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Gabineaux at Gabineaux's Bower is looking for an adventurer to deal with a parasite funguar infestation.

Quest description

Parasite Cleave Parasite Cleave is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • Defeat the parasites after using the amber unguent you received from Gabineaux to peel them from the three specified trees.
  • You have exterminated the parasite funguars. Report to Gabineaux at Gabineaux's Bower.
  • Gabineaux is nothing short of ecstatic at the news of the funguars' demise. It seems he had been unable to sleep for worry, but your deeds have put his mind at rest.


  • Apply the amber unguent to the ailing trees and slay parasite funguars.
  • Report to Gabineaux at Gabineaux's Bower.


Parasite Cleave Parasite Cleave script
Gabineaux Gods damn you mushroom-headed, spindly-legged, spore-spewing abominations! Suck the life out of my precious trees, will you!?
Gabineaux Damn you to the seven─ Hm? Oh! Thank the Matron! You look like just the sort to help me deal with this nightmare.
Gabineaux My poor trees─trees I have tended since they were scarcely saplings, I might add─have been infested with parasite funguars! If I let those pests have their way, my babies will be naught but deadwood before the week is out.
Gabineaux Smear a little of this amber unguent on an infested tree, though, and the horrid creatures will drop clean off─allowing you to administer adventurer-style vengeance!
Gabineaux Mwahahahahaha! Did you hear that, you malignant toadstools!? Your end is nigh!
Gabineaux You'll rue the day you─ Ahem! My apologies. The wrath was upon me. Fear not, I am now quite calm. So, the funguars─bastards that they are─have attached themselves to three trees.
Gabineaux Once you've ground those treacherous mushrooms into a pulp beneath your righteous boots, come back and tell me exactly how it felt!
Gabineaux Well? Did you take care of my funguar infestation? Yes! At last, I can enjoy a restful night's sleep...
Gabineaux I must say, I'm glad to meet an adventurer of such talents! Just look at you in all your fungus-spattered glory! You have my thanks!
Quest complete.