Final Fantasy Wiki
The following list is based on a combination of in-game sources and fan conjecture - many enemy families have not been named or classified by official Square Enix material; the current classifications are merely placeholders.

This chilling category includes those who have undergone transfiguration by magical, alchemical, or other means, shedding their physical form but maintaining their intelligence, although to what degree waries among individuals.

Encyclopædia Eorzea: The World of Final Fantasy XIV Volume III, p.271

A list of transfigured enemies from Final Fantasy XIV. This includes creatures that have undergone a permanent transformation by magical, alchemical, or other means. It includes the broad families of voidsent, sin eaters, and beasts of the Final Days among others, as there exists significant overlap between creatures appearing within their families.

Enemies that have undergone only minor changes, or have transformed into creatures similar to an already established creature, can be found on the page for the base creature. For example, sin eater bears remain on the beastkin page as they underwent only a change to their coloration.



Name Level Area Spawn notes
Ahriman 40-49 Northern Thanalan, Western Thanalan Quest (Lv.40 "International Relations"), FATE (Lv.49 "East Meets Worst", "The Ceruleum Road"), standard (in Northern Thanalan only)
Akoman 30 South Shroud Quest boss (Lv.30 "In Nature's Embrace")
All-seeing Eye 44 Dzemael Darkhold Boss
Angra Mainyu 50 The World of Darkness Boss
Angra Mainyu's Daewa 50 The World of Darkness Boss minion (Angra Mainyu)
Arch Angra Mainyu 34 (Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos FATE boss (Lv.34 "Eye Scream for Ice Cream")
Arimaspi 49 Northern Thanalan FATE boss (Lv.49 "With One Eye Open")
Balor 41-45 Northern Thanalan Levequest (Lv.40 "Don't Forget to Cry")
Balor's Bell 38-42 Northern Thanalan Levequest (Lv.40 "Don't Forget to Cry")
Bloodshot Eye 46-50 Mor Dhona Levequest (Lv.45 "Turnabouts's Fair Play")
Cursed Eye 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Deep Palace Ahriman 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 131-140 Standard
Deep Palace Fachan 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 191-200 Standard
Dirty Eye 50 Lost City of Amdapor Standard
Dusty Eye 60 Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Standard
Fachan 24 South Shroud Guildhest (Lv.25 "All's Well that Ends in the Well")
Fernehalwes 40-44 Northern Thanalan Levequest wanted target (Lv.40 "Circling the Ceruleum", "Don't Forget to Cry", "Necrologos: Pale Oblation", "Someone's in the Doghouse", "Subduing the Subprime")
Floating Eye 29-31 Central Shroud, North Shroud Quest (Lv.29 "Power of Deduction"), standard (in Central Shroud only)
Gawper 39 (Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Manipulated Eye 50 Coerthas Central Highlands Quest (Lv.50 "Keeping the Oath")
Manor Sentry 28-30 Haukke Manor, Haukke Manor (Hard) Boss minion (Lady Amandine, Halicarnassus), standard
Milky Eye 40-44 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest (Lv.40 "Necrologos: Whispers of the Gem")
Nightmare Eye 53 Palace of the Dead Floors 31-40 Standard
Rotting Eye 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Boss minion (Bone Dragon)
Shadow Eye 35 Coerthas Central Highlands Guildhest boss (Lv.35 "Shadow and Claw")
Smolenkos 50 Amdapor Keep Standard
Speedreader 59 Great Gubal Library Standard
Spotter 33 Upper La Noscea FATE boss (Lv.33 "The Key to Amatsu Kyori")
Unblinking Eye 60 Dun Scaith Standard
Voidmoon Plague 90 The Lunar Subterrane
Wandering Eye 50 Western Thanalan Quest (Lv.50 "Why We Adventure")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Apanda 60-70 Deltascape V3.0, Great Gubal Library (Hard) Boss minion (Halicarnassus, Savage only), standard (Great Gubal Library (Hard) only)
Byblos 59 Great Gubal Library Boss
Pyros Apanda 39 (Earth-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
The Sophist 37 (Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros FATE boss (Lv.37 "On the Non-existent")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Arachne Eve 60 Weeping City of Mhach Boss
Psammead 72 Il Mheg Standard
Samyaza 72 Il Mheg FATE boss (Lv.72 "Mad Magic")
Troian Trapper 90 Fell Court of Troia Standard
Visitant Trapper 90 Garlemald Quest (Lv.90 "Kindled Spirit")

Arch Demon[]

Name Level Area Spawn notes
Arch Demon 57-62 Dravanian Hinterlands Levequest (Lv.58 "Necrologos: His Treasure Forhelen")
Ash 50 Haukke Manor (Hard) Boss
Biblioklept 60 Great Gubal Library Standard
Blood Demon 27 (Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Deep Palace Arch Demon 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 151-160 Standard
Palace Arch Demon 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 51-60 Standard
Visitant Arch Demon 90 Garlemald Quest (Lv.90 "An Unforseen Bargain")
Voidmoon Arch Demon 90 The Lunar Subterrane


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Archaeodemon 70-80 (Rank I) Bozjan Southern Front, Royal City of Rabanastre, Ridorana Lighthouse, Zadnor Boss minion (Rofocale, Yiazmat), FATE ("Demonstrably Demonic", "Sever the Strings"), standard (Royal City of Rabanastre only)
Plundered Steward 90 Fell Court of Troia Quest (Lv.90 "Where Everything Begins")
Troian Steward 90 Fell Court of Troia Standard
Ultima Demon 80 (Rank I) Zadnor FATE ("Meet the Puppetmaster")
Voidmoon Archaeodemon 90 The Lunar Subterrane


