General | Quotes | Misc | Heroic Ordeal |
Summoning[ | ]
Nice to meet you. I'm Selkie! Ooh, this place looks like a lot of fun. Come on, show me around already!
はじめまして! アタシ、キヌ! なんだか楽しそうな場所だね? ねっねっ、はやく案内してー!
Castle[ | ]
OK, I know. Next time, I'm going to invite Velouria out to play. It's settled!
ベロアも外で元気いーっぱいに 遊べばいいのになー。 よ-し、今度誘っちゃおう!
I get my hair from my daddy. Our hair is just so silky... I'm also proud of how soft my ears are!
アタシの毛並みは父さん譲り! おそろいのツヤツヤなんだー。 ふわふわの耳も自慢なんだよ!
Let's go hunting together! Hunting can take your mind off of all kinds of unpleasant things!
一緒に狩りにいこうよ! 狩りにいけば、いやなことは ぜーんぶ忘れちゃうよ!
I love it when somebody pats me on the head. Go on! Pat it!
あたまをよしよしされると 幸せな気持ちになっちゃうー。 触って触ってー!
Ugh! Don't offer things to me! Don't worship me! Nothing's going to happen!
もー、お賽銭やお供え物をもらっても なんのご利益もないよ! アタシ祀られてないんだし!
Friend greeting[ | ]
Boo! Are you scared? Hee-hee! I just came here to play for a bit, from
's castle.
わっ! えへへ、びっくりした? 【Friend】
のところから 遊びにきちゃったー。
Leveling up[ | ]
+[4,5] points[ | ]
I did it! I'm not scared of ANYTHING!
やったー! アタシに怖いものはないよ!
+[2,3] points[ | ]
On the hunt! Let's get back out there and play some more!
狩りって楽しい! もっと遊びたいなー。
+[0,1] points[ | ]
Oh, nuts. I didn't get much stronger, did I?
Ally Growth[ | ]
Thanks! I'll be sure to pay you back. Hee-hee!
えへへ、ありがとう。 このお礼はきっとするからね!
5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]
I've never felt afraid before. As soon as something crosses my mind, I go for it.
Fighting is the same way. No matter how strong a foe I'm facing, I never think twice.
That's because I have a lot of friends who back me up. I can do anything because I know they're there.
What about you? Have you ever felt afraid during a fight?
You can stop worrying. I'll be there to protect you. I won't let ANYTHING happen to you!
アタシ、怖いって思ったこと ないんだー。思いついたら なんでも試したくなっちゃう。
戦いだって同じだよ。 どんなに強い敵がきても ぜんぜん怖くないの。
それって、みんながいるからだよね。 頼もしい仲間と一緒にいると アタシはなんだってできる気がするの。
はどう? 戦いのとき、 怖いって感じたことある?
のことは アタシがしっかり守ってあげる! 怖い目になんか、あわせないからね!
Attack[ | ]
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Damage[ | ]
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Special trigger[ | ]
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Watch out, I play rough! | |
Hahaha! | |
Grrrr! | |
Hold still! |
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Defeat[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
But I wanna keep playing... |
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Status page[ | ]
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
Bored, bored, bored... I'm SO BORED. Let's have a staring contest! GO!
1 | |
Ooh! Pat my head again! It makes me happy.
1 | |
Tell me I'm good! Scratch my ears! *laughs* Snuggle time!
1 | |
Oh, this? It was a bird, of course. I was going to see if you wanted one.
4 | |
Wait, wait! Come back, little bird! It's gone. No fair, flying!
4 | |
I love my daddy so much. Daddy loves me, too!
5 | |
Thanks for always taking time to play with me! You're so much fun!
5 |
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
ヒマヒマヒマー! ねえねえ、あたしとにらめっこしない?
1 | |
えっへへー! よしよしされると嬉しくなっちゃう!
1 | |
1 | |
フガフガ…ぷはっ!! これはさっきアタシが森で仕留めた鳥だよ!
4 | |
4 | |
5 | |
いつも一緒に遊んでくれてありがとう! すっごく楽しいよ!
5 |
Turn action[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
Alright! | |
Let's play! | |
Time for some fun! |
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Story appearances
- Dawning Future/Micaiah: Dawning Maiden
- Driven by Vision/Selena: Fluorspar
- Flow of Power/Gregor: Swell Sword
- Kaden & Selkie: Bound Hero Battle
- New Awakening/Kiragi: Upbeat Archer
- Spirits Ablaze/Merrin: Suave Knight
- The Orb Case/Kaden: Kitsune Braggart
- The Orb Case/Selkie: Free Spirit
- The Orb Case/Story
- The Orb Case/Velouria: Wolf Cub
― Selkie: Free Spirit, New Awakening/Kiragi: Upbeat Archer |