal Awakening Primal Awakening is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • Cryptic as ever, Urianger informs you that the as-yet-unidentified primal may soon awaken. He then reveals that an equally unidentified individual who is known to the Scions has taken it upon herself to investigate the being, and would solicit your assistance. Make your way to Wineport in eastern La Noscea, where the mystery maiden awaits.
  • You arrive at Wineport to find Alphinaud's twin sister, Alisaie, who has been conspicuous by her absence throughout your struggles thus far. She reveals to you that Castrum Occidens straddles a cavern formed in the wake of the Calamity, and expresses her desire to probe its uncharted depths. Fight your way through the imperial stronghold and seek a path down into the darkness.
  • You have found the entrance to the cavern in the innermost sector of Castrum Occidens. Report your success to Storm Private J'brohka.
  • J'brohka reveals to you that she is in the service of Alisaie, although she has enlisted with the Maelstrom for reasons of convenience. Her affiliations thus declared, J'brohka urges you to spare neither preparation nor caution for your expedition. Alisaie believes the truth of the Calamity sleeps within the cavern's unknown depths...but will she find the answers she seeks?

The Binding Coil of Bahamut can be accessed via the Duty Finder.


  • Report to the mystery individual at Wineport.
  • Fight your way through Castrum Occidens.
  • Report to J'brohka.


