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الگو:Chem molar mass

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]

This template calculates the وزن مولکولی (or molar mass) of a chemical compound. It is designed to be embedded in infoboxes {{Infobox drug}} and {{Chembox}}, but it can be used in-line just as well.



Use chemical symbols to compose the molecular formula: {{Chem molar mass|H=2|O=1}} (for H
) → ۱۸٫۰۱۵ g·mol−1

|round= by default the calculated number is rounded to 2 decimals.

|round=no will show all decimals:
{{Chem molar mass|Be=1|round=no}}۹٫۰۱۲۱۸۳۱ g·mol−1
|round=a number will round to that number of decimals
{{Chem molar mass|Be=1|round=4}}۹٫۰۱۲۲ g·mol−1

|unit= changes the unit for the calculated result. The default unit is g·mol−1.

{{Chem molar mass|H=2|O=1|unit=gram per mole}}۱۸٫۰۱۵ gram per mole

The next parameters will always show:
|fixed= to enter a fixed (predefined) value+unit. It will overwrite any calculated value+unit.

|ref=<ref>some source</ref> will add the reference right after the unit.

|comment=Any textis added as a suffix, after a space and unedited (no brackets added etc.).


{{Chem molar mass|fixed=234.56 g/mol|ref=<ref>Some source</ref>|comment=My Comment}}234.56 g/mol[۱] My Comment

|sortable=yes, for use in sortable tables: will add a hidden sortable number, and omits the unit (see table below).

Blank parameter list

{{Chem molar mass
| round   =
| unit    =
| fixed   =
| ref     =
| comment =
| sortable=
| catname =
{{Chem molar mass
<!-- with 118 chemical symbols: -->|H= |He= |Li= |Be= |B= |C= |N= |O= |F= |Ne= |Na= |Mg= |Al= |Si= |P= |S= |Cl= |Ar= |K= |Ca= |Sc= |Ti= |V= |Cr= |Mn= |Fe= |Co= |Ni= |Cu= |Zn= |Ga= |Ge= |As= |Se= |Br= |Kr= |Rb= |Sr= |Y= |Zr= |Nb= |Mo= |Tc= |Ru= |Rh= |Pd= |Ag= |Cd= |In= |Sn= |Sb= |Te= |I= |Xe= |Cs= |Ba= |La= |Ce= |Pr= |Nd= |Pm= |Sm= |Eu= |Gd= |Tb= |Dy= |Ho= |Er= |Tm= |Yb= |Lu= |Hf= |Ta= |W= |Re= |Os= |Ir= |Pt= |Au= |Hg= |Tl= |Pb= |Bi= |Po= |At= |Rn= |Fr= |Ra= |Ac= |Th= |Pa= |U= |Np= |Pu= |Am= |Cm= |Bk= |Cf= |Es= |Fm= |Md= |No= |Lr= |Rf= |Db= |Sg= |Bh= |Hs= |Mt= |Ds= |Rg= |Cn= |Nh= |Lv= |Mc= |Fl= |Ts= |Og=
| round   =
| unit    =
| fixed   =
| ref     =
| comment =
| sortable=
| catname =

