Vanille approaches the first mission mark, the Ectopudding.
Missions in Final Fantasy XIII are quests that give the player party a target monster to defeat. They are found on the world of Gran Pulse, and can be repeated. Cie'th Stones will divulge the information about a certain monster that must be destroyed. There are 64 missions in all, some of which are overseen by the fal'Cie Titan.
Some of the Cie'th Stones have special properties:
- Waystones serve as teleporters when the missions are completed, allowing travel to other activated waystones.
- Palings emanate road blocks which dissipate when the missions are completed.
The toughest missions are battles against The Undying which normally have a specific effect on the area in which they take place.
Redoing missions is nearly essential for obtaining the trophy L'Cie Paragon that requires one to finish all missions with a 5-star rating. Other trophies obtained by completing missions are the Kelger's Cup for completing all D-rank missions, Xezat's Chalice for completing all mid-level missions, Dorgann's Trophy for completed all high-level Cie'th Stone missions, Exorcist for completing all the Undying missions, Floraphobe for defeating Gigantuar, Natural Selector for passing all of Titan's Trials, and Galuf's Grail for completing all of the Cie'th Stone missions.
Quick reference table[]
Mission list[]
01 - Pond Scum[]
Mark: | Ectopudding | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe – Central Expanse | |
Class: | D |
The gelatinous rube beside that pond is the very ectopudding I seek! I need only slay it to avoid becoming a Cie'th.
How many years must it have been since I left the village in pursuit of that vile pest? My brand will not wait forever. I must kill it, and quick. And then, when I awaken from my crystal slumber, I can help to repair the ruin it left in its wake...
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe – Central Expanse, near the exit to Vallis Media
- Mark location: Near the pond in the middle of the Central Expanse
- Initial reward: Energy Sash
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x3
- Rank earned: Good Samaritan
02 - Goodwill Hunting[]
Mark: | Uridimmu | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe – Central Expanse | |
Class: | D |
Time runs short. Today is the day I put an end to that troublesome uridimmu! The problem, I fear, will be the pack of loyal gorgonopsids. The master alone is a worthy enough foe. Must I face the hounds as well?
Alas...if it must be so, so be it.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe – Central Expanse, near the mark from mission 01
- Mark location: Approximately south of the Cie'th Stone's location
- Additional foes: Gorgonopsid x4
- Initial reward: Cobaltite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x3
03 - Massif Contamination[]
Mark: | Ugallu | |
Locale: | Yaschas Massif - Tsubaddran Highlands | |
Class: | D |
I must hurry to the Yaschas Massif. For the ugallu—lord of its peaks—is my prey. Yet those peaks loom distant on the horizon, and already my limbs refuse the urgings of my mind. Please, obey but for a few days more!
Would that I could still the passage of time...
- Additional details
- Stone Location: Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse, near the mark from Mission 02
- Mark Location: Yaschas Massif - Tsubaddran Highlands
- Initial reward: Platinum Bangle
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x3
- Rank earned: Mercifex
04 - A Hero's Charge[]
Mark: | Adroa | |
Locale: | Yaschas Massif - The Ascendant Scarp | |
Class: | D |
You mean to tell me my Focus is to hunt that one-eyed adroa that plagues the Ascendant Scarp? Did I really need to be made a l'Cie to go hunting? Did I not do that every day? Are l'Cie not meant to fight Cocoon? Is that not the reason I left, boasting of the feats of heroism I would accomplish?
...Am I never to return home again?
- Additional details
- Stone location: Yaschas Massif - Tsubaddran Highlands
- Mark location: Yaschas Massif - The Ascendant Scarp
- Additional foes: Adroa x 3, Verdelet x 2
- Initial reward: Pearl Necklace
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x3
- Waystone
05 - Joyless Reunion[]
Mark: | Edimmu | |
Locale: | Yaschas Massif - Tsumitran Basin | |
Class: | D |
So, I'm told to rid the world of Edimmu. She was prowling the Tsumitran Basin last I heard.
Perhaps it is time to pay her a final visit, and join her as a Cie'th. I could not bear to raise a weapon against my own wife, after all. Not even if her mind is no longer her own.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Yaschas Massif - The Ascendant Scarp
- Mark location: Yaschas Massif - Tsumitran Basin
- Initial reward: Sorcerer's Mark
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x3
06 - No Place Like Home[]
Mark: | Munchkin Maestro | |
Locale: | Yaschas Massif - The Pass of Paddra | |
Class: | C |
At last, reason to be thankful for the gift of l'Cie power! I am charged with slaying a munchkin maestro—the very creature which brought devastation upon my home I left behind.