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Alicanto 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 101-110 Boss
Arioch 50 Lost City of Amdapor Boss
Arioch of the Isle 24 (Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Troian Equerry 90 Fell Court of Troia Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Atomos 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Cursing Atomos 60 Dun Scaith Boss minion (Ferdiad Hollow)
Howling Atomos 50 The World of Darkness Standard
Moaning Atomos 50 The World of Darkness Standard
Roaring Atomos 50 The World of Darkness Standard
Singularity Echo 60 Weeping City of Mhach Boss minion (Ozma)
Wailing Atomos 60 Dun Scaith Boss minion (Ferdiad Hollow)


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Baboulas 60 Great Gubal Library (Hard) Standard
Boogyman 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Boss
Caustic Grebuloff 90 Dead Ends Boss
High Baboulas 60 Great Gubal Library (Hard) Standard
Wild Baboulas 10 (Water-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Blackguard 60 Void Ark Standard
Bloodguard 60 Void Ark Boss minion (Echidna)
Deep Palace Guard 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 131-140 Standard
Original Blackguard 90 The Lunar Subterrane
Nightmare Bloodguard 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 41-50 Standard
Troian Guard 90 Fell Court of Troia Standard
Visitant Blackguard 90 Garlemald Quest (Lv.90 "An Unforseen Bargain")
Visitant Bloodguard 90 Lapis Manalis Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Advanced Smart Bomb 44 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.44 "Belles of the Ball")
Allagan Balloon 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Allagan Bomb 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Allagan Napalm 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Balloon 25-28 North Shroud Quest (Lv.28 "Trouble on the Road")
Big Shrapnel 44 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.44 "Operation Riffraff")
Blasting Cap 17-50 Copperbell Mines, Copperbell Mines (Hard) Boss minion (Ichorous Ire, Gogmagolem), standard (in Copperbell Mines only)
Bomb 11 Western Thanalan Standard
Bomb Baron 49 Northern Thanalan FATE boss (Lv.49 "The Red Baron")
Bomb Baronet 30 Coerthas Central Highlands Guildhest (Lv.35 "Long Live the Queen")
Bomb Char 35 Coerthas Central Highlands Guildhest (Lv.35 "Long Live the Queen")
Bomb Queen 36 Coerthas Central Highlands Guildhest boss (Lv.35 "Long Live the Queen")
Bomb Servitor 35 Coerthas Central Highlands Guildhest (Lv.35 "Long Live the Queen")
Bombard 27 Eastern La Noscea FATE (Lv.32 "Return of the King")
Bombard King 32 Eastern La Noscea FATE boss (Lv.32 "Return of the King")
Breeding Bomb 41 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.41 "Mother of All Bombs")
Bright Balloon 29 North Shroud Quest (Lv.28 "Digging in the Dark")
Bygone Bombard 27 Eastern La Noscea FATE (Lv.30 "In Deep Water", "Trial by Fire")
Ceruleum Bomb 40-44 Northern Thanalan Levequest (Lv.40 "Blow-up Incubator", "Circling the Ceruleum")
Cherry Bombard 27 Eastern La Noscea FATE (Lv.30 "In Deep Water", "Trial by Fire")
Dark Grenade 90 The Lunar Subterrane
Dazzling Bomb 48 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.48 "Fulminating Furnaces")
Deep Palace Grenade 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 181-190 Standard
Engendered Bomb 80 Akadaemia Anyder Standard
Fire Bomb 7-14 Western Thanalan Levequest (Lv.10 "Field of Beans", "Out of Body, Out of Mind")
Flambeau 17-50 Copperbell Mines, Copperbell Mines (Hard) Boss minion (Kottos, Hecatoncheir Mastermind)
Frost Bomb 50 Snowcloak Boss minion (Wandil)
Frost Grenade 50 Coerthas Western Highlands Quest (Lv.50 "At the End of Our Hope"), standard
Fulminator 50 Copperbell Mines (Hard) Standard
Gas Bomb 20 Halatali Standard
Giddy Bomb 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 181-190 Boss minion (The Godfather)
Glowing Bomb 48 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.48 "Fulminating Furnaces")
The Godfather 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 181-190 Boss
The Godmother 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 81-90 Boss
Grenade 31-49 Eastern La Noscea, Northern Thanalan, Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.32 "Unrefined Methods", Lv.49 "Jumping on a Grenade"), FATE (Lv.41 "Fire in the Hole", Lv.49 "Boom Goes the Ceruleum", "The Ceruleum Road"), standard (in Northern Thanalan and Outer La Noscea only)
Grey Bomb 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 81-90, Pharos Sirius (Hard) Boss minion (The Godmother, Progenitrix & Progenitor)
Hot Grenade 44 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.44 "Armed and Dangerous")
Hydatos Grenade 53 (Earth-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos Standard
Ice Bomb 50 Snowcloak Standard
Lady's Candle 28 Haukke Manor Boss minion (Lady Amandine)
Lava Bomb 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 81-90, Pharos Sirius (Hard) Boss minion (The Godmother, Progenitrix & Progenitor)
Limpet Bomb 41 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.41 "Bo Zu's Blown Cover")
Mana Bomb 6 (Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Mana Grenade 9 (Ice-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Mark II Limpet Bomb 48 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.48 "Angry Angry Acolyte")
Mustard Gas 55 Aery Boss minion (Gyascutus)
Napalm 32-36 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest (Lv.35 "Have a Nice Trip", "Saving Bessy")
Original Progenitrix 90 The Lunar Subterrane
Palace Bomb 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 81-90 Standard
Polis Bomb 60 Aquapolis Standard
Polis Grenade 60 Aquapolis Standard
Progenitrix 60 Pharos Sirius (Hard) Boss
Progenitor 60 Pharos Sirius (Hard) Boss
Puroboros 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Boss minion (King Behemoth)
Red Balloon 25 North Shroud Quest (Lv.25 "Questions and Lancers")
Remedy Bomb 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 181-190, Pharos Sirius (Hard) Boss minion (The Godfather, Progenitrix & Progenitor)
Shattering Cap 50 Copperbell Mines (Hard) Boss minion (Gogmagolem)
Shrapnel 38-44 Cutter's Cry, Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.44 "Operation Riffraff"), standard (in Cutter's Cry only)
Smart Bomb 41 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.41 "Know Your Place")
Smoke Bomb 32 Southern Thanalan Quest (Lv.31 "Heat of the Moment"), standard
Snoll 51 Dusk Vigil Standard
Time Bomb 60 Pharos Sirius (Hard) Standard
Time Grenade 60 Pharos Sirius (Hard) Standard
Torchlight 11 Western La Noscea Quest (Lv.11 "Relighting the Torch")
Training Incendiary 30 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.30 "Master of Marksmanship")
Void Flame 13-27 Eastern La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan, Lower La Noscea Levequest (Lv.20 "The Burning Reason", "Throw the Book at Him", Lv.25 "A Heart Aflame", Lv.30 "Twenty-nine Was the Cutoff")
Void Mine 18-40 Eastern La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan, South Shroud, Southern Thanalan Levequest (Lv.25 "A Heart Aflame", Lv.30 "Dead Man Walking", "Grapevine of Wrath", "Necrologos: Igneous Toil", "Twenty-nine Was the Cutoff", Lv.35 "Necrologos: Igneous Moil")
Warm Grenade 44 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.44 "Armed and Dangerous")


