Remove Blind from one ally.
Blindna is a White Magick spell in Final Fantasy XII, both in the original PlayStation 2 version and the Zodiac re-releases. It is a single-target status heal spell that removes Blind, an ailment that halves the affected's accuracy with physical abilities and weapons.
Blindna is also used by Ultima, Ripe Rampager, and Urutan-Yensa (Bow) to heal themselves and their allies from Blind.
Blindna's license costs 15 License Points. In the Zodiac versions, the player will always get it even without buying it as Fran joins with it, and Ashe and Penelo who join later permanently will also have it no matter their job. Blindna it is bought from Rabanastre, Giza Plains, Nalbina Fortress, Barheim Passage, Bhujerba, Dreadnought Leviathan, and Dalmasca Westersand (after Ondore's Estate) for 200 gil, and is also a Trial Mode Stage 5 treasure with the Diamond Armlet equipped.
In the original version, Blindna is bought for 200 gil from Nalbina Fortress, Rabanastre (after obtaining the Sunstone and Penelo leaves), and Barheim Passage.
In the Zodiac versions, Blindna can be used by the job class White Mage, as well as by the female party members and Larsa/Lamont when he is a guest.
Blindna removes Blind from a target. It costs 6 MP to use without any Channeling licenses in the Zodiac versions, and 8 MP in the original. It bounces from Reflect unless the caster wears the Opal Ring.
Blind is a hazardous status that does not wear off even when KO'd. The afflicted unit's physical attack accuracy becomes 50%.
Blindna is a good status heal spell the player can easily set up via the gambit system (Ally:Any→Blindna works well). However, for more utility, the player can set up Ally:Any→Esuna gambit instead, which will respond to various ailments, not just Blind. The player can also rather set up a gambit for Eye Drops, which take no charge time to use, and are fairly cheap and plentiful. The player can also protect against Blind with Argyle Armlet, Goggle Mask, or Ribbon.
Spellcasters do not need to cure Blind, as it does not hamper magick-use. The player should disable any Blindna gambits when they want to use Sight Unseeing.
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