When I have put an end to this demon, and saved the village... please, bear my crystal to the forum. There I shall rest, never to leave my beloved home again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis
- Mark location: Yaschas Massif - The Pass of Paddra
- Additional foes: Munchkin x 4
- Initial reward: Fulmen Ring
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x3
- Waystone
07 - Bituitus, the Pillager[]
Mark: | Bituitus | |
Locale: | Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis | |
Class: | C |
The Undying—fearsome Cie'th who defy fal'Cie will, driven by an intense loathing of all that lives. The Pillager, Bituitus, is of their number, and it is my fate to seal his.
Villages that survived the war remain unsafe, for his path of destruction sweeps through them all. Even my own fell before him. The demon is said to make his fastness in the Paddraean archaeopolis, but he will find no sanctuary from me there.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis
- Mark location: Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis
- Initial reward: R&D Depot
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x5
- Rank earned: Archaeopolitan Idol
08 - The Eleventh Hour[]
Mark: | Rakshasa | |
Locale: | Vallis Media - Atzilut's Tears | |
Class: | C |
A rakshasa lurks along the route to the Yaschas Massif, and I'm supposed to hunt it down? I think I'll pass! If it's crystal or Cie'th, my life is over anyway. I might as well make the most of it! From here on out, I live for me!
- Additional details
- Stone location: Vallis Media - Base Camp
- Mark location: Vallis Media - Atzilut's Tears
- Additional foes: Flan x 3
- Initial reward: Collector Catalog
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x3
- Waystone
09 - Heave-ho[]
Mark: | Kaiser Behemoth | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse | |
Class: | C |
Even with the power of a l'Cie—a kaiser behemoth? Really? So I have the choice of being gored to death beside that pond, or wandering the wild as an eternally damned Cie'th? Lovely.
All those years of hard work and careful planning of this! I should have lived more for the moment.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse
- Initial reward: Rhodochrosite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x3
- Waystone
10 - Hollow Hope[]
Mark: | Ambling Bellows | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain | |
Class: | C |
The war claimed my family.
The war claimed my home.
This focus is my last remaining hope.
I long for the release of crystal sleep. Perhaps when I wake the world will be a better place. I should hurry and destroy the ambling bellows raising havoc on the steppe's northern highplain.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain
- Initial reward: Super Conductor x4
- Repeat reward: Thrust Bearing x3
11 - Pride Before a Fall[]
Mark: | Adroa | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse | |
Class: | C |
My focus this time appears to be dispatching an adroa on the Archylte Steppe. I don't know how many years have passed since the fal'Cie last called upon me, but there seem to be more beasts about.
Not that it matters. Provided I can complete my Focus and retain my master's favor, I will never die. And a little hardship is a small price to pay for an eternity of peaceful dreaming.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse
- Additional foes: Adroa x5
- Initial reward: Frost Ring x2
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x3
12 - Geiseric, the Profane[]
Mark: | Geiseric | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Western Benchland | |
Class: | C |
The Undying—fearsome Cie'th who defy fal'Cie will, driven by an intense loathing of all that lives. Geiseric, the Profane, is of their number, and my Focus is his doom. He is said to lead a horde of Cie'th on the steppe's western benchland.
To think you would become such a Cie'th, Geiseric! You, who would not harm a fly. Whatever part of you lingers in that grotesque prison of crystal and flesh must suffer. I will set you free my friend.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Arid Strath
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Western Benchland
- Initial reward: Royal Armlet
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x5
- Rank earned: Baneslayer
- Paling
13 - Eternity Unpromised[]
Mark: | Goblin Chieftain | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain | |
Class: | C |
It is a cruel and contemptible contest the fal'Cie have devised, but one from which I may not yet absent myself. We assembled l'Cie must overcome innumerable obstacles as we compete to slay the goblin chieftain on the northern highplain. The prize? Freedom from bondage as a l'Cie.
I will win, be made human again, and return to propose to my lover, from whose arms the tyrant fal'Cie stole me.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain
- Additional foes: Goblin x3
- Initial reward: Cobaltite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x4
14 - Defender of the Flock[]
Mark: | Sahagin | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Font of Namva | |
Class: | C |
A sahagin infestation threatens the steppe chocobos who roost at the Font of Namva—those gentle souls I've known since I was a child!
The great and merciful fal'Cie heard my plea, and granted me the power to save them, I may never again be able to feel the warmth of their golden down, but I can think of no happier way to spend eternity than watching over them from the water's edge.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Western Benchland
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Font of Namva
- Additional foes: Sahagin, Ceratosaur x2
- Initial reward: Gysahl Reins - grants the ability to ride chocobos on the Archylte Steppe
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x3
- Rank earned: Feathered Friend
- Complete missions 1-13 to access this mission.
