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Neon Genesis Evangelion Proposal (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン企画書, Shin Seiki Evangerion Kikakusho?) is a 35-page full-color document that was started in 1993, two years before the anime TV series' airing, for promotional purposes. It is essentially a prototype for the anime TV series, complete with production illustrations; notes on theme and story; write-ups on characters, mechas, and setting; and short summaries for the planned 26 episodes.

Thirty-three of its pages are printed, as 6 cm x 8.5 cm thumbnails, in Neon Genesis Evangelion Newtype 100% Collection (with 33 and 34 omitted and page 35 labeled as 33). All 35 pages are reprinted full-size in Evangelion Chronicle as 35 separate pages, each with supplemental commentary on its opposite side.


Numerous changes would be made between the Proposal and the final version of the anime TV series. An incomplete listing follows:


  • Gendo has the title of "Professor" (kyouju), in addition to his rank as supreme commander of NERV.
  • Kensuke does not appear with glasses on.
  • Fuyutsuki is 45 years old - Gendo's junior rather than his senior.
  • The council chairman is "Konrad Lorenz", rather than "Keel Lorenz" ("Konrad Lorenz" is actually, letter-for-letter, the name of a famous Austrian biologist). His age is given as 67, whereas Keel's official age is "unknown".
  • No name is provided for the "hot springs penguin". The bird does, however, have an age (2 years) and a vestigial backstory involving bioengineered origins — neither of which are provided in the anime canon, but the latter is utilized in Sadamoto's manga.
  • The three NERV operators (Maya Ibuki, Makoto Hyuga, and Shigeru Aoba) are not present.


  • The Evangelions are recognizable, although the design work is still undergoing. Some of the armor layouts presented are very close to those seen in the final anime TV series. The Evas are more solidly-built than their anime TV counterparts.
  • Three design variations are presented for Unit-01: the "ceratopsian" (horn and "frill") look present in the final anime TV series; something resembling a prototype Unit-03 with the left "cheek" extending into a flattened, horizontally-oriented blade; and a version with two long horns projecting from above the eyes like twin feather crests.
  • Unit-01 is most commonly depicted in white armor. The trademark purple color scheme is nowhere to be seen.
  • Unit-00 is depicted in blue with shoulder pylons only. The actual head design is essentially the one that is seen in the final anime TV series.
  • The only presented design for Unit-02 is entirely red and two-horned and has nothing in common with the final design, save the basic color.
  • Unique Unit-05 and Unit-06 models are present, rather than a Mass Production Evangelion series.
  • The Evas' height is given as 40 meters. This is in contrast to the final figure, which has the Evas fluctuating between 40 and 200 meters, depending on their surroundings.
  • Limitless power is obtained through a "positron engine" rather than the S² Engine.


Proposal apostolos

Two unused Apostolos: Shateiel and Turel

  • Entities called shito (使徒) are present, but the "alternate version" of this is "Apostolo" (アポストロ) rather than "Angel". This is a much more literal approach, considering shito is the Japanese word reserved for the Biblical apostles. However, as in the final anime TV series, the Proposal's shito are all named after angels, not apostles.
  • There are 28 Apostolos total.
  • Adam was excavated in the Dead Sea region (which was subsequently vaporized via the Second Impact), not Antarctica. Adam is also explicitly referred to as "he" (the final anime TV series seems to contradict this, however, by having Kaworu refer to Adam in maternal terms).
  • A metallic Apostolo called Raziel attacks in Episode 01 rather than Sachiel.
  • Sachiel is present, although Yoshitoh Asari's final design bears scant resemblance to it, save for adherence to an "amphibious humanoid" motif.
  • Ramiel looks the same, except there is a "cut-out" triangle levitating above each of its eight faces.
  • The Sahaquiel of Proposal is completely different design-wise: essentially two super-destructive ribbons (a la Zeruel's arms) attached on either side of a disembodied Core.
  • A human-shaped Apostolo, the prototype of Kaworu Nagisa, appears earlier in the chronology. He is also accompanied by a pet cat (a detail that Sadamoto apparently makes ironic reference to in his manga).
  • Arael's appearance is minimally different.
  • Designs are disclosed for the unused Shateiel and Turel.
  • The final Apostolo conflict involves the "twelve strongest", which descend from the Moon and (apparently) vaporize North America.
  • Cores seem to be variously depicted as red and blue.


  • Target audience: Elementary school students, junior high school students, and the general family
  • The organizations SEELE and Gehirn are absent (SEELE would not be created until sometime later into the final anime TV series' actual production).
  • The Artificial Evolution Laboratory is a contemporary establishment, not something restricted to the backstory.
  • The First Ancestral Race are said to be prehistoric (possibly Terran?) life forms responsible for Adam and the Apostolos.
  • The ending involves "the ancient ruins of Arka" — a popular target of fan speculation.


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