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Final Fantasy Wiki
FFVI Snort

Snort as seen in Final Fantasy VI (GBA).

Mesmerize the target with a ferocious snort.

Snort (はないき, Hanaiki?), also known as Sneeze and Snorting, is a recurring ability from the Final Fantasy series. It is often Typhon's signature attack, but has been used by other enemies. It usually removes a party member from battle, or instantly kills a party member.


Final Fantasy[]

Snort (NES: SNORTING) is an enemy attack used exclusively by Nightmare. It attempts to inflict darkness status on a single party member, and has a spell accuracy bonus of +24.

In Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary Edition, a second enemy ability exists named Snort. This version is used exclusively by Typhon. It attempts to inflict instant death on the target party member, is non-elemental and has a spell accuracy bonus of +96.

Final Fantasy VI[]

Snort is Typhon's signature attack, though it is also used by Brachiosaur, Briareus, Adamankary, Dragon, Suriander, Wartpuck, Great Dragon, Slagworm, Murussu, and Great Malboro. It removes a party member from the battle. If the player makes a Controlled enemy use Snort on itself, it results in a glitch.

Final Fantasy IX[]

Snort is an attack used by the Yan, Shell Dragon and Tiamat. It removes the target party member from the battle. It has a 100% success rate if the target is under the Float status, otherwise it will often miss.

Final Fantasy XI[]

Snort is an enemy ability that deals Wind damage to targets in a fan-shaped area of effect with an additional Knockback effect. It is used by the Buffalo family.

Final Fantasy XIII-2[]

Snort is an attack and Feral Link ability available to Typhon. It deals wind-elemental damage and inflicts Daze and wound damage. After using it, Typhon will lose motivation, giving him many negative status effects.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

Snort is an enemy ability used by Typhon as well as a Blue Magic learnable by players who fight Typhon. As a blue magic, it is a level 50 wind-aspected spell that inflicts a 20-yalm knockback on all enemies in a cone in front of the caster. It has a cast time and recast time of 2.5 seconds. It costs 200 MP to cast.

Final Fantasy Tactics[]

Wild Boar is the only enemy that can naturally use Snort; however, Swine can also use it when an ally with the Monster Skill ability is next to it. It Charms a party member. See also enemy abilities.

Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

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Dissidia Final Fantasy[]

Typhon uses Snort when summoned. It blows away a random digit of the opponent's Brave.

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]

Snort is the enemy ability that is used by Typhon during battle.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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Mobius Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales[]

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Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Typhon's card can use Sneeze for the cost of two Wind CP and discarding another Typhon card. Sneeze removes an opponent's Forward of the player's choice from the Field, and as long as Typhon remains on the Field the opponent cannot play cards with the same name as the removed card.


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