15 - Tribal Warfare[]
Mark: | Goblin Chieftain | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain | |
Class: | C |
There are other l'Cie who share my Focus. The first to complete it is the winner, with freedom from this l'Cie fate as his prize. But for all who have tried, none have yet survived.
...So I guess that will make me the first! No more being a fal'Cie tool for me! Just need to take out that goblin chieftain on the northern highplain, near the range of the behemoth king...
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain
- Additional foes: Goblin x6
- Initial reward: Survivalist Catalog
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x4
- A chocobo is needed to reach the stone.
16 - Surrogate Slayer[]
Mark: | Sahagin | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Font of Namva | |
Class: | B |
My dear, sweet sister set out with her grandiose dreams of saving the chocobos, but never returned. I have sought her crystal high and low, but it is nowhere to be found. Can it be that she turned into a Cie'th? No, she will return—she must. But until she does, there is no one to defend the flock.
Perhaps if I complete her Focus, the fal'Cie will set her free? I will set out for the Font of Namva at dawn, and put an end to the sahagin's predation!
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Font of Namva
- Additional foes: Sahagin, Ceratoraptor x4
- Initial reward: Rhodochrosite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x4
17 - A Widow's Wrath[]
Mark: | Pulsework Champion | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain | |
Class: | B |
A Pulsework champion that had been working the Mah'habara Subterra Subterra has gone haywire, and is now raising chaos on the steppe's northern highplain. It is my Focus to see the automaton deactivated—a duty which I undertake not only at the fal'Cie's behest, but for my husband, whom the accursed machine butchered.
By all that is sacred, I will not rest until I have torn it washer from bolt!
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain
- Initial reward: Perfect Conductor x3
- Repeat reward: Piezoelectric Element x4
- Waystone
18 - So Close, Yet So Far[]
Mark: | Ambling Bellows | |
Locale: | Mah'habara Subterra - Twilit Cavern | |
Class: | C |
Who designed this place? It's a maze of dead ends! How am I supposed to find the ambling bellows? Knowing it's in a twilight cavern doesn't help much when I'm trapped in a maze of the blasted things!
Curse my luck. I'm running out of time. I'd every intention of fulfilling my Focus, and now I'm going to end up a Cie'th!
- Additional details
- Stone location: Mah'habara Subterra - Twilit Cavern
- Mark location: Mah'habara Subterra - Twilit Cavern
- Additional foes: Hoplite x4
- Initial reward: Sorcerer's Mark
- Repeat reward: Piezoelectric Element x4
- Rank earned: Dismantler
- Waystone
19 - Triangle of Tragedy[]
Mark: | Uridimmu | |
Locale: | Sulyya Springs - Subterranean Lake | |
Class: | C |
Time is of the essence. He must not defeat me in this! I must be the one to slay the uridimmu at Sulyya Springs.
We were always together—he, my princess and I—but it was he who won her love. Were he now to turn to crystal, I fear it would break her heart... and so it must be me! Then my princess can live out her days in happiness, as a princess rightly should.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Sulyya Springs - Ceiling of Sky
- Mark location: Sulyya Springs - Subterranean Lake
- Additional foes: Uridimmu x4
- Initial reward: Cobaltite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
- Waystone
20 - Words Unspoken[]

Goblin Chieftain and his entourage.
Mark: | Goblin Chieftain | |
Locale: | Taejin's Tower - The Palisades | |
Class: | C |
When father told me he was leaving us, I struck him full in the face. I can still remember the look in his eye to this day... just as I'll never forget the way he picked himself up and left without a word. I found out later that he had turned to crystal. It pain me now to think of how I never made any attempt to understand how he suffered under the burden of his Focus. That is why I must triumph over the goblin chieftain near Taejin's Tower—so that someday I can tell him that I am sorry.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Taejin's Tower - The Palisades
- Mark location: Taejin's Tower - The Palisades
- Additional foes: Goblin x2, Munchkin Maestro, Munchkin
- Initial reward: Rhodochrosite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
- Waystone
21 - A Tremulous Terror[]

Mark: | Gelatitan | |
Locale: | Taejin's Tower - Second Tier | |
Class: | C |
Brave soul, head my plea and we shall bring light to your dark path.
Know that a gelatitan holds my power thrall within this spire. Slay it and I shall once more be free.
