Bone in Final Fantasy V.
Bone (ボーン, Bōn?), also known as Bone Toss or Bone Missile, is a recurring enemy ability in the Final Fantasy series. It often either inflicts Zombie or reduces a single party member's HP to single digits. It is a favorite of undead enemies, mainly undead dragons.
Final Fantasy V[]
Bone is used by Bone Dragon and Dinozombie. It reduces a party member's HP to single digits. The player may utilize this ability by catching and releasing a Bone Dragon (only in normal random encounters or when fighting an Alchymia) or from Dinozombie.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Bone, used by Fossil Dragon and Zombie Dragon can inflicts Zombie on one party member. Dinozombie's version deals heavy physical damage to a single party member.
Final Fantasy VII[]
Bone is used by the Dragon Zombie, and inflicts major Shoot-elemental damage as well as Paralyze to one party member.
Final Fantasy XII[]
Bone Toss, used mainly by the Skull enemies, inflicts non-elemental damage and is a ranged attack.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]
Bone Missile has an attack power of 6, it is used by Flamerus Rex and Skullrus Rex to inflicts non-elemental damage to one party member.
The Final Fantasy Legend[]
Bone is an ability that has 25 uses and has an attack power of 3 which damages one enemy, the damage formula is base on Strength. This ability is used by Skeleton, Red Bone, Dokuro, and Warrior.
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
