Final Fantasy Wiki

Bloodwing is a Rank V Mark in Final Fantasy XII. The hunt becomes available after felling Judge Bergan at Mt Bur-Omisace. Bloodwing is found in the West Annex area of Barheim Passage. It attacked two escaping prisoners, one being fatally wounded. The other prisoner petitions the mark to avenge his friend.

Clan Primer[]

Hunt 16: The Deserter's Revenge[]


Mark Bill.

Petitioner: No. 381
Petitioner's Location: Dalmasca Estersand (South Bank Village)
  • Saw bill posted for the hunting of a bloodwing (Rank V). The petitioner's name is unknown. He is to be found in the southern part of a village in the Dalmasca Estersand.
  • Heard the details from No. 381 and accepted the hunt. The bloodwing killed his partner, whose death he now wants to avenge. It can be found in the West Annex of the Barheim Passage.
  • Bloodwing defeated! Report to No. 381 in the southern part of the village in the Dalmasca Estersand.
  • Hunt reported. No. 381 departed, satisfied that his friend No. 982's soul was free to rest now.

Bestiary entry[]

Being a Variety of Steeling, transformed into a voracious Drinker of Blood by the Dense Mist in Barheim Passage. Those whom it latches onto are said to be drained to the last Drop. A Man who lost a Comrade to one of their number posted a Bill for this Mark.


AI script[]

Eerie SoundwaveHP >50% (25%)
50% > HP > 20% (5%)
GnawHP >50% (25%)
50% > HP > 20% (5%)
LeechHP >50% (5%)
50% > HP > 20% (25%)
Attack+When HP <50%
Attack CT0When HP <20%

How to find[]

The path to the mark contains many Specters and Dead Bones. If the player takes out these before approaching the Bloodwing, they should be fine. Alternatively, fleeing southwest to the entrance of the Terminus No. 7 Adjunct gives the player a good chance of most, if not all, of the undead enemies giving up the chase, leaving only the Bloodwing to defeat.

If Zalera has already been felled, it may be preferred to go through the back of the Garamsythe Waterway to get to the Barheim Passage West Annex faster without having to slog through as many hordes of undead in the area.


Bloodwing is a flying enemy, but by itself it is not terribly difficult. It uses Leech frequently.


It is a good idea to inflict Disease on it. A good strategy is to inflict Immobilize on it and chip away at it with ranged weapons and magick.




The name is a combination of "blood", from the popular concept of blood-sucking bats, and "wing", referring the flight characteristic. The Japanese name only use the first idea.

Related enemies[]