If you can but restore the strength of my two brethren and I, here on the second tier, the way will be opened unto you.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Taejin's Tower - Second Tier
- Mark location: Taejin's Tower - Second Tier
- Initial reward: Speed Sash
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x4
- Menhirrim
22 - Infernal Machine[]

Ambling Bellows and Cryptoses.
Mark: | Ambling Bellows | |
Locale: | Taejin's Tower - Second Tier | |
Class: | C |
Puissant soul, head my plea and we shall bring light to your dark path.
Know that an ambling bellows holds my power thrall within this spire. Slay it and I shall once more be free.
If you can but restore the strength of my two brethren and I, here on the second tier, the way will be opened unto you.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Taejin's Tower - Second Tier
- Mark location: Taejin's Tower - Second Tier
- Additional foes: Cryptos x2
- Initial reward: Particle Accelerator x3
- Repeat reward: Electrode x3
- Menhirrim
23 - Natural Defenses[]

Mark: | Gurangatch | |
Locale: | Taejin's Tower - Second Tier | |
Class: | B |
Sage soul, head my plea and we shall bring light to your dark path.
Know that a gurangatch holds my power thrall within this spire. Slay it and I shall once more be free.
If you can but restore the strength of my two brethren and I, here on the second tier, the way will be opened unto you.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Taejin's Tower - Second Tier
- Mark location: Taejin's Tower - Second Tier
- Initial reward: Warrior's Wristband
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x4
- Menhirrim
24 - A Potent Sting[]

Mark: | Mushussu | |
Locale: | Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier | |
Class: | B |
Tormented soul, head my plea and we shall bring light to your dark path.
Know that a mushussu holds my power thrall within this spire. Slay it and I shall once more be free.
If you can but restore the strength of my two brethren and I, here on the upper tiers, the way will be opened unto you.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier
- Mark location: Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier
- Additional foes: Yakshini x2
- Initial reward: Moonblossom Seed x6
- Repeat reward: Moonblossom Seed
- Menhirrim
25 - Spectral Haunt[]

Mark: | Vetala | |
Locale: | Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier | |
Class: | B |
Enlightened soul, head my plea and we shall bring light to your dark path.
Know that a vetala holds my power thrall within this spire. Slay it and I shall once more be free.
If you can but restore the strength of my two brethren and I, here on the upper tiers, the way will be opened unto you.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Taejin's Tower - Sixth Tier
- Mark location: Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier
- Initial reward: Cobaltite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x6
- Menhirrim
26 - So Shrill, the Cry[]

Mark: | Penanggalan | |
Locale: | Taejin's Tower - Sixth Tier | |
Class: | B |
Defiant soul, head my plea and we shall bring light to your dark path.
Know that a penangglan holds my power thrall within this spire. Slay it and I shall once more be free.
If you can but restore the strength of my two brethren and I, here on the upper tiers, the way will be opened unto you.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier
- Mark location: Taejin's Tower - Sixth Tier
- Additional foes: Chonchon x4
- Initial reward: Diamond Bangle
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x6
- Rank earned: Monumental Ally
- Menhirrim
27 - Mithridates, the Lone[]
Mark: | Mithridates | |
Locale: | Taejin's Tower - Ground Tier | |
Class: | B |
The Undying—fearsome Cie'th who defy fal'Cie will, driven by an intense loathing of all that lives. Mithridates, the lone, is of their number, and his undoing is my burden.
It is said in life he once loved music. I can but hope the notes sounded by the elevator in Taejin's Tower descending from the apex might lure him out, and allow me to restore a touch of harmony to the discord of the tower's tainted song.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Taejin's Tower - The Cloven Spire
- Mark location: Taejin's Tower - Ground Tier
- Initial reward: Blaze Ring
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x6
- Rank earned: Grudge Settler
28 - Faded Glory[]

Mark: | Ceratosaur | |
Locale: | Oerba - Village Proper | |
Class: | C |
This timeworn ghost town is Oerba? I hardly recognize the place! Could the ceratosaurs I've been sent to destroy have done this? And even if they did, what purpose would it serve to eradicate them now? Are the fal'Cie planning to raise a new village in this white wasteland?
Well, whatever they intend, I suppose I'd better get to the harbor where the creatures nest...
- Additional details
- Stone location: Oerba - Village Proper
- Mark location: Oerba - Village Proper
- Additional foes: Ceratosaur x9
- Initial reward: Giant's Glove
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
- Waystone
29 - Faltering Faith[]
Mark: | Juggernaut | |
Locale: | Taejin's Tower - The Palisades | |
Class: | B |
The cloven spire of Taejin's Tower forms the bridge between the Archylte Steppe and the outlying lands. Yet a rampaging juggernaut now bars all passage, and I have been charged with its disposal.