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
ボンバディール, Bonbadīru?
6168 Earth 10 The Killing of a Sacred Bombardier The Killing of a Sacred Bombardier


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
アマロック, Amarokku?
7177 Ice 18 I Amarok I Amarok
ケルベロス, Keruberosu?
3234 Rank 6 50 The World of Darkness The World of Darkness

Chimera Poppet[]

Name Level Area Spawn notes
Chimera Poppet 60 Dun Scaith Boss minion (Scatach)
Number 6 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos FATE boss (Lv.6 "By Numbers")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Acidic Mousse 81 Mare Lamentorum FATE (Lv.84 "What a Thrill")
Cubus 79 Tempest Standard
Deep-sea Cubus 76 Tempest FATE (Lv.79 "Lookin' Back on the Track")
Exciting Chocolate Mousse 90 Excitatron 6000 Standard
Exciting Mousse 90 Excitatron 6000 Standard
Flanborg 80 The Twinning Standard
Mousse 84 Mare Lamentorum Standard
Royal Custard 77 Malikah's Well Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Anantaboga 50 Amdapor Keep Boss
Ash Dragon 22 (Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos FATE boss (Lv.22 "Ash the Magic Dragon")
Bibliolater 60 Great Gubal Library (Hard) Standard
Deep Palace Dahak 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 131-140 Standard
Denizen of the Dark 45-49 Mor Dhona Levequest (Lv.45 "Necrologos: The Liminal Ones")
Dread Dragon 33 Upper La Noscea FATE boss (Lv.33 "The Key to Amatsu Kyori")
Eurekan Dahak 20 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Nightmare Dahak 54 Palace of the Dead Floors 31-40 Standard
Shadow Dahak 60 Dun Scaith Boss minion (Diabolos Hollow)
Summoned Dahak 60 Weeping City of Mhach Boss minion (Forgall)
Valefor 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Visitant Dahak 90 Garlemald Quest (Lv.90 "An Unforseen Bargain")
Voidmoon Dahak 90 The Lunar Subterrane


Name Level Area Spawn notes
The Beholder 50 Coerthas Western Highlands FATE boss (Lv.50 "What You See Is What You Get")
Bloodshot Deepeye 49-53 Coerthas Western Highlands Levequest (Lv.50 "Necrologos: Of Sallow Vizards")
Deep Palace Deepeye 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 151-160 Standard
Deepeye 47-50 Coerthas Western Highlands FATE (Lv.50 "Eye in the Sky"), standard
Foper 60 Fringes Standard
Pagos Deepeye 20 (Lightning elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Palace Deepeye 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 51-60 Standard
Polis Deepeye 60 Aquapolis Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Altered Wailer 50 Haukke Manor (Hard) Standard
Amanuensis 44 Dzemael Darkhold Boss minion (All-seeing Eye)
Bibliovore 60 Great Gubal Library (Hard) Standard
Buso 30 Lower La Noscea Guildhest boss (Lv.30 "Annoy the Void")
Deep Palace Demon 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 141-150 Standard
Demon Pawn 50 Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Standard
Forneus 50 Central Shroud A-rank elite mark
Gore Demon 28 Central Shroud FATE (Lv.31 "The Way of the Samurai")
Grand Duke Batym 40 (Earth-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros FATE boss (Lv.40 "Up and Batym")
Greater Demon 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Nightmare Demon 58 Palace of the Dead Floors 41-50 Standard
Planebreaker 45 South Shroud Quest (Lv.45 "The Voidgate Breathes Gloomy")
Plundered Pawn 90 Fell Court of Troia Quest (Lv.90 "Where Everything Begins")
Soul Collector 50 Amdapor Keep Standard
Troian Pawn 90 Fell Court of Troia Standard
Void Soulcounter 16 Tam-Tara Deepcroft Boss
Void Trumpeter 50 Southern Thanalan Quest (Lv.50 "Always Bet on Black")

Demon of the Tome[]

Name Level Area Spawn notes
Demon of the Incunable 24*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Demon of the Tome 60 Great Gubal Library (Hard) Boss


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Diabolos 50-60 Dun Scaith, Lost City of Amdapor Boss
Diabolos Hollow 60 Dun Scaith Boss


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Andromalius 90 Garlemald Quest (Lv.90 "An Unforseen Bargain")
Dvalinn 80 Lakeland Quest (Lv.80 "A Bounty of Hunters")
Forgall 60 Weeping City of Mhach Boss
King Goldemar 56 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos FATE boss (Lv.56 "Duty-free")


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Ferdiad's Fool 60 Dun Scaith Boss minion (Ferdiad Hollow)


