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The Eureka Weapons are a series of ultimate weapons that adventurers can obtain in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood.

The Forbidden Land of Eureka is wracked with chaotic aetherial energies. Gerolt, the legendary blacksmith, can use them to create ever more powerful weapons.

All of the materials for Eureka Weapons can be found in the Forbidden Land of Eureka. Unlike previous ultimate weapons, materials for Eureka Weapons can be gathered with any class.

Anemos weapons[]

The first iteration, the Anemos weapon, can be acquired in Eureka Anemos by using Protean Crystals to empower the Antiquated weapon obtained for reaching level 70. Protean Crystals can be obtained by completing FATEs in Eureka Anemos, or rarely as regular enemy drops. The final upgrade requires Pazuzu's Feathers, which can be obtained by completing the FATE "Wail in the Willows" or by trading in 300 Protean Crystals per Feather. Completing the Anemos weapon adds a glowing effect. They were introduced in patch 4.25.

Weapon Materials Item Level
Antiquated None 290
+0 100 Protean Crystals 335
+1 400 Protean Crystals 340
+2 800 Protean Crystals 345
Anemos 3 Pazuzu Feathers 355

Pagos weapons[]

The second iteration, the Elemental weapon, can be acquired in Eureka Pagos by using Frosted Protean Crystals and Pagos Crystals to further empower the Anemos weapon. Pagos Crystals are obtained in the same manner as Protean Crystals within the bounds of Eureka Pagos. Frosted Protean Crystals can be obtained by building up "light". Nearly every FATE and enemy in Eureka grants a varying amount of light upon defeat, and once a bar of light has been filled the player will receive a Vitiated Aether Crystal, which can be traded for a Frosted Protean Crystal. The final upgrade requires Louhi's Ice, which can be obtained by completing the FATE "Louhi on Ice" or by trading in 50 Pagos Crystals per Ice. Completing the Elemental Weapon changes the weapon's appearance, but removes the glow. They were introduced in patch 4.36.

Weapon Materials Item Level
Pagos 5 Frosted Protean Crystals 360
Pagos +1 10 Frosted Protean Crystals, 500 Pagos Crystals 365
Elemental 16 Frosted Protean Crystals, 5 Louhi's Ice 370

Pyros weapons[]

The third iteration, the Pyros weapon, can be acquired in Eureka Pyros by using Pyros Crystals to further empower the Elemental weapon. Pyros Crystals are obtained in the same manner as Protean Crystals within the bounds of Eureka Pyros. The final upgrade requires Penthesilea's Flames, which can be obtained by completing the FATE "Lost Epic" or by trading in 50 Pyros Crystals per Flame. Completing the Pyros weapon adds a glowing effect. They were introduced in patch 4.45.

Additional secondary stats can be randomly added to the final stage by exchanging two Smoldering Protean Crystals, which are acquired by farming light in the same manner as in Eureka Pagos. These stats can be re-rolled repeatedly by exchanging another two Smoldering Protean Crystals each time, until the player gets a set of stats they are satisfied with.

Weapon Materials Item Level
Elemental +1 150 Pyros Crystals 375
Elemental +2 200 Pyros Crystals 380
Pyros 300 Pyros Crystals, 5 Penthesilea's Flames 385

Hydatos weapons[]

The final iteration can be acquired in Eureka Hydatos by using Hydatos Crystals to further empower the Pyros weapon. Hydatos Crystals are obtained in the same manner as Protean Crystals within the bounds of Eureka Hydatos. The final upgrade requires Crystalline Scales, which can be obtained by completing the FATE "Crystalline Provenance", and unlike the equivalent items from prior steps cannot be acquired by any other means. Completing the base weapon changes the weapon's appearance, and the final Eureka upgrade adds a glowing effect. They were introduced in patch 4.55.

A Eureka weapon can be further upgraded into a Physeos weapon by acquiring Eureka Fragments from the Baldesion Arsenal, though this only increases its damage within Eureka and the Baldesion Arsenal and does not otherwise change its stats or appearance.