Why do the fal'Cie value that place so? Why do they protect it, and yet stand idly by when our village is threatened? I sense the place must guard some secret of theirs...
- Additional details
- Stone location: Mah'habara Subterra - Maw of the Abyss
- Mark location: Taejin's Tower - The Palisades
- Initial reward: Uraninite
- Repeat reward: Mobius Coil x3
30 - Syphax, the Insidious[]
Mark: | Syphax | |
Locale: | Mah'habara Subterra - Abandoned Dig | |
Class: | B |
The Undying—fearsome Cie'th who defy Fal'Cie will, driven by an intense loathing of all that lives. Syphax, the Insidious, is of their number—a number of which I am tasked with bringing low.
My mark dwells in the abandoned dig Cie'th lair deep withing the bowels of Mah'habara Subterra. He's a treacherous foe, to be sure, but one I must overcome if I am to see my crystallized beloved again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Haerii Oldroad
- Mark location: Mah'habara Subterra - Abandoned Dig
- Additional foes: Numidia x26
- Initial reward: Uraninite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x6
- Rank earned: Heartstriker
- Paling
31 - Newfound Purpose[]
Mark: | Pulsework Champion | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis | |
Class: | B |
It doesn't much matter if it's destroying a Pulsework champion in the Haerii archaeopolis or picking flowers in the yard—if it's my Focus, I'm going to do it. Life was boring before, with nothing to live for. But now I'm a l'Cie, I have a Focus—and life is beautiful, the clouds have parted, and...and there are rainbows! Cie'th or crystal, it's all the same to me—so long as I can put myself to the test, challenge my own limits, and win!
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis
- Additional foes: Seeker x3
- Initial reward: Perfect Conductor x3
- Repeat reward: Crystal Oscillator x2
- Waystone
32 - And Then There Was One[]
Mark: | Amam | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Western Benchland | |
Class: | B |
Fate is not without a sense of irony, it seems. I am commanded to hunt the amam that stalks a pond in the steppe's western benchland—just as the rest of my family were once charged, to their doom. They are Cie'th now, and I alone am left to put an end to the abomination's bloody reign.
I am coming for you creature.
I will have my revenge.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Vallis Media - Earthern Bosom
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Western Benchland
- Initial reward: Glass Buckle
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
33 - A Parent's Pledge[]
Mark: | Adamanchelid | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors | |
Class: | B |
I have been charged with putting down a stray adamanchelid that wanders the steppe's eastern tors, no doubt seeking its lost parents.
What kind of monster could preform such a deed? Not a day goes by I don't recall the pain of losing a child to a rampaging beast. Would I now subject other parents to that fate? No, I forsake my Focus. The cycle of suffering ends here.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Initial reward: White Cape
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
- Rank earned: Adamantine Knight
34 - Zenobia, The Butcher[]
Mark: | Tonberry | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis | |
Class: | B |
The Undying—fearsome Cie'th who defy fal'Cie will, driven by an intense loathing of all that lives. Zenobia, The Butcher, is of their number, and I, of her line. But I go now to stay her blade, as my father and his father before him once attempted.
The Butcher's den is in the old Haerii archaeopolis, at the northern edge of the steppe. There, at the scene of her foulest atrocities, I will expunge her taint, and restore my family's honor.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Way of the Ancients
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis
- Initial reward: Hermes Sandals
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x7
- Rank earned: Curse Lifter
- Paling
- Zenobia is defeated by a Tonberry, therefore the actual mark fought is the Tonberry.
35 - The Road Less Traveled[]
(Titan's Trial A1)[]
Mark: | Gurangatch | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Truthseeker's Rise | |
Class: | C |
The path of the soul is an eternal one—ever changing, ever seeking its own source.
A gurangatch is the gateway to this path. Pass through it, and into the circle's unending flow.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Truthseeker's Rise
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Primeval Crossroads
- Initial reward: Witch's Bracelet
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
36 - Dark Deliverance[]
(Titan's Trial B1)[]
Mark: | Amam | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - A Dance of Shadow | |
Class: | C |
Souls are wrought of shadow or of light; harmony, of a balance between the two.
Rejoin the harmonious circle. Feed the sharpened fangs of the amam, here at the source of shadow's flow.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Primeval Crossroads
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - A Dance of Shadow
- Additional foes: Amam
- Initial reward: Uraninite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x6
37 - Dying of the Light[]
(Titan's Trial B2)[]
Mark: | Rafflesia | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - A Dance of Light | |
Class: | C |
Souls are wrought of shadow or of light; harmony, of a balance between the two.