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Deep Palace Gaelicat 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 101-110 Standard
Flying Killer 53 Sohm Al Standard
Gaelicat 47-50 Sea of Clouds FATE*(Lv.50 "Mind Condition"), standard
Polis Cat 60 Aquapolis Standard
Prowling Gaelicat 54-60 Sea of Clouds Levequest*(Lv.56 "Don't Eat the Shrooms", "Needs More Fervor")
Stray Gaelicat 59 Churning Mists Quest*(Lv.59 "A Moogle by Any Other Name")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Anemos Flan 8 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Bavaroid Waste 50 Wanderer's Palace (Hard) Standard
Blue Bavarois 50 Wanderer's Palace Boss minion (Giant Bavarois)
Congealed Blood 50 Haukke Manor (Hard) Standard
Corrupted Flan 60 Pharos Sirius (Hard) Standard
Corrupted Petite Pudding 50 Pharos Sirius Standard
Corrupted Pudding 50 Pharos Sirius Standard
Deep Palace Pudding 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 111-120, Floors 151-160 Standard
Figgy Pudding 26-30 South Shroud Levequest (Lv.25 "Necrologos: Olidious Separation")
Foobar 60 Dun Scaith, Void Ark Boss minion (Cuchulainn), standard (Dun Scaith only)
Frozen Bavarois 40 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest (Lv.35 "Feathered Foes", "Necrologos: Cinerary Rite")
Frozen Gelato 27 (Ice-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Gelato 51 Coerthas Western Highlands Standard
Giant Bavarois 50 Wanderer's Palace Boss
Green Bavarois 50 Wanderer's Palace Boss minion (Giant Bavarois)
Hydatos Pudding 51 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos Standard
Inkstain 60 Great Gubal Library (Hard) Standard
Moldy Pudding 13-29 Eastern Thanalan, Lower La Noscea, Southern Thanalan Levequest (Lv.20 "The Burning Reason", "Throw the Book at Him", Lv.25 "Necrologos: Fluid Corruption")
Mousse Princess 90 Mare Lamentorum A-rank elite mark
Mud Pie 25 South Shroud Quest (Lv.25 "Like Mother, Like Daughter")
Mud Pie Princess 26 South Shroud Quest (Lv.25 "Like Mother, Like Daughter")
Piston Lubricant 60 Alexander - The Arm of the Father Boss minion (Living Liquid)
Palace Pudding 19-60 Palace of the Dead Floors 11-20, Floors 51-60 Standard
Polis Pudding 60 Aquapolis Standard
Prison Pudding 24 Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak Standard
Purple Bavarois 50 Wanderer's Palace Boss minion (Giant Bavarois)
Pyros Pudding 46 (Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
Raw Sludge 10 East Shroud Quest (Lv.10 "Trial by Wind")
Red Marshmallow 35 Coerthas Central Highlands Guildhest (Lv.35 "Long Live the Queen")
Relict Bavarois 80 Matoya's Relict Standard
Relict Flan 80 Matoya's Relict Standard
Relict Licorice 80 Matoya's Relict Standard
Relict Marshmallow 80 Matoya's Relict Standard
Sorbet 53-56 Coerthas Western Highlands FATE (Lv.56 "Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia"), standard
Tartufo 50 Coerthas Western Highlands FATE boss (Lv.50 "Sugar, Sugar")
Warped Flesh 90 Dead Ends Standard
White Bavarois 50 Wanderer's Palace Boss minion (Giant Bavarois)
White Gelato 47 Coerthas Western Highlands FATE (Lv.50 "Panic Rheum", "Sugar, Sugar")
Yellow Bavarois 50 Wanderer's Palace Boss minion (Giant Bavarois)


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Balidet 47 Outer La Noscea FATE boss (Lv.47 "Spandy Balidet")
Barbatos 50 Southern Thanalan Quest boss (Lv.50 "Always Bet on Black")
Batraal 44 Dzemael Darkhold Boss
Bibliophagist 60 Great Gubal Library (Hard) Standard
Dark Gargoyle 64 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos Standard
Deep Palace Gargoyle 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 141-150 Standard
Fanatic Gargoyle 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 141-150 Boss minion (Tisiphone)
Gargoyle Usher 50 Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Standard
Gnarled Gargoyle 50 Western Thanalan Quest (Lv.50 "The Gifted")
Gneissic Gargoyle 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Standard
Gruesome Gargoyle 50 Western Thanalan Quest (Lv.50 "The Gifted")
Hollow Gargouille 42 Mor Dhona Guildhest (Lv.40 "Ward Up")
Hollow Gargoyle 35-39 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest (Lv.35 "Talk to My Voidsent")
Lesser Gargoyle 16 Central Shroud, Central Thanalan, Western La Noscea Quest (Lv.14 "Duty, Honor, Country", "Feint and Strike", "To Guard a Guardian")
Manor Sentry 50 Haukke Manor (Hard) Standard
Nightmare Gargoyle 59 Palace of the Dead Floors 41-50 Standard
Original Gargoyle 90 The Lunar Subterrane
Sepulture Gargoyle 60 Void Ark Standard
Shadow Wing 19 (Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Troian Footman 90 Fell Court of Troia Standard
Vassago 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Aetherbound Gnat 40 South Shroud Quest*(Lv.40 "A Slave to the Aether")
Ark Ked 60 Void Ark Boss minion*(Irminsul & Sawtooth)
Bloodlapper 50 Amdapor Keep, Amdapor Keep (Hard) Boss minion*(Demon Wall, removed after patch 2.2), standard*(in Amdapor Keep (Hard) only)
Deep Palace Ked 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 141-150 Standard
Demonswake 50 Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Standard
Fetid Faerie 50 Wanderer's Palace Quest*(Lv.50 "The Beast Within")
Gall Gnat 21 East Shroud Standard
Giant Gnat 14-18 East Shroud FATE*(Lv.17 "Stopping the Spread", Lv.21 "What Have You Done for Mead Lately"), standard
Greatwing Ked 28-32 South Shroud Levequest*(Lv.30 "Necrologos: Brand of the Impure")
Ked 47 South Shroud Standard
Malevolent Ked 50 East Shroud Quest*(Lv.50 "You Have Selected Regicide")
Mouche Volante 44 Dzemael Darkhold Boss minion*(All-seeing Eye)
Nightmare Gnat 57 Palace of the Dead Floors 41-50 Standard
Prince of Pestilence 16 East Shroud FATE boss*(Lv.16 "Royal Rumble")
Pus Gnat 13-20 East Shroud Levequest*(Lv.15 "Can't Say No to Gnat", "The Transporter"), guildhest*(Lv.20 "Pulling Poison Posies")
Seven-year Gnat 15-19 East Shroud Levequest wanted target*(Lv.15 "A Guest for Supper", "Can't Say No to Gnat", "Monkey Business", "Ochus Bite, Leaves Bleed", "Something in the Mead", "Stew for Two")
Void Jumper 13-42 Eastern Thanalan, Lower La Noscea, Northern Thanalan Levequest*(Lv.20 "The Burning Reason", "Throw the Book at Him", Lv.40 "Don't Forget to Cry"), quest boss*(Lv.25 "The Hidden Chapter")
Voidskipper 39*(Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Anemos Gremlin 18 (Earth-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Deep Palace Gremlin 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 151-160 Standard
Ghede Ti Malice 50 South Shroud A-rank elite mark
Gremlin 50 Lost City of Amdapor Standard
Gremlin Graverobber 70-80 Lakeland Quest (Lv.70 "Of Graveyards and Gremlins")
Gremlin Shouter 68 Lakeland FATE (Lv.71 "Don't Feed the Gremlins")
Palace Gremlin 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 51-60 Standard
Polis Gremlin 60 Aquapolis Standard
Pyros Gremlin 39 (Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
Ranting Ranks Gremlin 60 Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Standard
Spandule 59 Great Gubal Library Standard
Switch Gremlin 71 Holminster Switch Standard
White Gremlin 71 Lakeland Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Bitoso 60 Upper La Noscea Quest boss (Lv. 60 "Forward, the Royal Marines")
Deep Palace Taurus 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 131-140 Standard
Nightmare Haagenti 57 Palace of the Dead Floors 31-40 Standard
Summoned Haagenti 60 Weeping City of Mhach Boss minion (Forgall)


