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Sirba River

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Maayo sirba

Maayo Sirba ko daande maayo Niijeer to hirnaange Afrik. Sirba ummotoo ko e Burkina Faso, rewa fuɗnaange, rewa Niiseer, caggal ɗuum waɗa feccere juutnde e keerol hakkunde leyɗeele hakkunde leyɗeele ɗiɗi ɗee. Nde hawri ko e maayo Niiseer to hakkunde koɗki Gothèye e Karma to Niiseer, fotde 50 kiloomeeteer dow Niamey.

Sirba River
Mouth of the watercourseMaayo Jaaliba Taƴto
Drainage basinNiger basin Taƴto
LesdiBurkina Faso, Niiser, Benen Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto13°46′23″N 1°39′40″E, 12°15′55″N 0°33′54″W, 13°46′25″N 1°39′40″E Taƴto