Rejoin the harmonious circle. Feed the insatiable appetite of the Rafflesia, here at the source of light's flow.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Primeval Crossroads
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - A Dance of Light
- Additional foes: Rafflesia x4
- Initial reward: Star Pendant
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
38 - Moonlit Madness[]
(Titan's Trial C1)[]
Mark: | Verdelet | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Via Lunae | |
Class: | B |
The moon's serene caress reveals a truth that no unknowing eye might see.
The illusions we name boundaries are but challenges to overcome. Overcome the challenge of the verdelet, and a greater truth shall be divulged.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - A Dance of Shadow
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Via Lunae
- Additional foes: Verdelet x2, Adroa
- Initial reward: Diamond Bangle
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
39 - Seeing Stars[]
(Titan's Trial C2)[]
Mark: | Ochu | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Via Stellarum | |
Class: | C |
Scattered starlight reveals a ghostly truth that no unknowing eye might see.
The illusions we name boundaries are but challenges to overcome. Overcome the challenge of the ochu, and a lasting truth shall be divulged.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - A Dance of Shadow/A Dance of Light
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Via Stellarum
- Additional foes: Microchu x2
- Initial reward: Siltstone Ring
- Repeat reward: Moonblossom Seed x2
40 - Solar Power[]
(Titan's Trial C3)[]
Mark: | Verdelet | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Via Solis | |
Class: | B |
Effulgence like to sunlight reveals a truth that no unknowing eye might see.
The illusions we name boundaries are but challenges to overcome. Overcome the challenge of the verdelet, and an undeniable truth shall be divulged.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - A Dance of Light
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Via Solis
- Additional foes: Verdelet
- Initial reward: Zealot's Amulet
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
41 - Gaian Grudge[]
(Titan's Trial D1)[]
Mark: | Tonberry | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Gaian Path | |
Class: | A |
Divine bounty fills the earth with life, giving birth to all creation.
A tonberry stands upon the living earth, consuming stagnation within the flow, ready to decide your fate.
Face its judgment.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Via Lunae
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Gaian Path
- Additional foes: Tonberry x2
- Initial reward: Doctor's Code
- Repeat reward: Tonberry Figurine
42 - Antihero[]
(Titan's Trial D2)[]
Mark: | Borgbear Hero | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Salamandrine Path | |
Class: | B |
Divine will fuel passion's fire, igniting the spark of life in all creation.
A Borgbear hero stands in burning ire, scorching stagnation within the flow, ready to decide your fate.
Face its judgment.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Via Lunae/Via Stellarum
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Salamandrine Path
- Additional foes: Borgbear x4
- Initial reward: Witch's Bracelet
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x7
43 - The Hero Never Dies[]
(Titan's Trial D3)[]
Mark: | Borgbear Hero | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Sylphid Path | |
Class: | B |
Divine breath drives the winds of chaos, molding the form of all creation.
A borgbear hero stands amidst the chaos, blowing stagnation from the flow, ready to decide your fate.
Face its judgment.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Via Stellarum/Via Solis
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Sylphid Path
- Additional foes: Borgbear, Goblin, Goblin Chieftain, Munchkin, Munchkin Maestro
- Initial reward: Speed Sash
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x7
44 - The Old Ones go to Rust[]
(Titan's Trial D4)[]
Mark: | Corrosive Custard | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Nereid Path | |
Class: | A |
Divine love flows within the waters, purifying all creation.
A corrosive custard stands amidst the chaos, cleansing stagnation within the flow, ready to decide your fate.
Face its judgment.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Via Solis
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Nereid Path
- Additional foes: Monstrous Flan, Hybrid Flora
- Initial reward: General's Belt
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x7
45 - Emergent Evolution[]
(Titan's Trial E1)[]
Mark: | Neochu | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne | |
Class: | A |
The soul is vessel to the Divine. Divine will fills it, and through it is truth expressed.
Entreat with the neochu, who sings of earthen bounty, and becomes one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Gaian Path
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne
- Initial reward: Hunter's Friend
- Repeat reward: Moonblossom Seed x3
- Rank earned: Righteous Avenger
46 - On Silent Wings[]
(Titan's Trial E2)[]
Mark: | Zirnitra | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne | |
Class: | A |
The soul's journey has no end. The truth it seeks lies hidden deep within.
Entreat with the zirnitra, who scours the skies in search of answers, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Salamandrine Path
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne
- Initial reward: Gilgamesh Inc.
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x10
- Rank earned: Halcyonian Hero
47 - Unfocused Rage[]
(Titan's Trial E3)[]
Mark: | Raktavija | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne | |
Class: | B |
The soul is without boundary. It exists in all places, at all times.
