Stage Evangelion Beyond (舞台・エヴァンゲリオン ビヨンド?) is an original stage play based on the Evangelion franchise, that was performed live in various cities in Japan, between May and June of 2023.[2]. It is a collaboration between khara, major Tokyo cultural complex Bunkamura, and TST Entertainment Co., Ltd.[3]
A heavy chains on life. Soshi Watamori has lived his life by turning his eyes away from it. For redemption and rebirth, he unleashes the secrets of the world.[4]
Fifteen years ago, mysterious "invaders" appeared in various parts of the world. Officially, it is announced that a huge meteorite fell on a village in Japan, creating a huge crater, from which "invaders from outer space, Angels" appeared.
In order to fight the Angels, Saneyuki Kano, the Supreme Commander of the special agency "Mensch," develops four Evangelions with his subordinate Etsuko Sakurai. Saneyuki puts his son Toma on board the Evangelion as its pilot.
In addition, Hinata, Eri, Nawo, and other boys and girls are secretly assigned as pilots under the command of the field commander, Iori, and they are given bracelets as proof of their duties.
One morning. One morning, Hinata, Eri, and Nawo are talking in a junior high school classroom when Toma appears. Toma says, "Everything we do is based on a lie," removes his bracelet, and disappears from the world. The people are each upset because they do not know whether Touma is alive or dead. However, Saneyuki, without revealing his emotions, instructs Etsuko on how to deal with the situation.
Iori, who lost her parents and hometown in a huge meteorite accident 15 years ago when she was a child, believes that the Angels caused the tragedy and joined the Mensch to defeat them. She now stands on the front lines as a commander. The Angels attack one after another, but the pilots have different feelings, and soon their feelings begin to diverge. Iori is also troubled by her own doubts about how to deal with the pilots.
Iori's college friend and former lover, Soshi, appears before her. Soshi is concerned for Iori and tells her that he has become a temporary teacher at a school for Evangelion pilots.
The people's hearts and minds begin to move dramatically through the unexpected events that occurred during the third attack of the apostles. The truth is revealed one after another, and the story heads toward a surprising conclusion. [5] [6]
- Soshi Watamori (渡守 ソウシ?) portrayed by Masataka Kubota. (Temporary Teacher)
- Saneyuki Kano (叶サネユキ?) portrayed by Tetsushi Tanaka (田中哲司). (Supreme Commander of the agency "Mensch")
- Etsuko Sakurai (桜井エツコ?) portrayed by Kyoko Miyashita (宮下今日). ("Mensch" Member)
- Iori Kiryu (霧生イオリ?) portrayed by Shizuka Ishibashi (石橋静河). -> (Field Commander)
- Toma Kano (叶トウマ?) portrayed by Takato Nagata (永田崇人). (Evangelion Pilot, son of Saneyuki)
- Hinata La Fayette Kojo (光条・ヒナタ・ラファイエット?) portrayed by Akane Sakanoue (坂ノ上茜). (Evangelion Pilot)
- Eri Akizuki (秋津希エリ?) portrayed by Kanna Murata (村田寛奈). (Evangelion Pilot)
- Nawo Hasumi (羽純ナヲ?) portrayed by Mizuki Itagaki (板垣瑞生). (Evangelion Pilot)
- Mayu (マユ?) (Evangelion Artificial Pilot)
- Dorf (ドルフ?)
- Ikimono (イキモノ?)
- Angel of Fire Hi no Shito (火の使徒?) Michael (ミカエル?)
- Angel of Earth
- Angel of Wind
- Angel of Water
- CS Bracelet (CS ブレスレット?) - This bracelet is used to communicate with the MENSCH headquarters and notify emergency summons.
