Legacy of Allag script
Outlandish Man
Do I know you? ...Ah! Unless I am very much mistaken, you are the famed adventurer who bested the Garlean Empire's general, are you not? The great [Player Name] herself/himself! Amazing─and more than a little serendipitous. One might even call it fate. I but recently received word of a truly unique opportunity, you see─an opportunity the like of which none but one of your proven worth could take advantage.
Outlandish Man
The reward? Naught less than the accumulated knowledge of a fallen civilization. The risk? A single misstep could cost you your life. But what is a little danger to a storied hero such as you?
Outlandish Man
A woman/man with absolute confidence in her/his own abilities stands to profit handsomely from this venture. No, no, I crave no recompense for my part in bringing this opportunity to your attention─the historic discoveries you shall make will be reward enough, I assure you.
Outlandish Man
If my words have fanned the flames of your curiosity, then I bid you seek a man by the name of Rammbroes at Saint Coinach's Find. It is he who stands at the doorway to untold marvels, awaiting the arrival of a champion bold enough to march across the threshold.
Outlandish Man
It is Saint Coinach's Find to which you must travel. Seek out the man known as Rammbroes, and learn what treasures─and dangers─await you.
Why, if it isn't [Player Name] herself/himself! I was not expecting such a celebrated guest. To what do I owe the honor of this visit?
You were directed here, you say? By a man clad in foreign garb? Well, the opportunity he spoke of must surely refer to our latest anthropogeographical endeavor. Quite how he came to know of it is another matter. All knowledge of this project was supposed to be restricted to my organization...
...But that is something for me to ponder in private. You are here now, and your services will, I am certain, prove invaluable. I must warn you, however, that the venture we have in mind is no simple excavation─an unprepared or incautious adventurer could very well find herself/himself on an unplanned and unpleasant journey to Thal's solemn halls. Knowing this, do you still wish to lend us your cooperation?
I rather thought you would say that. Your courage is scarcely a secret.
Now, the first─
[Player Name]!? I thought it was you!
What brings you to Saint Coinach's? Don't tell me─the Alliance has sent you on another realm-shaking, history-making mission to lay low an apparently insuperable foe, yes? No?
Ah, I see you two are already acquainted. That is well. Master Garlond, our intrepid hero here caught wind of the forthcoming expedition, and has kindly pledged to assist us.
She/He has, has s/he? Glad to have you aboard, [Player Name]! You...don't have the faintest idea what you've volunteered for, do you? Very well, let us begin at the beginning.
The Sons of Saint Coinach are tasked with unearthing the secrets of the long-fallen Allagan Empire, and this present endeavor aims to delve more deeply into the civilization's mysteries than ever before.
...Ah, but I know that look. In the event that you feel ill equipped to contribute much on the subject of Allagan archaeology, I invite you to recall your encounter with the Ultima Weapon.
That mechanical monstrosity represented a feat of engineering far beyond aught Garlemald can presently achieve─Nero tol Scaeva simply awoke it. I mention this by way of a reminder that you have had what one might term...extensive firsthand experience with a notable Allagan relic. In short, you're practically an archaeologist.
Now, to the core of the matter: here in Mor Dhona, there stands an entire Allagan structure which we have yet to investigate. I speak, of course, of the Crystal Tower.
After witnessing the destructive capabilities of the Ultima Weapon, and the lesser moon, Dalamud, before it, it seems wise to treat any remnants from that era with the utmost caution. They must be analyzed, monitored, and─above all─kept from falling into the wrong hands.
To put it plain: I have no wish to see another megalomaniacal legatus wield one of those weapons. It was this thought which first moved me to contact the Sons and propose that the tower be explored.
For several millennia, the Crystal Tower remained hidden, buried deep underground. But, like so many other things that were better left undisturbed, the structure was freed from its stony prison by the great upheaval which accompanied the coming of the Seventh Umbral Era. It now stands revealed in all its splendor, a gleaming spear of crystal, pointed at the bosom of the heavens.
We believe the tower to be the repository of much of the ancients' wisdom. Unfortunately, its entrance is guarded by formidable defenses, and we cannot so much as peep through the keyhole, much less set foot inside.
These defenses take the form of statues, carved into the likeness of giant swordsmen. “The Eight Sentinels,” as the Sons are wont to call them, is the first barrier we must overcome.
Why not simply fly over them in an airship, you ask? It's been tried before: any vessel that ventures too close to the tower is blasted out of the air. We either destroy those statues, or the front door is forever beyond our reach.
My colleagues and I are ill-suited to negotiating such deadly hazards. Thus, if we are to gain access to the tower's secrets, we must needs employ the services of an experienced adventurer.
It will be difficult and dangerous, [Player Name], but I can think of no finer woman/man for the task.
If I didn't know better, I'd say you had a taste for these deadly escapades! I look forward to working with you again.
There is much and more to be done before we can begin the expedition proper. Take some time to prepare yourself, and I shall explain the challenges that lie ahead...
Our first objective is to reach the entrance to the Crystal Tower. As I previously mentioned, however, that will prove no easy task.
The entrance is guarded by powerful defense mechanisms, each utilizing one of the four elements of fire, water, wind, or earth. Anyone attempting to simply stroll past these unsleeping sentinels invites swift obliteration.
Based on Master Garlond's analyses, however, we are reasonably certain that the attacks of these lethal contraptions can be reflected using a crystal of the corresponding element.
Naturally, these crystals must be of surpassing clarity, free of the slightest impurities─much like the flawless specimens used by the beastmen in their primal-summoning rituals.
Ahem. Mayhap I should have said “exactly like” the specimens they use... <sigh> Were there any other way, we would not ask this of you, but we need someone to enter the beast tribe strongholds and “liberate” their perfect crystals.
For the moment, I would have you focus on obtaining two of the four crystals we require. Pray make for La Noscea, where both the Sapsa Spawning Grounds and U'Ghamaro Mines are located.
You may be certain that the materials used in the beastmen's sacred rituals will be well defended. As such, I suggest you join or organize an orchestrated strike with the express purpose of defeating the crystals' guardians. Whatever you do, please be careful!
How progress your efforts in infiltrating the beastman strongholds?
So these are the famed flawless crystals of the beast tribes... I have seen countless specimens from I know not how many excavations, but nothing to compare to these. Their purity is...astounding.
You have done well, [Player Name]. With these in our possession, we lack only the crystals of fire and wind. The former lies in Zahar'ak, the war camp of the Amalj'aa in Thanalan; the latter, in Natalan, the roost of the Ixal in the hills of Coerthas. Claim them for us.
As before, your best course will be to take part in a coordinated attack against the defenders of the crystal caches. I look forward to receiving word of your resounding success!
[Player Name]! It is good to see you. Tell me, were you able to obtain the remaining crystals from the beastmen?
Wonderful! With all four crystals in hand, we are now ready to proceed to the next stage of our preparations.
Ah. I hope I did not give the impression that we would be embarking on our journey to the Crystal Tower just yet. Alas, there is another step which must be completed ere we come to that. While the crystals you acquired are indeed flawless, they are of little use to us in their present form. If they are to reflect the elemental forces of the tower's defenses, they must needs be cut and polished.
...A process which calls for a very particular set of materials. Procuring them will be a challenge in itself, I fear. Needless to say, we will be requiring your services once again...
Quest complete.