Entreat with the raktavija, who obscures the guarded truth, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Salamandrine Path
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne
- Initial reward: Mnar Stone
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x10
48 - The Abyss Stares Back[]
(Titan's Trial E4)[]
Mark: | Verdelet | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne | |
Class: | A |
The soul is eternal. Never dying, never fading, it evolves in perpetuity.
Entreat with the verdelet, whose fixed gaze marks relentless change, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Sylphid Path
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne
- Additional foes: Verdelet x4
- Initial reward: Twenty-Sided Die
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x10
49 - Tyrannicide[]
(Titan's Trial E5)[]
Mark: | Tyrant | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne | |
Class: | A |
The soul's transitions are the impulses of the Divine. All life is sifted, sorted, blended, and made one once more.
Entreat with the tyrant, whose blade divides righteous from profane, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Sylphid Path
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne
- Initial reward: Particle Accelerator x7
- Repeat reward: Crystal Oscillator x2
50 - Road to Predation[]
(Titan's Trial E6)[]
Mark: | Humbaba | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne | |
Class: | B |
The soul is one in number—both all and nothing.
Entreat with the humbaba, who defends the balance, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Nereid Path
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne
- Initial reward: Scarletite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x7
51 - Attacus, the Soulless[]
Mark: | Attacus | |
Locale: | Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne | |
Class: | A |
The soul defines existence. Its expression is found in feeling, choice, and action.
Entreat with the Undying Attacus, whose blade is hate made manifest, and become one with life's circle again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Faultwarrens - Sylphid Path/Gaian Path/Salamandrine Path/Nereid Path
- Mark location: Faultwarrens - Titan's Throne
- Initial reward: Genji Glove
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x10
- Rank earned: Guardian of Virtue
52 - Head in the Clouds[]
Mark: | Zirnitra | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors | |
Class: | A |
Why do men dream of flying? And why must we be without wings? True, a nest of vipers hangs in our sky. Yet were the sky the province of all things harmful to life, still would I gladly soar amongst the clouds. What cruel irony then that I should be charged with smiting a winged zirnitra...
Regardless, I had best head to the eastern tors. Then again, crystals cannot fly, and some Cie'th can...
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Western Benchland
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Initial reward: Gale Ring
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x7
53 - Freedom from Fear[]
Mark: | Zirnitra | |
Locale: | Yaschas Massif - The Pass of Paddra | |
Class: | A |
Curse my luck! I've lost it again. Last I saw, it was heading in the direction of... where? The southern part of the Yaschas Massif, perhaps? Damn that zirnitra and its wanderlust! It's caused me so much trouble, I think I'd kill it even if that weren't my Focus!
...And be a crystal when I do. I think I'd better concentrate on the present, and forget about what's to come. This is going to be a long walk.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Mah'habara Subterra - An Asylum from Light
- Mark location: Yaschas Massif - The Pass of Paddra
- Additional foes: Alraune x4
- Initial reward: Blaze Ring
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x10
54 - The Bigger They Are...[]
Mark: | Gigantuar | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors | |
Class: | B |
We five l'Cie are the Shepherds who see the caravan safe from harm. Though we act as one, it falls to me to fulfill our Focus, for I am the leader, and what manner of leader would shirk his most onerous of duties? I could not abide such shame. The eastern tors are the dominion of our mark—a fell gigantuar. It is said to frequent a rise within the oretoise territory. For honor, the fal'Cie, and my brothers, I will slay the spiny scourge, and carve my own legend in its ruined husk.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Initial reward: Cactuar Doll
- Repeat reward: Chocobo Plume x2
- Rank earned: Needleworker
55 - Can't We All Just Get Along?[]
Mark: | Neochu | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Aggra's Pasture | |
Class: | A |
A new variety of ochu, dubbed the neochu, has sprung up in Aggra's Pasture. The pest has been driving the garden—variety ochu out of its limited habitat and straight into the jaws of extinction. Needless to say, my Focus appears to be elimination of the neochu before it can succeed.
Why do the fal'Cie seek to solve every problem by having it killed? Can't they craft a world where we can all just get along?
- Additional details
- Stone location: Oerba - Deserted Schoolhouse
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Aggra's Pasture
- Additional foes: Picochu x 5
- Initial reward: Growth Egg
- Repeat reward: Moonblossom Seed x2
56 - A Toothy Grin[]
Mark: | Ugallu | |
Locale: | Yaschas Massif - The Ascendant Scarp | |
Class: | C |
Expression of the soul creates ripples that travel far and wide. Those ripples quicken life throughout creation.
