Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Augment one ally's magick.


Faith is a White Magicks spell in the Zodiac versions of Final Fantasy XII, and a Green Magicks spell in the original PlayStation 2 version. It is a single-target status enhancement spell that strengthens magick damage and healing and stacks with other boosts. Its physical damage counterpart is Bravery.

Bravery and Faith originate from Final Fantasy Tactics where the Faith and Faith stats affect the user's physical and magickal damage, among other things.


Faith's license costs 70 License Points in the Zodiac versions, where the spell is found in Necrohol of Nabudis's Hall of the Ivory Covenant area. The treasure is found in the southwestern point on the map, not far from the south-side entrance to the area. The player can enter Necrohol of Nabudis as soon as the party can cross the Nebra river in Dalmasca Estersand (via a side quest at the Estersand village or the Earth Tyrant quest), after the party has the Dawn Shard, but the area is littered with high level enemies the player would struggle to win against this early on; the player could go in and only grab the treasures and then head back out again.

In the original version, Faith is a Green Magicks spell whose license costs 50 LP. It is bought for 5800 gil from the Clan Provisioner in Rabanastre's Muthru Bazaar once the player has the rank of Brave Companion in Clan Centurio; the player reaches this rank after felling 14 marks and amassing 100,000 clan points (from defeating enemies).

In the Zodiac versions, Faith is used by White Mage and Knight through the Hashmal license.


Faith temporarily bestows the status of the same name that increases magick damage by 30% and healing by 50%. The healing is boosted by 50% even if used offensively against undead enemies. Characters under Faith are also 50% more successful in inflicting targets with negative status effects. Faith stacks with magick-boosting licenses/accessories Serenity/Magick Gloves and Spellbreaker/Leather Gorget. Faith is removed with Dispel.

The formula for the duration is:

The duration depends on the receiver's Vitality stat, not the caster's. Haste and Slow do not affect the length other status effects will last, but Stop will halt them.

Faith costs 24 MP to cast without Channeling licenses. The spell will bounce from Reflect unless the caster wears the Opal Ring.


Faith is a status enhancement spell the player can easily set up via the gambit system (such as with Ally:Name→Faith). Instead of using the spell, the player can also set it up with hitting allies with the Rod of Faith weapon, and with wielding the Wyrmhero Blade.

The status is excellent for all magick users, healers and offensive mages alike, especially in the Zodiac versions where the damage cap of 9999 was removed. As the Wyrmhero Blade does not need a license to be equipped, a Black Mage in the Zodiac versions can equip it for its permanent Faith status; this way the player gets use out of their trophy, and the slow Charge Time when using the sword for physically attacking will not be a hindrance.

When the player has Indigo Pendant, they do not need the status ailment success boost from Faith.

The best single-cast spell damage the player can achieve is with Faith on the HP Critical and high level caster with Spellbreaker license, when targeting an oiled enemy with Ardor while wielding the Flame Staff. Faith would also be excellent when reflecting a multi-target spell off the player's party to strike multiple times on the enemy; the player can get four castings to hit if the party has a guest who also has Reflect. Using Firaga under the aforementioned conditions would be especially powerful.

Faith can be cast by Yiazmat, Zodiark, The Undying, and Judge Zargabaath. When enemies use it on themselves, or spawn with the status already in place, the player is best dispelling it.