Weapon Materials Item Level
Hydatos 50 Hydatos Crystals 390
Hydatos +1 100 Hydatos Crystals 395
Base 100 Hydatos Crystals 400
Eureka 100 Hydatos Crystals, 5 Crystalline Scales 405
Physeos 100 Eurekan Fragments 405

Lists of weapons by class[]


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Galatyn and Antiquated Evalach
2 Anemos Galatyn and Evalach
3 Anemos Galatyn +1 and Evalach +1
4 Anemos Galatyn +2 and Evalach +2
5 Anemos Galatyn Anemos and Evalach Anemos
6 Pagos Galatyn Pagos and Evalach Pagos
7 Pagos Galatyn Pagos +1 and Evalach Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Sword and Elemental Shield
9 Pyros Elemental Sword +1 and Elemental Shield +1
10 Pyros Elemental Sword +2 and Elemental Shield +2
11 Pyros Pyros Sword and Pyros Shield
12 Hydatos Hydatos Sword and Hydatos Shield
13 Hydatos Hydatos Sword +1 and Hydatos Shield +1
14 Hydatos Antea and Bellerophon
15 Hydatos Antea Eureka and Bellerophon Eureka
16 Hydatos Antea Physeos and Bellerophon Physeos


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Farsha
2 Anemos Farsha
3 Anemos Farsha +1
4 Anemos Farsha +2
5 Anemos Farsha Anemos
6 Pagos Farsha Pagos
7 Pagos Farsha Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Battleaxe
9 Pyros Elemental Battleaxe +1
10 Pyros Elemental Battleaxe +2
11 Pyros Pyros Battleaxe
12 Hydatos Hydatos Battleaxe
13 Hydatos Hydatos Battleaxe +1
14 Hydatos Shamash
15 Hydatos Shamash Eureka
16 Hydatos Shamash Physeos

Dark Knight[]

Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Caladbolg
2 Anemos Caladbolg
3 Anemos Caladbolg +1
4 Anemos Caladbolg +2
5 Anemos Caladbolg Anemos
6 Pagos Caladbolg Pagos
7 Pagos Caladbolg Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Guillotine
9 Pyros Elemental Guillotine +1
10 Pyros Elemental Guillotine +2
11 Pyros Pyros Guillotine
12 Hydatos Hydatos Guillotine
13 Hydatos Hydatos Guillotine +1
14 Hydatos Xiphias
15 Hydatos Xiphias Eureka
16 Hydatos Xiphias Physeos

White Mage[]

Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Aymur
2 Anemos Aymur
3 Anemos Aymur +1
4 Anemos Aymur +2
5 Anemos Aymur Anemos
6 Pagos Aymur Pagos
7 Pagos Aymur Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Cane
9 Pyros Elemental Cane +1
10 Pyros Elemental Cane +2
11 Pyros Pyros Cane
12 Hydatos Hydatos Cane
13 Hydatos Hydatos Cane +1
14 Hydatos Rose Couverte
15 Hydatos Rose Couverte Eureka
16 Hydatos Rose Couverte Physeos


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Organum
2 Anemos Organum
3 Anemos Organum +1
4 Anemos Organum +2
5 Anemos Organum Anemos
6 Pagos Organum Pagos
7 Pagos Organum Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Codex
9 Pyros Elemental Codex +1
10 Pyros Elemental Codex +2
11 Pyros Pyros Codex
12 Hydatos Hydatos Codex
13 Hydatos Hydatos Codex +1
14 Hydatos Jebat
15 Hydatos Jebat Eureka
16 Hydatos Jebat Physeos


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Pleiades
2 Anemos Pleiades
3 Anemos Pleiades +1
4 Anemos Pleiades +2
5 Anemos Pleiades Anemos
6 Pagos Pleiades Pagos
7 Pagos Pleiades Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Astrometer
9 Pyros Elemental Astrometer +1
10 Pyros Elemental Astrometer +2
11 Pyros Pyros Astrometer
12 Hydatos Hydatos Astrometer
13 Hydatos Hydatos Astrometer +1
14 Hydatos Albireo
15 Hydatos Albireo Eureka
16 Hydatos Albireo Physeos


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Sudarshana Chakra
2 Anemos Sudarshana Chakra
3 Anemos Sudarshana Chakra +1
4 Anemos Sudarshana Chakra +2
5 Anemos Sudarshana Chakra Anemos
6 Pagos Sudarshana Chakra Pagos
7 Pagos Sudarshana Chakra Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Knuckles
9 Pyros Elemental Knuckles +1
10 Pyros Elemental Knuckles +2
11 Pyros Pyros Knuckles
12 Hydatos Hydatos Knuckles
13 Hydatos Hydatos Knuckles +1
14 Hydatos Dumuzis
15 Hydatos Dumuzis Eureka
16 Hydatos Dumuzis Physeos


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Ryunohige
2 Anemos Ryunohige
3 Anemos Ryunohige +1
4 Anemos Ryunohige +2
5 Anemos Ryunohige Anemos
6 Pagos Ryunohige Pagos
7 Pagos Ryunohige Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Lance
9 Pyros Elemental Lance +1
10 Pyros Elemental Lance +2
11 Pyros Pyros Lance
12 Hydatos Hydatos Lance
13 Hydatos Hydatos Lance +1
14 Hydatos Daboya
15 Hydatos Daboya Eureka
16 Hydatos Daboya Physeos


