Setzer Gabbiani is a Gambler from Final Fantasy VI.
The Gambler (ギャンブラー, Gyanburā?), also localized as Lady Luck, is a recurring job in the Final Fantasy series that relies on chance and luck in battle. Their abilities consist of random effects that are powerful when successful, but detrimental if unsuccessful. Gamblers use unorthodox weapons associated with gambling, like dice and playing cards. Their trademark ability is Slots, which allow them to pull slot wheels to initiate attacks based on the results.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Setzer's job was removed from the North American Super Nintendo version. In the Final Fantasy III Nintendo Player's Guide, his job is given as Gambler. The English Game Boy Advance version retains the job titles and Setzer is a Gambler. His weapons consist of dice, cards, and darts, and his special ability is Slot. Befitting for his job in the battle system, Setzer runs a casino aboard his airship.
Final Fantasy VII[]
Cait Sith has two Limit Breaks, Dice and Slots. Outside of battle, he has posed as a fortune teller. Tifa also spins slot wheels in her Limit Break: stopping them correctly powers up her attacks.
Final Fantasy VIII[]
Though characters have no specific job classes, Selphie has the Slot command as her Limit Break. The command does not involve slot wheels, instead, Selphie cycles through a random list of spells and numbers, performing the chosen spell the specified number of times when the player executes the command.
Final Fantasy X[]
Wakka's Overdrive consists of him spinning three slot wheels. Depending on how many symbols the player lines up, and which type of Slots command is being used, Wakka attacks one or more enemies, the results affecting which elements and status effects the attacks take on, and how many times Wakka attacks.
Final Fantasy X-2[]
The Lady Luck dressphere (known as "Gambler" in the Japanese release) can be first obtained in Chapter 3 as a prize from the Sphere Break tournament. It is otherwise obtainable in Chapter 5 if the player lost the tournament. The Lady Luck's abilities rely on chance to deal out various effects in battle.
Final Fantasy XI[]
Corsairs are obtained through a difficult sidequest. Their abilities generate random numbers between one and six (corresponding to rolling a die), and various effects can be activated depending on the results.
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]
The Party Host crown is obtained after defeating Rolan in Spelvia. It specializes in abilities that Psych Up up the party. Its second to last ability, Pot Luck, works similarly to the gamblers' Slots command in other Final Fantasy games, calling for random effects to happen that may be either beneficial or detrimental. Its Japanese name, (遊び人, Asobinin?), is an alternative word for Gambler.
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]
The Gambler class can be unlocked by completing all the quests in the Moore Region.

Mobius Final Fantasy[]

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin[]

The Gambler is an Expert Job available after unlocking the corresponding node in the Hunter Job Tree. The Gambler is a support job that specializes in adapting to various situations relying on chance and a copious amounts of Luck in battle. It provides many powerful buffs and spells in a slot-wheel. It can be used as an unpredictable main job that can constantly dole out buffs while dealing critical hits and heavy magic damage, or serve as a good cover-all subjob that can supply great MP management, drop rate, and a surplus buffs for any playstyle. To help with the success of each pull, the Gambler's passives include an increase in Luck, MP recovered from Soul Bursts, and the duration of buffs gained from said slots.
Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]
Knights of the Crystals[]
The Gambler appears on a gold card.
(Bakuto, 博徒?) were itinerant gamblers in Japan from the 18th century to the mid-20th century. They were one of the forerunners of the modern Japanese crime gangs known as yakuza. Bakuto plied their trade in feudal Japan, playing traditional games such as hanafuda and dice. They were mostly social outcasts who lived outside the laws and norms of society.
Worldwide, gambling as a profession has been seen as a romanticized way of life, not unlike the idea of the chivalrous thief and treasure seeking pirates. With a life living on nothing but the lot of the draw, a professional gambler's life could be both exciting with highs of big wins to extreme lows where one could lose it all. Because of their profession's close proximity with confidence tricksters, grifters, and extortionists, gamblers could draw the ire of crime lords, loan sharks, and more crooked parlor runners and shady gamblers, seeing them as a threat to their finances and operations by their windfalls, making street smarts and fighting back to even their own odds as much of a part of their lives. The romance of being able to live life winning exciting games of chance remains a popular fantasy, even a goal, for some.