Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Icon Name Description
Flyting Talent Flyting Talent At start of turns 2 through 5, grants 【Rally Spectrum】to captain for 1 turn. At start of turns 2 through 5, grants 【Rally Spectrum】to captain for 1 turn.

【Rally Spectrum】
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and if unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, grants Special cooldown count-X to unit before unit's first attack during combat (X = 1 if unit can trigger the "unit attacks twice" effect or if unit's maximum Special cooldown count is reduced (Special trigger is accelerated); otherwise, X = 2). (That turn only.)

Effects[ | ]

Status effects
Status Effect Rally Spectrum Rally SpectrumCaptain CaptainAt start of turns 2-5

Notes[ | ]

  • Flyting Talent applies the Status Effect Rally Spectrum Rally Spectrum status effect.
    • Any 【Bonus】 on a unit lasts until the start of that unit's next phase. If Status Effect Rally Spectrum Rally Spectrum is acquired during the enemy phase, it will disappear when the next player phase begins.

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese ???
German ???
Spanish (Europe) ???
Spanish (Latin America) ???
French ???
Italian ???
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) ???
Portuguese ???

See also[ | ]
