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Fairy Tail Wiki

Macro (命令(マクロ) Makuro) is a Curse that makes use of absolute control.


Seilah uses Macro on Elfman

Seilah uses Macro on Elfman

This Curse allows the user to take total control of something, which is defined as giving an "order."[1] Whether they are dead,[2] alive,[3] or an inanimate object[4] is irrelevant; though it has been noted that corpses do not function as well as living bodies.[5] Macro can also serve the purpose of forcing one to reveal secrets that they would otherwise not willingly share,[6] and once someone or something has come under the user's control once, they can remotely resume control of them at any time. This Curse can also be used to drastically empower the user in a process they refer to as "breaking [their] limit."[7] Due to Mirajane's Demon Take Over nature, she is completely immune to the effects of Macro.[8] There seems to be a limit to the Curse however, as some weren't affected by the order when Mirajane used it against the soldiers of the Alvarez Empire.[9]


Seilah's Spells[]

Mirajane's Spells[]


  1. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 380, Page 13
  2. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 363, Page 7
  3. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 363, Pages 11-12
  4. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 375, Page 15
  5. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 363, Page 8
  6. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 367, Page 7
  7. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 380, Pages 13-14
  8. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 380, Page 5
  9. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 456, Pages 10-11

