Final Fantasy Wiki
FFD - Bard

The Bard is a job in Final Fantasy Dimensions obtained at the third Tome of Light chapter, and is exclusive to the Warriors of Light.


The party takes the traditional appearance of a Bard from earlier Final Fantasy games.


The Bard is purely a support-focused role, though they have decent Intelligence and Mind, allowing them to use magical skills should they be equipped. Their songs provide a number of beneficial effects that persist so long as the Bard is singing, and stack with buffs such as Attack Up for further damage. The true measure of a Bard's worth however is in Fusion Abilities. It gives access to a number of useful spells, from Hastega and Esunaga, to the powerful multi-target Shock. Counterintuitively, a Bard's usefulness can be further enhanced by purposefully slowing them down. A Bard's song lasts until their turn gauge refills, meaning a deliberate casting of Slow can extend the duration of their song, saving MP.


The Bard has low HP and Strength growth, but it's compensated with average Mind, good Speed and high MP growth. The guest character Eduardo has the same stats as the Bard job, plus his own stats' growth.

1 30 16 5 10 7 6 7
10 133 50 7 14 10 8 10
20 410 93 9 18 13 11 14
30 876 138 11 22 16 14 17
40 1462 192 14 27 19 16 20
50 2070 246 16 31 22 19 23
60 2619 301 17 34 25 21 25
70 3069 366 19 38 28 23 28
80 3420 430 21 42 30 25 31
90 3679 495 23 45 33 28 34
99 3850 554 25 49 36 30 37


  • Innate Abilities: Bardsong
  • Equipment: Knives, Bows, Harps, Hats, Pointed Hats, Vests, Robes


Ability Job Level AP Needed MP Slots Description
Lovely Lullaby 0 0 16 Inflicts Sleep on all enemies, preventing action. Damage wakens sleeping targets.
Aiding Anthem 1 20 22 Heal all allies' HP while singing for the duration of the song.
---- 2 35
Magic Madrigal 3 50 22 Increases all allies' INT and MND while singing for the duration of the song.
---- 4 70
Brave Ballad 5 90 22 Increase all allies' STR while singing for the duration of the song.
---- 6 120
Bardsong 7 150 2 Grants the ability to use Bardsong abilities.
---- 8 180
Restful Refrain 9 220 28 Stops time and halts all enemies' actions.
Slot+1 10 260 Number of slots increase by one.
---- 11 300
Runic Requiem 12 340 34 Deals damage to all undead enemies.
---- 13 370
Swift Shanty 14 400 22 Increase all allies' SPD while singing for the duration of the song.
---- 15 420
---- 16 440
Angelic Aria 17 450 54 Heal all allies' HP and MP while singing for the duration of the song.
---- 18 460
Slot+1 19 470 Number of slots increase by one.
Dire Dirge 20 490 Deals maximum HP minus current HP in damage to all enemies.
Heroic Hymn[note 1] 20 0 Raises the party's stats.
  1. ↑ The Hero's Hymn can be acquired by talking to one of the elves in Alfheim after conquering one of the rifts and having a character who has mastered the bard job.

Fusion Abilities[]

Levelling a Bard can help provide access to six Fusion Abilities. As a Job unique to the Warriors of Light, these Fusion Abilities are restricted to them. They are:

Fusion Ability Required Abilities Use MP Needed Image Notes
Battle Orders Flee + Aiding Anthem Warriors of Light 6 FF Dimensions Battle Orders
Switches rows for all allies.
Aura Protect + Power Song Warriors of Light 16 FFD Aura
Reduces physical damage received and increases ATK for a single ally.
Lively Lied Healing Breath + Restful Refrain Warriors of Light 23 FF Dimensions Lively Lied About twice as powerful as Cure or 2/3 as powerful as Cura.
Restores HP for all allies and enemies.
Hastega Haste + Swift Shanty Warriors of Light 64 FFD Hastega
Speeds up the passing of time for all allies.
Esunaga Esuna + Angelic Aria Warriors of Light 82 FFD Esunaga
Removes all status effects from all allies.
Shock Dire Dirge + Wide Slash Warriors of Light 99 FF Dimensions Shock Damage seems to be calculated based on a combination of attack power and intellect. Deals about as much damage as Comet + a regular attack. Cannot be reflected. Ranged (full damage regardless of row).
Deals magic damage to all enemies.



In medieval Gaelic and British culture, a bard was a professional poet, employed by a patron, such as a monarch or nobleman, to commemorate the patron's ancestors and to praise the patron's own activities. Originally a specific class of poet, with the decline of living bardic tradition in the modern period the term "bard" acquired generic meaning of an epic author/singer/narrator, or any poets, especially famous ones. For example, William Shakespeare is known as the Bard or the Bard of Avon.