Standard atomic weights used

Atomic number
Element Molar mass
0 C
&10000000000000180157000180.157 fixed value input
0 C
&10000000000000180157000180.157 g/mol fixed value input
0 C
&10000000000000180158999۱۸۰٫۱۵۹ g·mol−1 استیل‌سالیسیلیک اسید
1 H &10000000000000001008000۱٫۰۰۸ g·mol−1
2 He &10000000000000004002602۴٫۰۰۲۶۰۲ g·mol−1
3 Li &10000000000000006940000۶٫۹۴ g·mol−1
4 Be &10000000000000009012183۹٫۰۱۲۱۸۳۱ g·mol−1
5 B &10000000000000010810000۱۰٫۸۱ g·mol−1
6 C &10000000000000012010999۱۲٫۰۱۱ g·mol−1
7 N &10000000000000014006999۱۴٫۰۰۷ g·mol−1
8 O &10000000000000015999000۱۵٫۹۹۹ g·mol−1
9 F &10000000000000018998403۱۸٫۹۹۸۴۰۳۱۶۳ g·mol−1
10 Ne &10000000000000020179700۲۰٫۱۷۹۷ g·mol−1
11 Na &10000000000000022989769۲۲٫۹۸۹۷۶۹۲۸ g·mol−1
12 Mg &10000000000000024304999۲۴٫۳۰۵ g·mol−1
13 Al &10000000000000026981538۲۶٫۹۸۱۵۳۸۴ g·mol−1
14 Si &10000000000000028085000۲۸٫۰۸۵ g·mol−1
15 P &10000000000000030973761۳۰٫۹۷۳۷۶۱۹۹۸ g·mol−1
16 S &10000000000000032060000۳۲٫۰۶ g·mol−1
17 Cl &10000000000000035450000۳۵٫۴۵ g·mol−1
18 Ar &10000000000000039948000۳۹٫۹۴۸ g·mol−1
19 K &10000000000000039098300۳۹٫۰۹۸۳ g·mol−1
20 Ca &10000000000000040078000۴۰٫۰۷۸ g·mol−1
21 Sc &10000000000000044955908۴۴٫۹۵۵۹۰۸ g·mol−1
22 Ti &10000000000000047866999۴۷٫۸۶۷ g·mol−1
23 V &10000000000000050941499۵۰٫۹۴۱۵ g·mol−1
24 Cr &10000000000000051996099۵۱٫۹۹۶۱ g·mol−1
25 Mn &10000000000000054938043۵۴٫۹۳۸۰۴۳ g·mol−1
26 Fe &10000000000000055844999۵۵٫۸۴۵ g·mol−1
27 Co &10000000000000058933194۵۸٫۹۳۳۱۹۴ g·mol−1
28 Ni &10000000000000058693399۵۸٫۶۹۳۴ g·mol−1
29 Cu &10000000000000063545999۶۳٫۵۴۶ g·mol−1
30 Zn &10000000000000065379999۶۵٫۳۸ g·mol−1
31 Ga &10000000000000069722999۶۹٫۷۲۳ g·mol−1
32 Ge &10000000000000072629999۷۲٫۶۳۰ g·mol−1
33 As &10000000000000074921594۷۴٫۹۲۱۵۹۵ g·mol−1
34 Se &10000000000000078971000۷۸٫۹۷۱ g·mol−1
35 Br &10000000000000079903999۷۹٫۹۰۴ g·mol−1
36 Kr &10000000000000083798000۸۳٫۷۹۸ g·mol−1
37 Rb &10000000000000085467799۸۵٫۴۶۷۸ g·mol−1
38 Sr &10000000000000087620000۸۷٫۶۲ g·mol−1
39 Y &10000000000000088905839۸۸٫۹۰۵۸۴ g·mol−1
40 Zr &10000000000000091224000۹۱٫۲۲۴ g·mol−1
41 Nb &10000000000000092906369۹۲٫۹۰۶۳۷ g·mol−1
42 Mo &10000000000000095950000۹۵٫۹۵ g·mol−1
43 Tc &10000000000000098000000۹۸ g·mol−1
44 Ru &10000000000000101069999۱۰۱٫۰۷ g·mol−1
45 Rh &10000000000000102905490۱۰۲٫۹۰۵۴۹ g·mol−1
46 Pd &10000000000000106420000۱۰۶٫۴۲ g·mol−1
47 Ag &10000000000000107868200۱۰۷٫۸۶۸۲ g·mol−1
48 Cd &10000000000000112414000۱۱۲٫۴۱۴ g·mol−1
49 In &10000000000000114817999۱۱۴٫۸۱۸ g·mol−1
50 Sn &10000000000000118709999۱۱۸٫۷۱۰ g·mol−1
51 Sb &10000000000000121760000۱۲۱٫۷۶۰ g·mol−1
52 Te &10000000000000127599999۱۲۷٫۶۰ g·mol−1 (Does not follow atomic number)
53 I &10000000000000126904470۱۲۶٫۹۰۴۴۷ g·mol−1 (Does not follow atomic number)
54 Xe &10000000000000131293000۱۳۱٫۲۹۳ g·mol−1
55 Cs &10000000000000132905451۱۳۲٫۹۰۵۴۵۱۹۶ g·mol−1
