Final Fantasy Wiki

CMD.Grand Horn is a Final Fantasy VII enemy only fought in Fort Condor if the player loses the Condor War minigame. Losing to CMD.Grand Horn in battle does not prompt a Game Over; the party will be brought back to the field and the player may continue playing.

The final Fort Condor Battle is obligatory, as it is part of the Huge Materia events; defeating CMD.Grand Horn after this battle gains an Imperial Guard, one of only three possible; one is in a chest in the Northern Cave, and another can be brought to the player by Cid, as if he got it from that same chest. The boss can be fought twice with the repeating boss glitch, potentially worthwhile to get two Imperial Guards here.


Level 19

Level 25

Huge Materia


# Formation
288 CMD.Grand Horn (Level 19)
289 CMD.Grand Horn (Level 25)
290 CMD.Grand Horn (Huge Materia)
291 CMD.Grand Horn A (Huge Materia), CMD.Grand Horn B (Huge Materia)


Debug Room
Old 288 (event)
Fort Condor
Watch Room 288 (event), 289 (event), 290 (event)

The three types of CMD.Grand Horn[]

There are three types of CMD.Grand Horn. The third and strongest one is only fought if the player loses the storyline Fort Condor battle while trying to protect the Huge Materia.

There are many factors to decide which of the other two are faced:

  • The minigame's Battle Level
  • The average party level.
  • The number of members in the active party.
  • The number of enemies one defeats in the strategy minigame before they reach the shack.

On Battle Level 1 (the very first battle) the player will always face the Level 19 enemy, while on Battle Level 7 (the Huge Materia battle) they will face the Level 37 variant.

If there are less than three members in the active party, one will always face the Level 19 enemy.

If the average party level is 18 or lower, one will fight the level 19 CMD.Grand Horn. If it is 25 or over one will face the level 25 CMD.Grand Horn.

For an average party level of 19 to 24, the Battle Level and the number of enemies defeated in the minigame are used to determine whether the enemy is the level 19 or 24 variant. See Condor War#CMD.Grand Horn for the full details.


CMD.Grand Horn's physical attack inflicts moderate damage, while Grand Attack deals non-elemental damage to all party members. Its least powerful move, Poison Breath, can be avoided by equipping a Star Pendant, Fairy Ring, or Ribbon.

The level 19 CMD.Grand Horn will use Grand Attack rarely and with better chance as a counter-attack when below 50% of its Max HP.

The level 37 CMD.Grand Horn will use Punch once or twice immediately after Poison Breath, preferring to combo against the same target. Once it is defeated it will unleash Grand Attack as a final attack, this being the only time it uses it.

AI script[]

Level 19
AI: Main
  If (Count == 0 or 1 or 2) Then
    Choose Random Opponent
    Use <Punch> on Target
    Count = Count + 1
  } Else If (Count == 3) Then {
    If ((At Least One Opponent doesn't have Poison) AND (1/2 Chance)) Then
      Choose Random Opponent without Poison
      Use Poison Breath on Target
    } Else {
      Use <Punch> on Target
    Count = 0
  } Else {
    Choose All Opponents
    Use Grand Attack on Target
    Count = 0
AI: Counter - General
  If ((CMD.Grand Horn's HP <= 50% of CMD.Grand Horn's Max HP) AND (1/2 Chance)) Then
    Count = 4
Level 25
AI: Main
   If (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Poison) Then
      Choose Random Opponent without Poison
      Use Poison Breath on Target
   } Else {
      If (Count == 0 or 1 or 2) Then
         Choose Random Opponent with Poison
         Use <Punch> on Target
         Count = Count + 1
      } Else {
         Choose All Opponents
         Use Grand Attack on Target
         Count = 0
Huge Materia
AI: Main
   If (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Poison Status) Then
      SelectTar = Choose Random Opponent without Poison Status
      Choose SelectTar
      Use Poison Breath on Target
   If (SelectTar has Death Status) Then
      SelectTar = Choose Random Opponent
   Choose SelectTar
   Use <Punch> on Target
   If (1/2 Chance) Then
      If (SelectTar has Death Status) Then
         SelectTar = Choose Random Opponent
      Choose SelectTar
      Use <Punch> on Target
AI: Counter - Death
   Choose All Opponents
   Use Grand Attack on Target


Related enemies[]