Entreat with the ugallu, whose heavy footfalls send forth mighty waves, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Mark location: Yaschas Massif - The Ascendant Scarp
- Additional foes: Munchkin x4
- Initial reward: Rhodochrosite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
57 - What's Yours is Brine[]
Mark: | Sahagin | |
Locale: | Vallis Media - Atzilut's Tears | |
Class: | C |
The soul seeks opposite extremes, and rends its fiber in so doing—at once craving autonomy and yearning to be part of a greater whole.
Entreat with the sahagin, who eases suffering souls, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Mark location: Vallis Media - Atzilut's Tears
- Additional foes: Sahagin x2, Alraune x2
- Initial reward: Uraninite
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
58 - The Culler of Many[]
Mark: | Humbaba | |
Locale: | Mah'habara Subterra - The Earthworks | |
Class: | B |
The soul must maintain balance. To be apart from the whole is to foment discord
Entreat with the humbaba, who culls the wayward, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Mark location: Mah'habara Subterra - The Earthworks
- Additional foes: Pulsework Centurion
- Initial reward: Speed Sash
- Repeat reward: Bomb Shell x5
59 - Two-faced Fiend[]
Mark: | Zirnitra | |
Locale: | Sulyya Springs - Subterranean Lake | |
Class: | A |
The soul thirsts for knowledge of the truth it hides within. Yet this truth can only be perceived in the solitude of conflict and discord.
Entreat with the zirnitra, whose moths pierce solitude with wrathful cries, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Mark location: Sulyya Springs - Subterranean Lake
- Additional foes: Ceratoraptor x3
- Initial reward: Energy Sash
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x6
- Rank earned: Hand of Wrath
60 - Dégelà Vu[]
Mark: | Gelatitan | |
Locale: | Taejin's Tower - The Cloven Spire, Apex | |
Class: | A |
The path to enlightenment weaves throughout the valleys of the soul's nexus. At its end, as at its beginning, lies primal knowledge.
Entreat with the gelatitan, that monument to primal form, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Mark location: Taejin's Tower - The Cloven Spire, Apex
- Additional foes: Gelatitan x2
- Initial reward: Mnar Stone
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x7
61 - I, Juggernaut[]
Mark: | Juggernaut | |
Locale: | Oerba - Village Proper | |
Class: | A |
Part the veil of emotion and intellect. Discern the true nature of that to which the soul gives rise.
Entreat with the juggernaut, for whom all obstacles must part, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Mark location: Oerba - Village Proper
- Initial reward: Royal Armlet
- Repeat reward: Crystal Oscillator x2
62 - Indomitable Will[]
Mark: | Raktavija | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse | |
Class: | A |
The soul is as the soul is meant to be. Resist not the flow of its will, and all shall be as ordained.
Entreat with the raktavija, of will unwavering, and become one with life's circle here again.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse
- Additional foes: Raktavija
- Initial reward: Genji Glove
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x10
63 - Crushed by Doubt[]
Mark: | Adamantortoise | |
Locale: | Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors | |
Class: | A |
I've been given the Focus of eliminating a stampeding adamantortoise in the eastern tors of the Archylte Steppe. It seems someone enraged the beast by attacking its young, and the fal'Cie wish it dead.
I understand the danger it poses, but is violence the only solution? I would be enraged if someone attacked my child! It just seems so wrong...
- Additional details
- Stone location: Sulyya Springs - Subterranean Lake
- Mark location: Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors
- Initial reward: Genji Glove
- Repeat reward: Gold Nugget
- Rank earned: Adamantine Crusader
64 - The Doomherald[]
Mark: | Vercingetorix | |
Locale: | Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis | |
Class: | A |
Vercingetorix, bane lord of the Undying, lives on. But how? I smote the fiend's ruin so long ago it seems an eternity. Yet it was my Focus then, as it is now, and at his end I turned to crystal. Did some unearthly power quicken his lifeless corpse again, even as I dreamt?
No matter. I know where he lurks: in the Paddraean archaeopolis, whose doom he did herald. There do I go, to bury the beast as many times as I must.
- Additional details
- Stone location: Oerba - Rust-eaten Bridge
- Mark location: Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis
- Initial reward: Gold Watch
- Repeat reward: Bomb Core x10
- Rank earned: Deliverer of Souls
- "5-Star All Missions" Rank: Great Redeemer
Behind the scenes[]
The trophies/achievements Kelger's Cup, Xezat's Chalice, Dorgann's Trophy, and Galuf's Grail are named after the Warriors of Dawn from Final Fantasy V.