If you are going to comment on this page, please read this first. Do not post comments unrelated to the page itself. Comments are fine, as long as you actually provide a comment to the actual page itself and not some random, completely trivial thing that has nothing to do with the page in question. If you are going to comment, post something related to the page itself. |
Submitting content to Conatus, much like its predecessor of Paradigm, has several rules and guidelines, which will be gone over in this article. If you do not follow these guidelines, your content may be nominated for removal.
Submitting Content[]
When submitting content, you must not only follow the rules of the wiki, but must also follow Conatus's creationary guidelines:
- Content must be original and created specifically for Conatus. Guest content is not allowed under most circumstances. Talk with User:Pyrostar for possible special arrangements.
- Content that is submitted must be completed withing a week of being added. If not, that is grounds for nomination. If you are having trouble with finishing on time, please contact User:Pyrostar. Additionally, it is suggested that heroes be given some form of artwork as soon as possible. However, if no artwork is made, the content may stay so long as it does not break any rules.
- Content pages must meet the standard format and general style of others. Said formatting will be decided by the very first character added by Pyrostar, Vega.
- Content must properly fit within gameplay. While more unique content are fine, everything should stay within the game's rules and controls.
- Content must be of decent and worthy quality. Poorly made content will be nominated for removal.
- Poor joke content and/or purposely bad troll content will be nominated almost immediately. As shown by many games with large casts, it is possible to have a joke character; Dan Hibiki and Faust are prime examples. However, if a joke character or item is poor, they will be nominated quickly. Purposely bad content is almost guaranteed to be removed ASAP.
- Only two characters and up to four items per category can be added per user each week. Any existing content can be freely edited after the fact with no limits.
Nominating Content[]
Nomination for removal is being conducted in the forum. Please check there for more info.