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Nagi
2 Anemos Nagi
3 Anemos Nagi +1
4 Anemos Nagi +2
5 Anemos Nagi Anemos
6 Pagos Nagi Pagos
7 Pagos Nagi Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Knives
9 Pyros Elemental Knives +1
10 Pyros Elemental Knives +2
11 Pyros Pyros Knives
12 Hydatos Hydatos Knives
13 Hydatos Hydatos Knives +1
14 Hydatos Kasasagi
15 Hydatos Kasasagi Eureka
16 Hydatos Kasasagi Physeos


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Kiku-ichimonji
2 Anemos Kiku-ichimonji
3 Anemos Kiku-ichimonji +1
4 Anemos Kiku-ichimonji +2
5 Anemos Kiku-ichimonji Anemos
6 Pagos Kiku-ichimonji Pagos
7 Pagos Kiku-ichimonji Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Blade
9 Pyros Elemental Blade +1
10 Pyros Elemental Blade +2
11 Pyros Pyros Blade
12 Hydatos Hydatos Blade
13 Hydatos Hydatos Blade +1
14 Hydatos Torigashira
15 Hydatos Torigashira Eureka
16 Hydatos Torigashira Physeos


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Failnaught
2 Anemos Failnaught
3 Anemos Failnaught +1
4 Anemos Failnaught +2
5 Anemos Failnaught Anemos
6 Pagos Failnaught Pagos
7 Pagos Failnaught Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Harp Bow
9 Pyros Elemental Harp Bow +1
10 Pyros Elemental Harp Bow +2
11 Pyros Pyros Harp Bow
12 Hydatos Hydatos Harp Bow
13 Hydatos Hydatos Harp Bow +1
14 Hydatos Circinae
15 Hydatos Circinae Eureka
16 Hydatos Circinae Physeos


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Outsider
2 Anemos Outsider
3 Anemos Outsider +1
4 Anemos Outsider +2
5 Anemos Outsider Anemos
6 Pagos Outsider Pagos
7 Pagos Outsider Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Handgonne
9 Pyros Elemental Handgonne +1
10 Pyros Elemental Handgonne +2
11 Pyros Pyros Handgonne
12 Hydatos Hydatos Handgonne
13 Hydatos Hydatos Handgonne +1
14 Hydatos Mollfrith
15 Hydatos Mollfrith Eureka
16 Hydatos Mollfrith Physeos

Black Mage[]

Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Vanargand
2 Anemos Vanargand
3 Anemos Vanargand +1
4 Anemos Vanargand +2
5 Anemos Vanargand Anemos
6 Pagos Vanargand Pagos
7 Pagos Vanargand Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Rod
9 Pyros Elemental Rod +1
10 Pyros Elemental Rod +2
11 Pyros Pyros Rod
12 Hydatos Hydatos Rod
13 Hydatos Hydatos Rod +1
14 Hydatos Paikea
15 Hydatos Paikea Eureka
16 Hydatos Paikea Physeos


Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Lemegeton
2 Anemos Lemegeton
3 Anemos Lemegeton +1
4 Anemos Lemegeton +2
5 Anemos Lemegeton Anemos
6 Pagos Lemegeton Pagos
7 Pagos Lemegeton Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Grimoire
9 Pyros Elemental Grimoire +1
10 Pyros Elemental Grimoire +2
11 Pyros Pyros Grimoire
12 Hydatos Hydatos Grimoire
13 Hydatos Hydatos Grimoire +1
14 Hydatos Tuah
15 Hydatos Tuah Eureka
16 Hydatos Tuah Physeos

Red Mage[]

Stage Region Weapon
1 - Antiquated Murgleis
2 Anemos Murgleis
3 Anemos Murgleis +1
4 Anemos Murgleis +2
5 Anemos Murgleis Anemos
6 Pagos Murgleis Pagos
7 Pagos Murgleis Pagos +1
8 Pagos Elemental Tuck
9 Pyros Elemental Tuck +1
10 Pyros Elemental Tuck +2
11 Pyros Pyros Tuck
12 Hydatos Hydatos Tuck
13 Hydatos Hydatos Tuck +1
14 Hydatos Brunello
15 Hydatos Brunello Eureka
16 Hydatos Brunello Physeos


Many of the Eureka Weapon names are shared with the Walk of Echoes upgrades for the Trials of the Magians weapons from Final Fantasy XI.

Eureka is an interjection used to celebrate a discovery or invention. "Eureka" comes from the Ancient Greek word εὕρηκα heúrēka, meaning "I have found (it)".