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Biohazard 60 Aetherochemical Research Facility Standard
Biopellet 70 Fractal Continuum (Hard) Standard
Blubber Eyes 30 (Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Deep Palace Hecteyes 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 131-140 Standard
Discarded Eye 50 Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Standard
Hakutaku 25 (Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos FATE boss (Lv.25 "The Wobbler in Darkness")
Hecteyes 50 Lost City of Amdapor Standard
Melt 50 East Shroud A-rank elite mark
Nightmare Hecteyes 50 Palace of the Dead Floors 31-40 Standard
Overtuned Specimen 83 Garlemald Standard
Polis Hecteyes 60 Aquapolis Standard
Pyros Hecteyes 54 (Water-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
Unknown 50 The World of Darkness Boss minion (Cerberus)
Void Hecteyes 80 Dusk Vigil Quest (Lv.80 "The Killing Art")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Deep Palace Hellhound 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 141-150 Standard
Hellhound 60 Void Ark Standard
Night Hound 60 Dun Scaith Boss minion (Diabolos Hollow)
Nightmare Hellhound 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 41-50 Standard
Presidential Hound 60 Diadem Boss minion (Buer)
Original Hellhound 90 The Lunar Subterrane
Troian Hound 90 Fell Court of Troia Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Alux 9 Central Shroud FATE boss (Lv.9 "Alux of the Draw")
Bibliophile 60 Great Gubal Library Standard
Bibliophobe 60 Great Gubal Library (Hard) Standard
Bitoso Adherent 54 Outer La Noscea Quest (Lv.54 "False Friends")
Brutish Imp 50 Western Thanalan Quest (Lv.50 "The Gifted")
Darkwing Devilet 20-30 Eastern Thanalan, Lower La Noscea Levequest (Lv.25 "A Heart Aflame", "Double Dose of Impin'")
Dastardly Devilet 50 Lost City of Amdapor Standard
Deep Palace Devilet 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 151-160 Standard
Deepvoid Scamp 35 Southern Thanalan Quest (Lv.35 "You'll Never Go Black")
Despicable Devilet 27-31 South Shroud Levequest (Lv.25 "More than Meets the Eye")
Dusty Devilet 40-49 Coerthas Central Highlands, Mor Dhona Levequest (Lv.40 "An Imp Mobile", Lv.45 "Amateur Hour")
Dusty Imp 36-40 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest (Lv.35 "Fishing Off the Company Pier")
Faultfinder 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Standard
Gaunt Slaveling 46 Northern Thanalan FATE (Lv.49 "Dark Devices - The End")
Gravedigger 16 Tam-Tara Deepcroft Boss minion (Void Soulcounter)
Grotty Imp 28 Central Shroud Quest (Lv.30 "In Nature's Embrace")
Heckler Imp 20 Halatali Standard
Igniter Imp 5-47 Central Shroud, Central Thanalan, Coerthas Central Highlands, Eastern Thanalan, Lower La Noscea, Middle La Noscea, North Shroud FATE (Lv.5-47 "Stay Frosty")
Inconspicuous Imp 16 Tam-Tara Deepcroft Boss minion (Galvanth the Dominator)
Inebriated Imp 36-40 Eastern La Noscea Levequest (Lv.35 "Walk Like a Mandragora")
Lockbreaker Imp 8 Central Shroud Quest (Lv.10 "Courage of Stone")
Manor Acrobat 50 Haukke Manor (Hard) Standard
Manor Jester 28-50 Haukke Manor, Haukke Manor (Hard) Boss
Mischief-maker Imp 10-20 Central Shroud, Eastern Thanalan, Western La Noscea Levequest wanted target (Lv.10 "A Shroom with a View", "Bump in the Night", "Going Green", "Infestation Cessation", "Scent of a Roselet", "Turning Out the Blight", "Wail of a Tale"), levequest (Lv.10 "Shock Therapy", Lv.15 "A Glamourous Life", "A Simple Solution")
Mormo's Missionary 28 Western Thanalan Quest (Lv.30 "Facing Your Demons")
Orderly Imp 28 Central Shroud FATE (Lv.31 "The Way of the Samurai")
Palace Imp 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 51-60 Standard
Polis Imp 60 Aquapolis Standard
Rabisu 30 Central Thanalan Quest boss (Lv.30 "Brother from Another Mother")
Roadblocker Imp 14 Western Thanalan FATE (Lv.17 "Simple Minds")
Runagate Imp 26 Central Thanalan Quest (Lv.30 "Brother from Another Mother")
Seemingly Ordinary Imp 19 Western Thanalan Quest (Lv.20 "The Threat of Perplexity")
Shadowcourt Jester 60 Dun Scaith Boss minion (Scatach)
Soulsucker Imp 21 Western Thanalan Quest boss (Lv.20 "The Threat of Perplexity")
Thievish Imp 51-56 Dravanian Forelands Levequest (Lv.52 "Last Priest Profaned", "Quit Loafing Around")
Tomeshifter Imp 59 Great Gubal Library Standard
Trickster Imp 8-43 Central Shroud, East Shroud, Eastern Thanalan, Northern Thanalan, Southern Thanalan FATE (Lv.10 "Spirithold Run", Lv.11 "Now I See Bees I Win"), levequest (Lv.10 "Bump in the Night", Lv.20 "Mortal Munchies", Lv.25 "Drakes' Misfortune", "The Third Prize Is That You're Slain", Lv.40 "Don't Forget to Cry"), standard (in Central Shroud only)
Valar 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Val Imp 5 (Ice-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Vandalous Imp 16 Eastern Thanalan Standard
Visitant Satana 90 Lapis Manalis Standard
Wicked Jester 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Boss minion (Ferdiad)


