I couldn't miss the chance to practice my drawing!

Recover in Final Fantasy V.
Recover (かいふく or 回復, Kaifuku?), also known as Heal, Remedy, Restore, Heal 3, Restore III and Recovery, is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series that either removes status ailments or restore HP.
Despite sharing the same English name, the ability has no relation to the Recover ability that appears in Final Fantasy Dimensions.
Final Fantasy II[]
Restore III (originally called Recover and Heal 3) is an enemy ability used by Borghen and the Beast Devil that restores a moderate amount of HP to the target; it is the equivalent of a Hi-Potion.
Final Fantasy IV[]
Heal (originally called Remedy and Restore) restores HP equal to 1/10 of max HP. It is used by Cagnazzo, Lunasaur, Dark Bahamut, Defense Node, Brachioraidos, Lunar Dragon, Lunar Asura, and Proto Deathmask.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
Heal restores HP equal to 1/10 of max HP. It is used by Brina, Cagnazzo, Count Malboro, Defense Node, Defense System Ψ, Dr. Lugae, Marquis Malboro, Orthros, Proto Deathmask, and Lunar Dragon.
Final Fantasy V[]
Recover functions as an Esuna-type ability to the party for free, and is learned through the Chemist class at level 4 for 135 ABP. Recover removes darkness, mini, toad, silence, confuse, paralyze, old, and sleep. The ability was meant to remove petrify as well, but does not do so.
Final Fantasy VIII[]
Recover is learned from the Guardian Force Leviathan for 200 AP. It can also be learned by any GF with the item Healing Ring, provided there is a space for the GF to learn this ability. It restores all HP to one target, and can instantly inflict 9,999 damage on any undead enemy or target afflicted with Zombie.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]
Cure is an enemy ability, the weaker version has an attack power of 0 while the stronger version has an attack power of 25. Both version restores HP to a single target. This ability is used by Mage, Sorcerer, Thanatos, and Water Hag.
Final Fantasy Legend II[]
Recover is an ability that has infinite uses, it also increases a Robot's HP by 9. The target that has this ability will recover 10% of maximum HP automatically during battle at the end of every round. It can be used by Anubis, Behemoth, Byak-Ko, Cancer, CatWoman, Corpuscl, Earth, Hydra, Jorgandr, Kirin, Rakshasa, Revenant, Su-Zaku, Susano-O, Toadstol, Treant, WereRat, WereWolf, and Fenrir.
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]
Recovery is the third ability for the Wayfarer class and cost 3 AP to use. It gives the Regen status, causing the user to recover some HP each turn.
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
