Cloud Strife:
No way! That thing's just a machine.
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Greed and envy go together like canker and mange, and Bo Gu has a mind to scratch both itches with a little help from his friends.
Quest description
Contents Unknown is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
- Zo Ga's trusted watchmen have hidden beguiling objects in the 13th Order workshop, and Bo Gu feels his quarters are much the better place for the mystery treasure. Let Ga Zi guide you to the workshop so that you may seize the contents of the fugleman's silverpots.
- The silverpots prove to contain an enigma wrapped in a riddle. Whatever it is you found inside, you cannot dally, for surely the 13th Order is home to kobolds who do not share Ga Zi's inclination to bugger up the place. Deliver the contents of the silverpots to Bo Gu.
- Bo Gu receives the contents of the silverpots with much interest and very little comprehension. He is well pleased however, for envy is his great work and greed a mere diversion. If the stolen items bring him no profit, he is still a happy kobold for having deprived Zo Ga of what he values.
- Overcome any and all obstacles to acquire the contents of the 13th Order silverpots.
- Deliver the contents of the silverpots to Bo Gu.