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Baron Jester 90 The Lunar Subterrane
Ferdiad 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Boss
Ferdiad Hollow 60 Dun Scaith Boss
Troian Bishop 90 Fell Court of Troia Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Lamashtu 19 (Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos FATE boss (Lv.19 "Drama Lamashtu")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Alzadaal's Mimic 90 Alzadaal's Legacy Standard
Mimic 50 Lost City of Amdapor Standard
Rabanastran Mimic 70 Royal City of Ranbanastre Standard
Sharlayan Mimic 60 Antitower Standard
Treasure Coffer 50 Hullbreaker Isle Standard

Muud Suud[]

Name Level Area Spawn notes
Asag 27 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos FATE boss (Lv.22 "Disorder in the Court")
Buccaboo 70 Peaks B-rank elite mark
Guud Suud 23 (Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Humbaba 68 Peaks FATE boss (Lv.68 "Rattle and Humbaba")
Muud Suud 61-68 Peaks Standard, FATE (Lv.61 "Stuck in the Muud")
Ruud Suud 61 Peaks Standard
Voidmoon Humbaba 90 The Lunar Subterrane


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Azer 50 Syrcus Tower Standard
Bergthurs 47-50 Coerthas Western Highlands FATE (Lv.50 "Null and Void"), standard
Biblioclast 60 Great Gubal Library (Hard) Standard
Bolthorn 45 Coerthas Central Highlands Quest (Lv.45 "Proof Is the Pudding")
Deep Palace Ogre 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 131-140 Standard
Deep Palace Vindthurs 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 181-190 Standard
Deepvoid Slave 44 Dzemael Darkhold Boss minion (Taulurd)
Elder Hapalit 45 Mor Dhona Quest (Lv.45 "Moon Sliver and Me")
Eurekan Vindthurs 28 (Ice-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos Standard
Foul River Hapalit 42-49 Mor Dhona Levequest (Lv.45 "Amateur Hour", "Big, Bad Idea", "One of Our Naturalists Is Missing", "Science Shindig", "The Museum Is Closed")
Frostbound 50 Snowcloak Boss minion (Yeti)
Gargamelle 39 Coerthas Central Highlands FATE boss (Lv.39 "Bellyfull")
Hapalit 43-48 Mor Dhona FATE (Lv.46 "Home Is Where the Horn Is"), standard
Headrip Ogre 26-30 Southern Thanalan Levequest (Lv.30 "Grapevine of Wrath")
Hrimthurs 50 Snowcloak Standard
Manipulated Ogre 50 Coerthas Central Highlands Quest (Lv.50 "Keeping the Oath")
Manor Warden 50 Haukke Manor (Hard) Standard
Muttonmaw Ogre 38 Coerthas Central Highlands Quest (Lv.38 "Sebastian vs. the Ogre")
Nightmare Ogre 51 Palace of the Dead Floors 31-40 Standard
Palace Hapalit 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 81-90 Standard
Porus 48 Mor Dhona FATE boss (Lv.48 "Another Notch on the Torch")
Redhorn Ogre 35-50 Coerthas Central Highlands FATE (Lv.38 "Simply Red"), quest (Lv.50 "Spearheading Initiatives"), standard
Scabrous Hapalit 50 Mor Dhona Quest (Lv.50 "A Hard Hapalit to Beat")
Skadi 35-39 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest wanted target (Lv.35 "Cower to the People", "Have a Nice Trip", "Little Lost Lamb", "Meat and Bleat", "Necrologos: Cinerary Rite", "Now We're Even")
Spinesnap Ogre 36-45 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest (Lv.35 "Meat and Bleat", Lv.40 "The Area's a Bit Sketchy", "We Can Dismember It for You Wholesale")
Tangata 20 Halatali Boss
Taulurd 44 Dzemael Darkhold Boss
Unfound Ogre 62 (Ice-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos Standard
Vindthurs 56 Coerthas Western Highlands Standard
Visitant Ogre 90 Garlemald Quest (Lv.90 "An Unforseen Bargain")
Void Slave 30-44 Eastern Thanalan, Northern Thanalan Quest (Lv.30 "The Rematch"), levequest (Lv.40 "Necrologos: Pale Oblation")
Wrathful Ogre 33-39 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest (Lv.35 "Just Making an Observation", Lv.40 "Talk to My Voidsent")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Dark Parthenope 49 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
Dun Scaith Parthenope 60 Dun Scaith Standard
Parthenope 60 Weeping City of Mhach Standard
Pyros Parthenope 47 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
バールゼフォン, Bāruzefon?
2573 Rank 2 50 The Lost City of Amdapor The Lost City of Amdapor
ダンタリオン, Dantarion?
2846 Rank 2 50 The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)
Death Mask
デスマスク, Desu Masuku?
7053 Lightning 13 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos
Deep Palace Persona
ディープパレス・ペルソナ, Dīpu Paresu Perusona?
5418 Rank 1 60 The Palace of the Dead (Floors 141-150) The Palace of the Dead (Floors 141-150)
Flame Sergeant Dalvag
不滅のフェランド闘軍曹, Fumetsu no Ferando Tō Gunsō?
Flame Sergeant Dalvag 2927 3183 Rank 4 50 19,443 1.5y Attack, Darkness, Gravity Force, Loom Loom, Paralyze III The Hunt Northern Thanalan
Mhachi Ghost
マハ・ゴースト, Maha Gōsuto?
4865 Rank 1 60 The Weeping City of Mhach The Weeping City of Mhach
Nightmare Persona
ナイトメア・ペルソナ, Naitomea Perusona?
5032 Rank 1 60 The Palace of the Dead (Floors 41-50) The Palace of the Dead (Floors 41-50)
Orthos Persona
オルト・ペルソナ, Oruto Perusona?
12214 Rank 1 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 81-90) Eureka Orthos (Floors 81-90)
Phantom Knight
ファントムナイト, Fantomu Naito?
2847 Rank 2 50 The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)
Singularity Trace
圧縮世界の痕跡, Asshuku Sekai no Konseki?
4893 Rank 1 60 The Weeping City of Mhach The Weeping City of Mhach
Sinking Arrogance
サンクン・アロガンス, Sankun Arogansu?
10295 Rank 2 89 The Aitiascope The Aitiascope
Unbound Persona
アンバウンド・ペルソナ, Anbaundo Perusona?
Rank 1 49-50
Rank 1 49
Rank 1 50
Necrologos: Of Sallow Vizards Necrologos: Of Sallow Vizards


