Machias (機械族 Makiasu) are a species of living metal machines from the continent of Alakitasia on Earth Land.[1]
Machias are a species of organic metal humanoids that can take on the appearance of humans as well as possess the capability to use Magic. It has been shown that some Machias are capable of changing their appearance to improve their functionality depending on the situation they are presented with.[1]
As a result of their metallurgy-derived biology, they are considered to be highly vulnerable to electricity and, thus, lightning-based Magic.[2] However, it is possible for them to become resilient, and, in some cases, even adapt to repel Lightning Magic back at their attacker.[1][2]
Their functional ophthalmology can be designed to allow them to analyse physical, and even psychological, factors of individuals for offensive and defensive purposes.[3] Furthermore, Machias are deprived of sensory functions such as olfactory sensors, which provides an immunity to poisonous scents.[4]
Magic, Alchemy and Abilities[]
Alchemy (錬金術 Renkinjutsu): According to Fried Justine, Machias are capable of using Alchemy, allowing them to transmute matter and substances within their reach into and form or function, including their own bodies.[5]
- Metamorphosis: Through the use of Alchemy, Machias are known to be able to not only change their physical appearance, but also their physiology.[6]
Electrical Conductance: Because of the organic materials that make up their physiology, Machias are known to be super conductors of electricity: a known foible they possess. However, it is possible to overcome this through the magic of Weakness and their capability to metamorphose.[2]
Anosmia: As mechanical beings, Machias lack a nose or any olfactory senses to detect orders. This is shown to be beneficial to any intoxicating aromas.[4]
Known Machias[]
Earth Land | Alchemical Doll • Angel • Artificial Dragon • Artificial Lizardman • Bakshi • Celestial Spirit • Clipper • Cubina Gamal • Curily • Demon • Doscadon • Dragon • Etherious • Exceed • Fairy • Fish • Giant • Giant Sea Slug • Goblin • God • God Seed • Golem • Grand Magic Games Monsters • Hane-Sakana • Harpy • Hodras • Lizardman • Machias • Mermaid •Mole • Nine-Tailed Fox • Personified Doll • Rollidillo • Sand Beast • Sea Serpent • Spirit-Luminescent Bug • Tenrou Squirrel • Vulcan • Werelion •Weretiger • Wyvern |
Edolas | Legion |
Elentear | Exceed • Tsumeaka • Yokai |