Final Fantasy Wiki
FFXIV ARR Eye for an Eye

Eye for an Eye in Final Fantasy XIV.

Raises Counter activation rate.

Final Fantasy IX description

Eye for an Eye (アイ・フォー・アイ, Ai Fō Ai?, lit. Eye for Eye), also known as Eye 4 Eye (目には目を, Me ni wa Me o?) and Tradeoff, is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series.

The Minus Strike is called "Eye for an Eye" in Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light.


Final Fantasy VI[]

Eye for an Eye is an enemy ability used by Yojimbo, which inflicts Death on one target and ignores immunity to the status, but can be blocked.

Final Fantasy IX[]

Eye 4 Eye is a support ability learned by Zidane for 60 AP from the Flash Hat and Ninja Gear, Steiner for 35 AP from the Kaiser Helm, Freya for 35 AP from the Kaiser Helm and Rubber Suit, and Amarant for 50 AP from Flash Hat and Ninja Gear, and requires 5 Magic Stones to equip. It doubles the Counter activation rate.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

Eye for an Eye hotkey.

Eye for an Eye was an Arcanist ability available at level 34. The ability created a magicked barrier on a single ally for 30 seconds that had a 20% chance to inflict a status effect to lower the enemy's attacks by 10% for a period of 20 seconds when hitting the ally with the barrier. The effect of Eye for an Eye could be placed on the user's party members, pets, and chocobo companions. The ability had an instant cast time and has a recast time of 180 seconds. Once the player learned the Enhanced Eye for an Eye trait at Arcanist level 44, the cast time for Eye for an Eye was reduced to 120 seconds.

In Stormblood, the ability became a role action usable by healers. It was removed in Shadowbringers.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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An eye for an eye is the principle that a person who has injured another person is penalized to a similar degree, or according to other interpretations the victim receives the value of the injury in compensation.
