關於an overview of sledgehammers,參見sledgehammer

The sledgehammer is a melee weapon in Fallout 4.


A simple tool repurposed to serve as a basic melee weapon. It is relatively heavy and slow to swing but capable of inflicting reasonably high amounts of damage, especially in the early game stages. Later in the game without add-ons, it usually finds itself outclassed by its big brother, the super sledge. Its upgrade options in the base game encompass only two modifications, both of which require fairly little in terms of perks and crafting components.

Like all slow melee weapons, the sledgehammer benefits greatly from Rank 4 of the Big Leagues perk as it allows for hitting multiple targets with every swing, a trait that goes a long way to counteract the slow attack speed in battle against numerous hostiles.


The Nuka-World add-on adds several new modifications for the sledgehammer. While many of these require considerable investments in the Science! perk on top of Blacksmith, they are now capable of pushing the sledgehammer's damage output far beyond that of any other melee weapon in its class. In fact, a top-tier sledgehammer outclasses even a fully upgraded super sledge in every respect; it can inflict massive ballistic damage, energy damage, bleed damage and extra limb damage for a total of 500+ points with every hit. Various additional effects like stunning the target or setting it on fire plus an inherent chance to cripple only increase its combat value further. A lucky legendary find (such as a Mighty sledgehammer for instance) can easily deal several hundred damage when fully upgraded and boosted, though it will be very heavy as a drawback.

Weapon modifications[]

Slot Mod Description Weapon prefix Damage per hit change Weight change Weapon value change in caps Perk needed Components Form ID
Head Standard Adhesive x2
Steel x6
Puncturing Armor piercing. Superior damage. Puncturing +11 +4.7 +18 Blacksmith 2 Adhesive x2
Steel x8
Heavy Chance to cripple. Extra limb damage. Superior damage. Heavy +17 +9 +30 Blacksmith 2 Adhesive x4
Concrete x7
Wood x2
Heavy spiked Nuka-World_(add-on) Armor piercing. Chance to cripple. Extra limb damage. Exceptional damage. Heavy Spiked +21 +11.3 +42 Blacksmith 3 Adhesive x6
Concrete x8
Steel x5
Wood x3
Heavy sharp Nuka-World_(add-on) Targets bleed. Chance to cripple. Extra limb damage. Exceptional damage. Heavy Sharp +21 +10 (2/s, 5s) Bleed +11.3 +42 Blacksmith 3 Adhesive x6
Concrete x8
Oil x2
Steel x5
Wood x3
Heavy rocket Nuka-World (add-on) Chance to cripple. Extra limb damage. Exceptional damage. Heavy Rocket +34 +18 +60 Blacksmith 3
Science! 2
Adhesive x8
Circuitry x1
Concrete x8
Nuclear material x2
Steel x5
Heavy sharp rocket Nuka-World (add-on) Targets bleed. Chance to cripple. Extra limb damage. Superb damage. Heavy Sharp Rocket +40 +10 (2/s, 5s) Bleed +20.4 +72 Blacksmith 3
Science! 3
Adhesive x10
Circuitry x2
Concrete x8
Nuclear material x2
Steel x9
Heavy spiked rocket Nuka-World_(add-on) Chance to cripple. Extra limb damage. Superb damage. Heavy Spiked Rocket +40 +20.4 +72 Blacksmith 3
Science! 3
Adhesive x9
Circuitry x2
Concrete x8
Nuclear material x2
Steel x8
Heavy searing sharp rocket Nuka-World_(add-on) Adds Fire damage. Targets bleed. Chance to cripple. Extra limb damage. Superb damage. Heavy Searing Sharp Rocket +40 +20 Energy +10 (2/s, 5s) Bleed +30 +112 Blacksmith 3
Science! 4
Adhesive x12
Aluminum x12
Circuitry x5
Concrete x8
Nuclear material x6
Heavy shocking sharp rocket Nuka-World_(add-on) Adds Electrical damage and chance to stun. Targets bleed. Chance to cripple. Extra limb damage. Superb damage. Heavy Shocking Sharp Rocket +40 +25 Energy +10 (2/s, 5s) Bleed +31.8 +152 Blacksmith 3
Science! 4
Adhesive x14
Aluminum x16
Circuitry x8
Concrete x8
Nuclear material x8
Paint Unpainted Nuka-World_(add-on) Standard. xx{{#pad:|6|0|left}}
Painted Nuka-World_(add-on) Painted +4 Concrete x4
Wood x3


  • This item can be found frequently in the hands of raiders and super mutants throughout the Commonwealth.
  • Can be purchased from traders, especially weapons vendors.
  • One may be found at Thicket Excavations, leaning against the water pump that Sully Mathis is working on.
  • One may be found in the waystation along the train tracks west-northwest of Vault 81.
  • One can be found on top of a building next to the Haymarket Mall entrance. It can only be reached by climbing some scaffolding and then jumping across two buildings.
  • Two may be found in Kendall Hospital: One in the irradiated hallway after the deathclaw pit, and another beyond the door just after the hallway, before opening the barred door.
  • One at the Super Duper Mart in the fusion core room.
  • Far Harbor (add-on) A legendary crippling sledgehammer can be obtained by siding with Cog at the end of The Price of Memory.