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“You have a better understanding of living creatures and their strengths and weaknesses. You get a one-time bonus of +10% to Arzt, and you do +5 damage per attack to living creatures.”— Fallout 2 description
“Living Anatomy allows you to see the health and Damage Threshold of any target. It also gives you a +5% bonus to damage against humans and non-feral ghouls.”— Fallout: New Vegas description
Du bekommst +10% auf die Fahigkeit Arzt, und machst +5 Schaden pro Attacke gegen Organische .
In the unpatched version, you get +20% Arzt instead of +10%.
Fallout: New Vegas[]
You can see the HP and DT of any characters, creatures and robots and you gain +5% damage against humans and non-feral ghouls.
Targets with "long" names (such as "Paladin der Stählernen Bruderschaft") may extend two lines when targeted, and thus push the HP and DT down past the edge of the screen, making the numbers unreadable.
The perk tracks overkill damage, so targets can display negative HP.
J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game[]
You have a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of living creatures. You gain a +2 damage bonus against all living creatures and when you score a hit against living creatures, your attack roll is increased by 5 for purposes of determining critical hits.