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Lieutenant Scarlet would share with you most urgent tidings.

Quest description

Fear and Odin in the Shroud Fear and Odin in the Shroud is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • The elder primal Odin has reared his head again. This time, however, Brother O–App–Pesi has devised a strategy to put an end to the Dark Divinity's hunt through the Shroud. He has personally asked for your aid, and has called for you to attend him in Urth's Fount.
  • O–App–Pesi wastes no words─you are to head a company of adventurers against the Dark Divinity. The brother and E–Sumi–Yan will behold your battle with Odin from afar in hopes of learning why the primal is never long gone from the Shroud. When you are ready, proceed to Urth's Fount and challenge Odin.

Urth's Fount can be accessed via the Duty Finder.

  • The Dark Divinity rides no more. Speak with O–App–Pesi and learn what he has observed.
  • The two brothers present a fascinating theory: Odin is not the being who wields the Zantetsuken, but rather a manifestation of the blade itself. Before they are able to study the sword further, however, a sworn man of the Gods' Quiver steals the Zantetsuken. O–App–Pesi vows you will get the chance to shatter the fell blade on the day the sword is again found.


  • Speak with O–App–Pesi in Urth's Fount.
  • Use the Duty Finder to confront Odin in Urth's Fount.
  • Speak with O–App–Pesi in Urth's Fount.