 Name Level Area Spawn notes
Eurydike 87 Elpis FATE boss*(Lv.87 "Eurydike: All Bark, No Bite")
Leuke 57*(Earth-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos FATE boss*(Lv.57 "Leukewarm Reception")
Lotis 87 Elpis Standard
Sawtooth 60 Void Ark Boss
Stray Lotis 80-90 Elpis Quest*(Lv.80 "Small Size Advantage")
Udumbara 70 Fringes S-rank elite mark


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Shadowlurker 50 The World of Darkness Boss minion (Cloud of Darkness)


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Bibliomancer 59 Great Gubal Library Boss minion (The Everliving Bibliotaph)
Deep Palace Soulflayer 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 151-160 Standard
Galvanth the Dominator 16 Tam-Tara Deepcroft Boss
Mindflayer 50 South Shroud S-rank elite mark
Palace Soulflayer 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 51-60 Standard
Piscodemon 50 Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Standard
Pneumaflayer 11 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos Standard
Psycheflayer 50 Amdapor Keep Boss


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Deep Palace Succubus 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 141-150 Standard
Dira 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Standard
Fanatic Succubus 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 141-150 Boss minion (Tisiphone)
Halicarnassus 50 Haukke Manor (Hard) Boss
Lady Amandine 28-50 Haukke Manor, Haukke Manor (Hard) Boss, boss minion (Halicarnassus)
Lady's Handmaiden 28 Haukke Manor Boss minion (Lady Amandine)
Manor Claviger 28-50 Haukke Manor, Haukke Manor (Hard) Boss, standard (in Haukke Manor (Hard) only)
Manor Maidservant 28-50 Haukke Manor, Haukke Manor (Hard) Boss minion (Halicarnassus), standard (in Haukke Manor only)
Milburh the Malicious 49 Northern Thanalan FATE boss (Lv.49 "Dark Devices - The End")
Mormo 31 Western Thanalan Quest boss (Lv.30 "Facing Your Demons")
Nemesis 50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Boss minion (Thanatos)
Nightmare Succubus 52 Palace of the Dead Floors 31-40 Standard
Shadowcourt Handmaiden 60 Dun Scaith Standard
Skainsmate 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Standard
Succubus 50 Amdapor Keep Standard
Summoned Succubus 60 Weeping City of Mhach Boss minion (Forgall)
Tisiphone 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 141-150 Boss
Vampiress 90 The Lunar Subterrane


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Allotaur 50 Lost City of Amdapor Standard
Altered Wailer 50 Haukke Manor (Hard) Standard
Brontotaur 50 Amdapor Keep Standard
Camptotaur 50 Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) Standard
Chernobog 50 Outer La Noscea S-rank elite mark (Formerly known as Mahisha, name was changed in Patch 4.0)
Deep Palace Taurus 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 151-160 Standard
Eldertaur 30 (Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos FATE boss (Lv.30 "Brothers")
Gorgotaur 37 Coerthas Central Highlands Quest (Lv.37 "A Fool and His Life Are Soon Parted")
Mindertaur 30 (Earth-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos FATE boss (Lv.30 "Brothers")
Palace Taurus 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 51-60 Standard
Shadowclaw 37 Coerthas Central Highlands Guildhest boss (Lv.35 "Shadow and Claw")
Stegotaur 40-44 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest (Lv.40 "Got a Gut Feeling about This")
Tarbotaur 28 Central Shroud FATE (Lv.31 "The Way of the Samurai")
Taurus 39 Coerthas Central Highlands Standard
Taurus Minion 50 Haukke Manor (Hard) Boss minion (Ash)
Teratotaur 35 Sunken Temple of Qarn Boss
Visitant Blackguard 90 Garlemald, Lapis Manalis Standard (Lapis Manalis only), quest (Lv.90 "An Unforseen Bargain")