Primal Awakening Primal Awakening script
Urianger When the senary moon did wane, there sounded a bloodcurdling roar. A new primal had roused, the portents gave us to believe, one whose identity yet lieth beyond our ken.
Urianger By thy hand, three primals have since been vanquished. As each returned to the aether, 'twas observed that tremors foreshadowing this fourth grew in strength and frequency both.
Urianger The being doth quicken, and in time it shall become a scourge upon the land.
Urianger Yet even as we pondered a course of action, a benevolent soul did arise, one who would forestall this threat. Though she be tender in years, she is true of heart and steadfast of resolve.
Urianger She would solicit thine aid, if thou art willing to proffer it. Lest thou wonder, this maiden is of our order. Thus did the Antecedent straightways consent that thou shouldst assist her howsoever thou mayest.
Urianger As soon as thou art able, hie thee to Wineport, where thy petitioner doth await thee even now. Thou shalt for a certainty find her visage strikingly familiar.
Alisaie It has been a while, adventurer. As I recall, my brother Alphinaud took the liberty of introducing us when first─and last─we met.
Alisaie But for the sake of propriety...Alisaie Leveilleur. I thank you for coming.
Alisaie I have heard much and more of your exploits. By your hand, the Black Wolf is slain, and his Ultima Weapon destroyed.
Alisaie You are possessed of great strength and courage, that much is plain. I shall have need of one such as you if I am to see my mission through to its conclusion.
Alisaie As you may be aware, the violence of Dalamud's fall changed not only the face of the realm, but also the base of the realm. Specifically, it played havoc with the aetheric currents, creating vast confluences of aether below the surface. Among other phenomena, this led to the formation of subterranean caverns at key points of stress.
Alisaie One such cavern lies beneath Castrum Occidens, and extends to only the gods know where.
Alisaie Despite appearances, Castrum Occidens is as much a research facility as it is a fortress. Gaius van Baelsar chose the site for no other reason than to probe the caverns without interference.
Alisaie As you went about vanquishing the returned primals, I observed a repeating wave pattern in the aether, corresponding exactly to the dates on which you were reported to have felled Ifrit, Titan, and Garuda. Upon closer examination, it became clear that these unique waveforms emanated from deep beneath the aforementioned stronghold.
Alisaie Crucially, I recorded the same pattern during the recent celebrations, and have since been given to understand that this phenomenon bears a disquieting similarity to one observed shortly prior to the Calamity.
Alisaie Five years ago, my grandfather invoked the power of the Twelve that he might contain Bahamut.
Alisaie Alas, his efforts failed, and he vanished, together with his foe.
Alisaie I would know the truth of what transpired that day─of Grandfather's fate, and of the metamorphosis that swept across the land.
Alisaie In casting light upon these mysteries, we will find a way to cure what ails this world.
Alisaie It is my belief that the answers I seek lie hid within the depths of the cavern. I would have you accompany me on an expedition to find them, [Player Name].
Alisaie If truth be told, I am not wont to rely upon others, and have thus far handled matters alone. Yet I am not blind to my limitations. Unescorted, I cannot hope to succeed in this endeavor.
Alisaie I swore that I would find a way to restore peace to Eorzea. If you desire the selfsame, then aid me, as you aided my brother and the Scions.
Alisaie I am in your debt. You are a woman/man of action, and I sense that we will accomplish much together.
Alisaie But let us not waste any more time. As I mentioned, Castrum Occidens straddles the cavern I wish to explore. If I am to have a hope of reaching it alive, I will need you to infiltrate the stronghold first and locate a path into the depths.
Alisaie Once you have done so, pray report your success to Storm Private J'brohka. You may consider her my assistant here in Wineport.
Alisaie I have every faith that you will not fail me. Twelve speed your way, [Player Name].
Alisaie As I mentioned, Castrum Occidens straddles the cavern I wish to explore. If I am to have a hope of reaching it alive, I will need you to infiltrate the stronghold first and locate a path into the depths.
J'brohka I've been expecting you, [Player Name]. By your coming, I take it you have successfully located the cavern entrance inside Castrum Occidens?
J'brohka ...So that's where it's to be found! Marvelous! Oh, but allow me to properly introduce myself. J'brohka is my name, and it is my honor to serve Lady Alisaie. Though, for reasons of convenience, at present I also serve the Maelstrom.
J'brohka This uniform accords me certain privileges, you see─in particular, ready access to the Maelstrom's regional scouting reports. They provide a wealth of local knowledge, including information on secret passages.
J'brohka ...But enough about me. I shall notify Lady Alisaie of your discovery, that she may prepare for the expedition.
J'brohka Though I don't doubt your abilities, none can say what dangers lurk beneath Castrum Occidens. For my lady's sake as well as your own, please spare neither preparation nor caution. Pray choose your companions well.
Alisaie The scars left by the Calamity...
Alisaie I can scarce breathe for the surfeit of aether...
Alisaie Tell me, have you ever seen corrupted crystals such as these?
Alisaie Such crystals manifested across the realm when the course of the great river of aether was irrevocably altered five years ago.
Alisaie Behold one of the objects that caused that alteration: a fragment of the lesser moon, Dalamud.
Alisaie Ancient Allag created Dalamud─or Meteor, to use the Garlean name─to serve as a celestial prison for Bahamut.
Alisaie Its fall inflicted grievous wounds upon the land─wounds that have yet to heal, as is evident from the corrupted crystals.
Alisaie Amazing... Dalamud's internal defenses still function in spite of everything─a testament to the ingenuity of the Allagans.
Alisaie The Garleans seek to appropriate their advanced technology, I am certain of it.
Alisaie We are about to come face-to-face with secrets that have long lain buried within the sands of time.
Alisaie Great dangers may lie beyond, but we have come too far to turn back. The truth of the Calamity is within reach.
Alisaie <gasp> Gods preserve...
Alisaie Dark wings that would engulf the very heavens...
Alisaie These could only belong to Bahamut, the primal who laid Eorzea to waste five years ago.
Alisaie At Carteneau, my grandfather sought to imprison Bahamut anew by invoking the power of the Twelve.
Alisaie Alas, the dreadwyrm proved too powerful, and he soon broke free of his confines.
Alisaie Yet instead of resuming the destruction he had begun, Bahamut vanished. Whither to, no one knew...until this day.
Alisaie But I do not understand... If Bahamut is truly a primal, how is it that he retains his physical form?
Alisaie Did Grandfather defeat him? Or is there some other explanation?
Alisaie We must press on if we are to learn the truth.
Alisaie This is going rather more smoothly than I expected. It is indeed convenient to have a hero on hand.
Alisaie Gods... That the cavern should open up again, even at this depth...
Alisaie Hah! This resembles a finger...
Alisaie <gasp> And so it should! This is Bahamut's hand!
Alisaie As with the wings, it seems to be frozen, and for that I count my blessings. But again I find myself wondering, how is it able to retain physical form?
Alisaie I had assumed that Bahamut's reversion to aether was the cause of the widespread changes to the realm. But if he is still here, then that theory no longer holds.
Alisaie What was it, then, that brought about the realm's sudden regeneration? There is still so much we do not know about Carteneau...
Alisaie I haven't the slightest inkling how deep these caverns run, but we must continue.
Alisaie This contraption... Is it used to control the saturation of aether?
Alisaie I suppose there is only one way to find out.
Alisaie The dragon you vanquished earlier─doubtless you noticed the peculiar contraption about its neck.
Alisaie It was likely a receptor of some description, used to enslave the creature.
Alisaie Ancient Allag possessed the means to control dragons, it would seem. The Ishgardians would kill for this knowledge, though to be sure, it could as easily be brought to bear against them.
Alisaie An army of dragons could turn the tide of any battle, as the Garleans once learned to their sorrow. I would not be the least bit surprised if they now sought to exploit this power.
Alisaie Whatever their plans, this serves as another reminder of the might of the Allagans. One cannot help but wonder how so advanced a civilization came to fall.
Alisaie Gods be good...
Alisaie This is...this is Bahamut's head!
Alisaie And that enormous crystal─it pulsates as if it were a heart! Then the primal that had awakened...was Bahamut all this time!?
Alisaie No! No, no, NO! This cannot be true! This...this would mean that Grandfather died for naught!
Alisaie Confound it! We do not know enough to strike at it now! We must withdraw!
Alisaie Who...? Who is that? can't be...
Alisaie Grandfather? Is it truly you?
Alisaie No... Don't leave me again... Please...
Alisaie Grandfather!!!
Alisaie I-I know... We can do no more for now...
Alisaie Hm? But this looks like...
Alisaie How did we come to be in northern Thanalan of all places?
Alisaie Oh, but such details matter little!
Alisaie Grandfather's alive, [Player Name]!
Alisaie Bahamut did not defeat him!
Alisaie But why won't he return to us? I don't understand...
Alisaie This expedition has yielded more questions than it did answers.
Alisaie At any rate, we would both be better for a rest. Let us return to the Waking Sands and reflect upon what we have seen.
Alisaie Thank you, [Player Name]. Without you, none of this would have been possible.
Quest complete.