56 Ba &10000000000000137326999۱۳۷٫۳۲۷ g·mol−1
57 La &10000000000000138905470۱۳۸٫۹۰۵۴۷ g·mol−1
58 Ce &10000000000000140116000۱۴۰٫۱۱۶ g·mol−1
59 Pr &10000000000000140907659۱۴۰٫۹۰۷۶۶ g·mol−1
60 Nd &10000000000000144241999۱۴۴٫۲۴۲ g·mol−1
61 Pm &10000000000000145000000۱۴۵ g·mol−1
62 Sm &10000000000000150360000۱۵۰٫۳۶ g·mol−1
63 Eu &10000000000000151963999۱۵۱٫۹۶۴ g·mol−1
64 Gd &10000000000000157250000۱۵۷٫۲۵ g·mol−1
65 Tb &10000000000000158925353۱۵۸٫۹۲۵۳۵۴ g·mol−1
66 Dy &10000000000000162500000۱۶۲٫۵۰۰ g·mol−1
67 Ho &10000000000000164930328۱۶۴٫۹۳۰۳۲۸ g·mol−1
68 Er &10000000000000167258999۱۶۷٫۲۵۹ g·mol−1
69 Tm &10000000000000168934217۱۶۸٫۹۳۴۲۱۸ g·mol−1
70 Yb &10000000000000173044999۱۷۳٫۰۴۵ g·mol−1
71 Lu &10000000000000174966800۱۷۴٫۹۶۶۸ g·mol−1
72 Hf &10000000000000178490000۱۷۸٫۴۹ g·mol−1
73 Ta &10000000000000180947879۱۸۰٫۹۴۷۸۸ g·mol−1
74 W &10000000000000183840000۱۸۳٫۸۴ g·mol−1
75 Re &10000000000000186206999۱۸۶٫۲۰۷ g·mol−1
76 Os &10000000000000190229999۱۹۰٫۲۳ g·mol−1
77 Ir &10000000000000192217000۱۹۲٫۲۱۷ g·mol−1
78 Pt &10000000000000195084000۱۹۵٫۰۸۴ g·mol−1
79 Au &10000000000000196966569۱۹۶٫۹۶۶۵۷۰ g·mol−1
80 Hg &10000000000000200592000۲۰۰٫۵۹۲ g·mol−1
81 Tl &10000000000000204379999۲۰۴٫۳۸ g·mol−1
82 Pb &10000000000000207199999۲۰۷٫۲ g·mol−1
83 Bi &10000000000000208980400۲۰۸٫۹۸۰۴۰ g·mol−1
84 Po &10000000000000209000000۲۰۹ g·mol−1
85 At &10000000000000210000000۲۱۰ g·mol−1
86 Rn &10000000000000222000000۲۲۲ g·mol−1
87 Fr &10000000000000223000000۲۲۳ g·mol−1
88 Ra &10000000000000226000000۲۲۶ g·mol−1
89 Ac &10000000000000227000000۲۲۷ g·mol−1
90 Th &10000000000000232037700۲۳۲٫۰۳۷۷ g·mol−1
91 Pa &10000000000000231035879۲۳۱٫۰۳۵۸۸ g·mol−1
92 U &10000000000000238028909۲۳۸٫۰۲۸۹۱ g·mol−1
93 Np &10000000000000237000000۲۳۷ g·mol−1
94 Pu &10000000000000244000000۲۴۴ g·mol−1
95 Am &10000000000000243000000۲۴۳ g·mol−1
96 Cm &10000000000000247000000۲۴۷ g·mol−1
97 Bk &10000000000000247000000۲۴۷ g·mol−1
98 Cf &10000000000000251000000۲۵۱ g·mol−1
99 Es &10000000000000252000000۲۵۲ g·mol−1
100 Fm &10000000000000257000000۲۵۷ g·mol−1
101 Md &10000000000000258000000۲۵۸ g·mol−1
102 No &10000000000000259000000۲۵۹ g·mol−1
103 Lr &10000000000000266000000۲۶۶ g·mol−1
104 Rf &10000000000000267000000۲۶۷ g·mol−1
105 Db &10000000000000268000000۲۶۸ g·mol−1
106 Sg &10000000000000269000000۲۶۹ g·mol−1
107 Bh &10000000000000270000000۲۷۰ g·mol−1
108 Hs &10000000000000270000000۲۷۰ g·mol−1
109 Mt &10000000000000278000000۲۷۸ g·mol−1
110 Ds &10000000000000281000000۲۸۱ g·mol−1
111 Rg &10000000000000282000000۲۸۲ g·mol−1
112 Cn &10000000000000285000000۲۸۵ g·mol−1
113 Nh &10000000000000286000000۲۸۶ g·mol−1
114 Fl &10000000000000289000000۲۸۹ g·mol−1
115 Mc &10000000000000290000000۲۹۰ g·mol−1
116 Lv &10000000000000293000000۲۹۳ g·mol−1
117 Ts &10000000000000294000000۲۹۴ g·mol−1
118 Og &10000000000000294000000۲۹۴ g·mol−1