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Dark Troubadour 44 (Earth-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
Deep Palace Troubadour 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 131-140 Standard
Kum Kum 50 Syrcus Tower Boss minion (Amon)
Nightmare Troubadour 56 Palace of the Dead Floors 31-40 Standard
Soul Reaper 70 Deltascape V3.0 Boss minion (Halicarnassus)
Troubadour 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Boss minion (Ferdiad)


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Warped Flesh 90 Dead Ends Standard
Zot Umbril 81 Tower of Zot Standard


Name Level Area Spawn notes
Abaia 50 Syrcus Tower Standard
Blanga 12-15 Central Shroud, Central Thanalan, Western La Noscea Quest boss (Lv.5 "Underneath the Sultantree"), quest (Lv.14 "Duty, Honor, Country", "Feint and Strike", "To Guard a Guardian")
Camio 40 Mor Dhona Guildhest (Lv.40 "Ward Up")
Cathedral Gargoyle 57 The Vault Standard
Dark Helot 50 Amdapor Keep Boss minion (Anantaboga)
Deep Palace Abaia 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 151-160 Standard
Fanatic Vodoriga 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 141-150 Boss minion (Tisiphone)
High Putto 60 Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Boss minion (Kuribu)
Lesser Blanga 4 Central Thanalan Quest (Lv.5 "Underneath the Sultantree")
Lesser Vodoriga 25-29 Southern Thanalan Levequest (Lv.25 "Necrologos: The Noctambulist")
Low Putto 60 Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Boss minion (Kuribu)
Palace Vodoriga 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 51-60 Standard
Spine Breaker 60 Great Gubal Library (Hard) Standard
Visitant Vodoriga 90 Garlemald Quest (Lv.90 "An Unforseen Bargain")
Vodoriga 38 Coerthas Central Highlands Standard
Vodoriga Biblioclast 59 Great Gubal Library Standard
Vodoriga Cur 16-29 East Shroud, South Shroud Levequest (Lv.20 "She's So Mean", Lv.30 "Dead Man Walking")
Vodoriga Shade 32-36 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest (Lv.35 "Feathered Foes")
Vodoriga Sleeper 50 Amdapor Keep Standard
Vodoriga Slicer 50 Amdapor Keep (Hard) Standard
Vodoriga Snatcher 30-34 Coerthas Central Highlands Levequest (Lv.40 "Talk to My Voidsent")
Vodoriga Usher 50 Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Standard
Wasserspeier 41 (Lightning-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros Standard
Writhing Statue 50 Haukke Manor (Hard) Standard

Void Monk[]

Name Level Area Spawn notes
Deep Palace Monk 60 Palace of the Dead Floors 131-140 Standard
Morgawr 79 Tempest Standard
Nightmare Monk 55 Palace of the Dead Floors 31-40 Standard
Polis Monk 60 Aquapolis Standard
Visitant Monk 90 Lapis Manalis Standard
Void Monk 60 Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Standard

Other Transfigured[]

Name Level Area Spawn notes
Aspect of Chaos 45 Mor Dhona FATE boss (Lv.45 "Lightning Strikes - On Wings of Chaos")
Barbariccia 90 Storm's Crown Boss
Cagnazzo 90 Lapis Manalis Boss
Caym 9 (Ice-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos FATE boss (Lv.9 "Caym What May")
Connla 60 Dun Scaith Boss minion (Scatach)
Cloud of Darkness 50-100 The World of Darkness, The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic) Boss
Cuchulainn 60 Void Ark Boss
Daphne 55 (Water-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos FATE boss (Lv.55 "Crawling Chaos")
Deathgaze Hollow 60 Dun Scaith Boss
Echidna 60 Void Ark Boss
Exdeath 70 Deltascape V4.0 Boss
Golbez 90 The Voidcast Dais Boss
The Hand of Erebos 80 Eden's Gate: Descent Boss minion (Voidwalker)
The Idol of Darkness 80 Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm Boss
Louhi 35 (Ice-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos FATE boss (Lv.35 "Louhi on Ice")
Nael deus Darnus 50-70 Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4, The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate) Boss
Neo Exdeath 70 Deltascape V4.0 Boss (Savage only)
Nidhogg 60-90 Final Steps of Faith, Tempest, Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Boss, quest*(Lv.80 "Faded Memories")
Page 64 59 Great Gubal Library Boss minion (Byblos), standard
Pazuzu 20 (Wind-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos FATE boss (Lv.20 "Wail in the Willows")
Penthesilea 50 (Fire-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros FATE boss (Lv.50 "Lost Epic")
Rubicante 90 Mount Ordeals Boss
Scarmiglione 90 Fell Court of Troia Boss, quest boss (Lv.90 "Where Everything Begins")
Scathach 60 Dun Scaith Boss
Shisui Yohi 63 Shisui of the Violet Tides Boss
Stygian Shadow 100 The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic) Boss minion (Cloud of Darkness)
Typhon 50 Dragon's Neck Colisseum Boss
Ultros 50-70 Dragon's Neck Colisseum, Sigmascape V3.0 Boss, boss minion (Guardian)
Unknown 80 Anamnesis Anyder Boss
Voidwalker 80 Eden's Gate: Descent Boss
Ying-Yang 49 (Water-elemental) Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros FATE boss (Lv.49 "Haunter of the Dark")
Zenos's Avatar 90 Beyond the Stars Boss minion (Zenos viator Galvus)
Zeromus 90 The Abyssal Fracture Boss


Voids are vast spaces between filaments (the largest-scale structures in the Universe), which contain very few or no galaxies. Void is also a synonym for vacuum, a space containing no matter.
