It is needed for the quest X-2: Strange Transmissions!, but is not a quest item and can be dropped right after obtaining it, as the blue print is already transferred to Dr. Klein.
If your Strength level does not meet the recommended level for this weapon (7), then the attack speed of the antenna is painfully slow, and could possibly make it the slowest weapon in the game, regardless of the fact that the super sledge is 5 lbs heavier than it and attacks faster.
As an EMP melee weapon, it is relatively powerful against machines like robo-scorpions, which it often knocks back with each hit.
A Brain's Best Friend ·All My Friends Have Off Switches ·Coming Out of Her Shell ·Field Research ·He Came... And Went ·Influencing People ·Midnight Science Fiction Feature! ·Old World Blues ·Picking Your Brains ·Project X-13 ·Sonic Emitter Upgrade ·Welcome to the Big Empty ·X-13: Attack of the Infiltrator! ·X-2: Strange Transmissions! ·X-8: High School Horror! ·X-8 Data Retrieval Test
Cardiac Arrest! ·Make up Your Mind ·Making Friends ·Outsmarted ·Spinal-Tapped
Automaton ·Cardiac Arrest! ·Caza-Death Dealer ·Dog Run I/II/III ·Evil Genius ·Klein Destine ·Mad Scientist ·Make up Your Mind ·Making Friends ·Mobius Strip ·MT Space ·Outer Space ·Outsmarted ·Spinal-Tapped ·VR the Champions I/II/III