Final Fantasy Wiki
FFXIV Idyllshire

The entrance to Idyllshire.

Idyllshire (イディルシャイア, Idirushaia?), pronounced as (I·dull·shy·er), is a location in the Dravanian Hinterlands, introduced in Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward.

Founded by a band of treasure hunters and goblin migrants, it is located at the northern edge of the abandoned city of Sharlayan, just beyond the Cenotaph. In terms of gameplay, it serves as Heavensward's version of Revenant's Toll, housing the endgame vendors.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
FFXIV Idyllshire Aetheryte

The Aetheryte square in Idyllshire.

In the waning years of the Sixth Astral Era, five years after the fall of Ala Mhigo when the Garlean Empire restarted their Eorzean conquest, the scholars of Sharlayan decided to evacuate their settlement in the Dravanian Hinterlands. The city was abandoned in a mass exodus to their motherland in the north, leaving behind buildings and many artifacts.

Over the next fifteen years the site would attract treasure hunters to the remote Dravania wilderness in hopes of salvaging the city's relics. This included the nomadic goblins, who for unclear reasons decided to stay. Making an arrangement with other treasure hunters, they founded a settlement called Idyllshire.

The Warrior of Light, Alphinaud Leveilleur and Y'shtola Rhul arrive at the hinterlands in search of the latter's mentor, Matoya, who did not participate in the exodus. As a major bridge over the Thaliak River is broken, they try another path by the arch called the Cenotaph. They encounter Slowfix, the leader of the settlement. Though initially taken aback by the squatters in the old city of learning, the leader of the treasure hunters, Midnight Dew, clears up any misunderstanding.

The goblins agree to let them cross the river in exchange for some favors, including rescuing Brayflox Alltalks from a confrontation with the Illuminati.

Spoilers end here.


Idyllshire map from FFXIV


Hismena's Allagan Tomestones[]

Hismena collects Allagan Tomestones in exchange for Item Level 200 and Item Level 230 gear that can be exchanged to Seika's Artifact Repair shop for Item Level 210 and Item Level 240 gear.

Purchased items

Hismena collects the following items:

For 490 Tomestones of Esoterics (345 for the Antiquated Hauteclaire) one can purchase the following weapons:

Hismena sells the following armor. Chest and Leg pieces cost 410 Tomestones of Esoterics

Sabina's Alexandrian Gear[]

Seika's Artifact Repair[]

Seika accepts the following items, which she uses to upgrade Item Level 200 and 230 equipment to 210 and 240, respectively.

Seika's upgraded items are as follows:

Upgraded items

Illuminati Gobtwine is used to upgrade Antiquated and Ardent armor to the following:

Illuminati Gobcoat is used to upgrade Ardent accessoriees to the following:

Illuminati Gobdip is used to upgrade Antiquated weapons to the following:

Illuminati Deep Gobtwine can be used to upgrade Eikonic armor to the following:

Illuminati Deep Gobcoat can be used to upgrade Primal accessories to the following:

Bertana's Weapons[]


Idyllshire's climate may exhibit any of the following weather conditions:

Weather Frequency
Clear Skies Clear Skies 30%
Fair Skies Fair Skies 30%
Clouds Clouds 10%
Fog Fog 10%
Rain Rain 10%
Showers Showers 10%

Musical themes[]

The daytime theme for Idyllshire is Paradise Found, while the nighttime theme is Homestead.

Behind the scenes[]

According to the Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXIII, Idyllshire was originally designed to part of the Dravanian Hinterlands zone, but was split off to a separate zone anticipating it becoming a player hub.



Shire is an old English word for "county". Idyll refers to something charmingly simple or rustic. This choice of name may have also been a pun on the word "idle," as Idyllshire was also designed as a place where many endgame players would likely be idling while playing.