Fear and Odin in the Shroud Fear and Odin in the Shroud script
Scarlet [Player Name]/ [Player Name]/[Player Name]! Your timing never fails to amaze. Unless I am mistaken, you have knowledge of the elder primal Odin, correct?
Scarlet As I thought. Well, as you know, we have long pursued the Dark Divinity, from the pages of arcane scripture to the Shroud itself. Finally, we have a plan to put his prowling to an end. Brother O–App–Pesi has the command.
Scarlet He has personally requested your aid in this venture, and awaits you at Urth's Fount. I am sure he will give you the details once you present yourself. Godsspeed, [Player Name]/ [Player Name]/[Player Name].
Scarlet Brother O–App–Pesi has established his command in Urth's Fount, from where to bring down the Dark Rider. Attend him there to learn of his plans.
O-App-Pesi Adventurer, thank you for coming. We seek the Dark Divinity, and you must be made privy to the plan before the game is afoot.
O-App-Pesi As you know, Odin hunts in this forest. We would banish him from the Shroud. Yet in actual fact, he has fallen before countless adventurers already. By all rights, the primal should plague us no more.
O-App-Pesi Yet, though again and again he is vanquished, he rises always to charge through the Twelveswood. His constant reappearance is perplexing to say the least, and raises two questions: who summons him, and how does he change his visage upon manifesting?
O-App-Pesi Odin is alone amongst the primals in these aspects. Indeed, I can find not a single sentence in the scriptures that sheds light on his devilish abilities.
O-App-Pesi There is no answer in words writ of the pen. Now, the sword must serve. Our plan is to send a band of adventurers against the Dark Divinity. Brother E–Sumi–Yan, my master, and I will observe the battle from afar.
O-App-Pesi We believe seeing the moment of Odin's defeat may give us a clue, one that will lead to uncovering the truth of the primal that has escaped us thus far.
O-App-Pesi Naturally, this hinges upon the company's victory. No one but a Warrior of Light could hope to survive the battle. Hence, I have asked you here.
O-App-Pesi Indeed, without you, our venture is doomed to failure. So I implore you: lend us your strength! If you acquiesce, I shall invoke the power of the elementals, and draw the Dark Divinity to this spring.
O-App-Pesi At your word, I will invoke the elementals to draw Odin to this spring. Pray enter as soon as you are ready.
O-App-Pesi Your bravery before the Dark Divinity was commendable, adventurer. I am relieved you escaped the battle with your life!
O-App-Pesi And it was not for nothing, I might add. Brother E–Sumi–Yan and I have observed something remarkable...though I should like to discuss it with him present. Ah, and see how he comes.
E-Sumi-Yan [Player Name]! I am honored to have seen you fight. Why, I can scarcely wait to tell Sylphie how a Warrior of Light overcame the terror of the Shroud! No doubt the girl will smile to hear of your valor.
E-Sumi-Yan That was a splendid show of force, [Player Name]! Truly, people are right to call you a Warrior of Light.
E-Sumi-Yan Adventurer, I would offer you thanks for all you have done today. I am E–Sumi–Yan, master of the Conjurers' Guild.
E-Sumi-Yan Ah, but no doubt you are keen to learn more of the Dark Divinity. Very well. I shall share with you what I have gleaned in observing your battle.
E-Sumi-Yan To begin, felling a primal allows the aether of their physical manifestation to return to the land─this much you know, yes?
O-App-Pesi Odin seems to be subject to the selfsame laws. Yet his sword, the Zantetsuken, remains even after his body vanishes. Thus, we thought to examine the blade, and in so doing, found that its aetheric density is unimaginably high!
E-Sumi-Yan Now, we had always assumed the being who brandished the weapon was Odin. But what if we erred? What if the sword Zantetsuken is, in and of itself, the Dark Divinity? An unforeseen conclusion, yes, but one that clarifies much of the primal.
O-App-Pesi Indeed, that would explain why Odin has never truly fallen─no one has thought to destroy the blade. And if the Zantetsuken is the primal, could it not conjure itself a new wielder?
E-Sumi-Yan Yet, just as Ifrit's tempered or Leviathan's drowned, Odin must needs have his “sundered” to offer crystals in his name─unless he drinks of the Shroud's aether. Such a weak source of power could be why it takes time for the Dark Divinity to manifest again.
O-App-Pesi You see, adventurer, our theory accounts quite nicely for two of the mysteries that for so long surrounded the primal.
E-Sumi-Yan And yet, as O–App–Pesi hints, a third mystery remains: if there are no sundered, how does Odin sustain himself? I cannot imagine the wishes of those who first summoned him were so strong as to echo throughout the centuries.
O-App-Pesi Brother, I do not think our theory is flawed. No, this discovery makes clear the holes in what we had for so long believed of the primals. We must revisit the beings with a keener eye.
O-App-Pesi I will inform Master Urianger of what we have gleaned here. Adventurer, I urge you to do the same should something else of Odin occur to you.
O-App-Pesi But today is a victory, all the same. We have the Zantetsuken, and the mysteries that remain pale in import to the act of locking the primal away. With any luck, we can seal the sword and end the Dark Divinity's ride.
Lewin Brothers! Something terrible has happened!
Lewin The Zantetsuken is gone! One of my own men has stolen away with the blade, and left nary a trace to track his flight. I never dreamt he would do such a thing, and I stayed my hand too long to stop him...
O-App-Pesi What!? Are your men so disloyal as to rob you!? Tell me, Lewin, why would someone do such a thing!?
Lewin Forgive me, Brother, but I cannot say. I am as astonished as you. The thief was a sworn man of Gods' Quiver, true as any Gridanian arrow. Moreover, what could he stand to gain by stealing so fell a blade?
E-Sumi-Yan Mayhap the soul of the thief was stolen along with the blade. It is within the power of all primals to bend mortals to their wills. If the Zantetsuken and Odin are one and the same, then the sword may control the now-sundered man. Is that not right, Brother?
O-App-Pesi That...that is indeed possible. Gods, could I have been so blind as that?
O-App-Pesi Bowlord Lewin, it is I who needs apologize. Had I been more wary, I would have foreseen this. Instead, I have cost us dearly, and placed you and your men in great danger...
E-Sumi-Yan Let us not cry over lost swords. Bowlord Lewin, send forth the Gods' Quiver and Wood Wailers to scour the Shroud. Brother O–App–Pesi and I will devote ourselves to devising a way to fell Odin after the Zantetsuken is ours again.
O-App-Pesi ...Yes, Brother. Indeed, it would be a poor thing to have the blade in our grasp, and no way to destroy it nor dull its bite.
O-App-Pesi Adventurer, I will call upon you again when we have something to show for our efforts. Until then, go in peace.
Scarlet Word of your battle with Odin has traveled quickly. Toppling the Dark Divinity is no small feat, after all.
Scarlet Needless to say, Brother O–App–Pesi will wish to discuss your victory. Pray report to him in Urth's Fount with all due haste.
Quest complete.