Evangelion Units[]
- Composition/Direction/Choreography: Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
- Script: Seiji Nozoe
- Visual Direction and Costume Design: 柘植伊佐夫 セットデザイン:岩本三玲
- Music: Alexandre Dai Castaing
- Illumination: 吉本有輝子
- Eizou/video projection: Epixels/Maxime Guislain
- Acoustic: 武田安記
- Special Molding Design/Special Molding Production: 松岡象一郎
- Costume Design Stylist: 羽石輝
- Costume Design and Costume Production: 岩崎晶子
- Hair Makeup: 波多野早苗
- Choreography Assistant: 大植真太郎
- Production Assistant: 加藤由紀子
- Interpretation: 時田曜子
- Stage Director: 足立充章
- Production Manager: 野中昭二
- Script Cooperation: 鏑木勲
- Screenplay Cooperation: ミカエラ・ジェーン・レアード
- Planning Cooperation: 伊藤寿
- Production: 青山恵理子, 武内純子
- Producer: 金子紘子
- Executive Producer: 加藤真規
- 窪田正孝
- 石橋静河
- 村上虹郎
- 永田崇人
- 坂ノ上茜
- 村田寛奈
- 宮下今日子
- 田中哲司
- 大植真太郎
- 大宮大奨
- 渋谷亘宏
- 森井淳
- 笹本龍史
- 渡邉尚
- 高澤礁太
- 権田菜々子
- [太鼓芸能集団 鼓童]
- Vocals:
- 山脇千栄(Tokyo and Nagano performance)
- 阿部好江(Osaka performance)
See Also[]
External Links[]
- Official Webpage at Bunkamura Website
- Stage Evangelion Beyond on WOWOW Website
- COCOON PRODUCTION 2023『舞台・エヴァンゲリオン ビヨンド』スポット映像 at YouTube
- COCOON PRODUCTION 2023『舞台・エヴァンゲリオン ビヨンド』リハーサル映像 at YouTube
- 舞台エヴァ】主演・窪田正孝&永田崇人&石橋静河ら集結!プラグスーツやフライングついて語る 『舞台・エヴァンゲリオン ビヨンド』製作発表 at YouTube
- REVIEW: Evangelion's New Stage Play Asks What Truly is Beyond Evangelion at Crunchyroll (Archived)
- [1]
- Tan Hazumi was initially going to be portrayed by Nijirō Murakami, before being recasted by Mizuki Itagaki.
- The character portrayed by Shizuka Ishibashi was initially named Yuu Mizuho (瑞穂 ユ?), the name was later changed.
- The character portrayed by Tetsushi Tanaka was initially named Masatsugu Sugou (菅生 マサツグ?), the name was later changed.
- The character portrayed by Mizuki Itagaki was initially named Tan Hasumi (蓮見 タン?), the name was later changed.
- The play was broadcasted on WOWOW in August 2023, the recorded video was shoot on 24 May 2023.[10]
- The filmed stage play was exhibited on selected cinemas for a period of 2 weeks all over Japan starting on 10 November 2023.[11]
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- ↑ ■あらすじ 人生にかけられた重い枷(かせ)。そこから目を逸らし生きてきた渡守ソウシ(窪田正孝)。 贖罪、そして再生のため、彼は世界の秘密を解き放つ。 15年前、世界各地に謎の「侵略者」が出没。公式には日本のある集落に巨大隕石が落下し巨大なクレーターが生まれ、そこから「宇宙からの侵略、使徒」が出現したと発表される。 使徒に対抗するため、特務機関「メンシュ」最高司令官、叶サネユキ(田中哲司)は部下の桜井エツコ(宮下今日子)とともに 四体のエヴァンゲリオンを開発。サネユキは自らの息子トウマ(永田崇人)をパイロットとしてエヴァンゲリオンに搭乗させる。 さらに、現場指揮官のイオリ(石橋静河)のもと、ヒナタ(坂ノ上茜)、エリ(村田寛奈)、そしてナヲ(板垣瑞生)ら少年少女 も パイロットとして秘密裏に配属され、彼らにはその 任務の証としてブレスレットが与えられている。 ある朝。ヒナタ、エリ、ナオが中学校の 教室で話をしていると、そこにトウマが現れる。 トウマは「僕らがやってることのすべては嘘の上に成り立っている」と言ってブレスレットを外し、この世界から消失する。 トウマの生死がわからず、それぞれに動揺する人々。 だが、サネユキは感情を あらわ にすることなく、対応策をエツコに指示する。 15年前、幼い頃に巨大隕石事故で両親と故郷を失ったイオリは、使徒がその惨劇を引き起こしたと信じ、使徒たちを倒すためメンシュに参加。 現在は司令官として前線に立っている。 次々と襲来する使徒、しかしパイロットたちの思いは様々でやがて彼らの思いはすれ違っていく。そしてイオリも自らのパイロットたちへの対応に疑問を持ち悩む。 イオリの前に 大学時代の友人であり、恋人だったソウシ(窪田正孝)が現れる。ソウシはイオリのことを気遣いつつ、エヴァパイロットが通う学校の臨時教師になったことを告げる。 そして三度目の使徒襲来で起きた 意外な出来事を通じて、人々の心は大きく動き始める。真実が次々と明らかに、そして驚くべき結末へと向かっていく。
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