Data sources (CIAAW)


Primarily, the atomic weights used here are defined by CIAAW [۱]:

  • "Standard Atomic Weights". Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights (CIAAW). 2015. Retrieved 2015-09-20. (68 elements)
  • CIAAW also published additional lists in spreadsheet format (2013). It has additional conventional values for trade usage, and some background information on the numbers and calculations. (12 elements: B, Br, C, Cl, H, Li, Mg, N, O, S, Si, Tl).
Coplen, T.B.; et al. (2013). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (xls)". CIAAW. Retrieved 2015-05-26.
  • Some unstable elements can naturally occur, and so are listed (4 elements: Bi, Th, Pa, U)
  • Additional values are those of the most stable isotopes, as given in فهرست عناصر جدول تناوبی (34 elements). This source is not supported by the CIAAW publications.

See also: "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. February 2016. pp. 265–291. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305. eISSN 1365-3075. ISSN 0033-4545. Retrieved 2016-12-29.

Embedding in a template


The template is designed to be embedded in a template like {{Drugbox}}. The molecular formula can be entered like ...|H=2|O=1, and these values then are passed through to this subtemplate, together with the other parameters like |round=.

For this usage one extra parameter is available:
|catname=. A category name entered here, which will be used as maintenance category for articles that have both calculated and fixed input. These are two inputs for one data value. The maintenance task is to remove the |fixed= input (unless overwriting is intentional).

Know issue: uncertainty


Atomic weights are given with a precision and uncertainty, for example: 20.1797(6) for نئون (more جرم مولی).


This template does not maintain the uncertainty (the bracketed part). When done correctly, the uncertainty could influence the result, especially when precision (number of decimals) is larger.


This template usually does rounding on the calculated result, to 2 decimals by default:

For neon: {{Chem molar mass|Ne=1}} → ۲۰٫۱۷۹۷ g·mol−1

Two decimals is common practice for trade and most laboratory situations. However, rounding is set to more decimals, and the compounnd has atoms with less precision, the resulting number will be inaccurate (suggesting a wrong precision). For example استرانسیم :

{{Chem molar mass|Sr=1|round=4}} → ۸۷٫۶۲ g·mol−1

Six elements have values ending with a final decimal being "0" (a zero), like Sn: 118.710. This value does not show for technical reasons (the calculation 'rounds them away'), but it does signify an extra precision. The six elements are Sn, Rh, Ge, Sb, Dy, Bi.

Calculate cumulative uncertainties


See also

  1. Some source