Final Fantasy Wiki
FFRK Final Trump FFVI

Final Trump in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

Legendary gambler's lucky deck.

Final Fantasy VI description

Final Trump (ラストリゾート, Rasuto Rizōto?, lit. Last Resort), also known as Last Resort, is a recurring weapon in the Final Fantasy series.


Final Fantasy VI[]

Final Trump is the strongest weapon for Setzer, found only in the Advance and later versions by defeating Ice Dragon at the Dragons' Den, or by betting the Scorpion Tail and winning at Dragon's Neck Coliseum. It provides 215 Attack, 230 Hit Rate, +4 Speed, +4 Strength, +3 Stamina, is long range, and consumes MP when attacking to deal an automatic critical hit.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

The Last Resort is the Zodiac Weapon for Scholar Scholars. It is acquired via the quest His Dark Materia His Dark Materia, by combining reagents acquired from assorted other side quests with a materia created from Omnilex Nexus, the final stage of the scholar's Relic Weapon. The Last Resort can then be upgraded to the Last Resort Zeta, the most powerful Scholar weapon in A Realm Reborn.

The Last Resort's secondary stats are determined by what the player chose to imbue in their Omnilex Novus, and can be redone by acquiring and imbuing a new Sphere Scroll: Omnilex from Hubairtin in Central Thanalan and presenting it to Jalzahn Daemir in the North Shroud.

Last Resort

Last Resort

Scholar's Arm
SCH Lv. 50
Item Level 125
Magic Damage: 80 Auto-attack: 58.24 Delay: 3.12
One of the weapons wielded by the legendary Zodiac Braves.
Mind +51
Vitality +54
Direct Hit Rate +10

Additional secondary stats are customizable.
Alchemist Alchemist
Dyeable: Yes Unique

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒[]

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Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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A trump is a playing card which is elevated above its normal rank in trick-taking games. Typically an entire suit is nominated as a trump suit—these cards then outrank all cards of plain (non-trump) suits. In other contexts, the term trump card can refer to any sort of action, authority, or policy which automatically prevails over all others.
