Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
The Lie
The Lie
The Lie's appearance
GENDER Genderless
SPECIES ???/Cyborg
AGE Unknown, Possibly Infinite
HEIGHT Over 100m
CLASS True Final Boss
WEAPONS Laser Cannons

Acidic Breath
Club Tail
10,000,000MPa Crushing Force
Blinding Glare
Temporal Cutting Blades

Luxmors Bastion

The Lie is a temporal being encountered in the Secret Ending of Luxmors Bastion . A complete enigma to the game, the creature appears to possess Organic and Cybernetic features possibly suggesting it to be an experiment of the Luxmors Prison Force although the technology doesn't appear very similar. The creature attacks Unten while he is time travelling bringing Unten to a cave only referred to as Bone End. The creature awaits Unten at the bottom of the cave and is guarded by possessed versions of LPF Guards as well as a Shadow Version of Mortem (possibly his possessed body after he was killed).


Very little is known about the creature, its species is unknown although it has cybernetic implants suggesting someone or something knows what The Lie's species is. Observations when traversing Bone End show that The Lie has killed numerous individuals with an entire room filled with bones nearly to the ceiling. In addition it appears that its Cybernetic implants allow its to possess robots even those whose primary capabilities have been disrupted.

There is no indication The Lie created Bone End as neither an entry or exit point is found in the cave.


The Lie appears to be a very large serpent creature with a cobra-like neck. Its face appears to either be protected by a skin-tight helmet or physically replaced by armor. It has four large canine teeth and several incisors although the incisors were likely canines that had been worn down. It also possesses several spikes on its neck and a bizarre; Black, Blue and Yellow pattern on its underside. In addition it has two large axe-like structures jutting out of its side that while seemingly cybernetic are in fact organic and possess the ability to cut open temporal portals. Most of its lower body is relatively sparse except for the end of its tail which seems to have been cut off and replaced by a large cup shaped piece of metal that seems to serve no purpose other than for physically bashing The Lie's enemies with. The rest of its skin appears to be a dark-murky green.

Trophy Information[]

Image Info

The Lie
Luxmors Bastion (2015)

An enigma in serpentine form. His appearance suggests he is an experiment by the Luxmors Prison Force, yet there's something just a little off with that assumption. That technology doesn't look like it belongs to the Luxmors Prison Force, so that can't be it. Observations when traversing it's home, called Bone End, show that The Lie has killed numerous individuals with an entire room filled with bones nearly to the ceiling. In addition it appears that its Cybernetic implants allow its to possess robots even those whose primary capabilities have been disrupted.

