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Zerrenda:François Boucheren margolanak

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François Boucher frantses margolariaren eta grabatzailearen lanak:

irudia Artikulua Data Bilduma
Venusen jaiotza (Boucher) 1754 Wallace Bilduma
The Rising of the Sun 1753 Wallace Bilduma
The Triumph of Venus 1740 Suediako Museo Nazionala
Pastoral with a Couple near a Fountain 1749 Wallace Bilduma
Diana bainu ondoren 1742 Louvreko margogintza saila
Eguzkiaren irteera (Boucher) 1752 Wallace Bilduma
Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan 1754 Wallace Bilduma
Morning Coffee 1739 Louvreko margogintza saila
Jupiter and Callisto 1744 Puxkin Museoa
Portraits of Madame de Pompadour 1756 Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Venus Consoling Love 1751 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Hercules and Omphale 1735 Puxkin Museoa
Vulcan Presenting Venus with Arms for Aeneas 1757 Louvreko margogintza saila
Beauvais gertuko ikuspegia 170s Hermitage museoa
Madame de Pompadourren erretratua 1759 Wallace Bilduma
View of Tivoli with the Temple of Vesta Suediako Museo Nazionala
Danaë and the Shower of Gold. Study 18th century Suediako Museo Nazionala
Venus in her Bath surrounded by Nymphs and Cupids Suediako Museo Nazionala
The Toilet of Venus 1746 Suediako Museo Nazionala
Leda and the Swan 1742 Suediako Museo Nazionala
Are They Thinking About the Grape? 1747 Suediako Museo Nazionala
The Milliner 1746 Suediako Museo Nazionala
Madame de Pompadour 1758
National Galleries Scotland
Landscape with Fisherman and a Young Woman 1769 Walters Art Museum
Pastoral 1730 Walters Art Museum
Pastoral Repast 1769 Walters Art Museum
Odaliska beltzarana 170s Louvreko margogintza saila
Chinese Fishing 170s Besançoneko arte ederretako eta arkeologia museoa
Bibliothèque municipale de Besançon
Chinese Dance 170s Besançoneko arte ederretako eta arkeologia museoa
Bibliothèque municipale de Besançon
Chinese Garden 1742 Besançoneko arte ederretako eta arkeologia museoa
L'Audience de l'empereur de Chine 170s Besançoneko arte ederretako eta arkeologia museoa
Bibliothèque municipale de Besançon
A Lady on Her Day Bed 1743 The Frick Collection
Drawing 16th century The Frick Collection
Girl with Roses 170s The Frick Collection
Poetry 17th century The Frick Collection
The Arts and Sciences: Architecture and Chemistry The Frick Collection
The Arts and Sciences: Astronomy and Hydraulics The Frick Collection
The Arts and Sciences: Comedy and Tragedy The Frick Collection
The Arts and Sciences: Fishing and Hunting The Frick Collection
The Arts and Sciences: Fowling and Horticulture The Frick Collection
The Arts and Sciences: Painting and Sculpture The Frick Collection
The Arts and Sciences: Poetry and Music The Frick Collection
The Arts and Sciences: Singing and Dancing The Frick Collection
The Four Seasons: Autumn 1755 The Frick Collection
The Four Seasons: Spring 1755 The Frick Collection
The Four Seasons: Summer 1755 The Frick Collection
The Four Seasons: Winter 1755 The Frick Collection
Shepherd's Idyll 1768 Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Toilette of Venus 1751 Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Interrupted Sleep 1750 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Imaginary Landscape with the Palatine Hill from Campo Vaccino 1734 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Washerwomen 1768 Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Dispatch of the Messenger 1765 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Jupiter, in the Guise of Diana, and Callisto 1763 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist and Angels 1765 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Angelica and Medoro 1763 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Jack and Belle Linsky Collection
Allegory of Lyric Poetry 1753 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Study for a Monument to a Princely Figure 17th century Metropolitan Museum of Art
Chinoiserie 1750 Boijmans Van Beuningen Museoa
The Light of the World 1750 Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon
Louvreko margogintza saila
Musées Nationaux Récupération
Munich Central Collecting Point
Allegory of Autumn 1753 Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Love Letter 1750 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Allegory of Music 1764 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Samuel H. Kress Collection
Allegory of Painting 1765 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Samuel H. Kress Collection
Madame Bergeret 1766 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Samuel H. Kress Collection
Venus on the Waves 1769 J. Paul Getty Museoa
Aurora and Cephalus 1769 J. Paul Getty Museoa
The Bird Catchers 1748 J. Paul Getty Museoa
The Fountain of Love 1748 J. Paul Getty Museoa
Virgin and Child 17th century Arte Ederretako Museoa (San Frantzisko)
La Femme au Chat: Les caresses dangereuses 170s Arte Ederretako Museoa (San Frantzisko)
Bacchantes 1745 Arte Ederretako Museoa (San Frantzisko)
Companions of Diana 1745 Arte Ederretako Museoa (San Frantzisko)
Vertumnus and Pomona 1757 Arte Ederretako Museoa (San Frantzisko)
Are They Thinking about the Grape? (Pensent-ils au raisin?) 1747 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
Bathing Nymph 17th century Chicagoko Arte Institutua
The mysterious basket 1748 National Gallery of Victoria
The enjoyable lesson 1748 National Gallery of Victoria
A young lady holding a pug dog 1745
Art Gallery of New South Wales
The Rest of the Holy Family during the Flight into Egypt 17th century Danimarkako Galeria Nazionala
Shepherd Boy Playing Bagpipes 1754 Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Young Woman with Flowers in Her Hair 1734 Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Halt at the Spring 1765 Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Return from Market 1767 Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Danaë Finnish National Gallery
Project for a Cartouche: An Allegory of Minerva, Fame, History and Faith Overcoming Ignorance and Time 1727 Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Monument to Mignard 1735 Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Death of Meleager 1727 Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Venus and Mercury Instructing Cupid 1738 Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Cupid Wounding Psyche 1741 Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Leda and the Swan 1742 Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Resnick art collection
Saint John the Baptist 1755 Minneapolis Institute of Art
La toilette 1742 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museoa
River Landscape with Ruin and Bridge 1762 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museoa
River Landscape with an Antique Temple 1762 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museoa
Head of a Young Girl 1750 Hermitage museoa
Rest on the Flight into Egypt 1757 Hermitage museoa
Toilet of Venus 17th century Hermitage museoa
Pastoral Scene 170s Hermitage museoa
Cupids. Allegory of Poetry 17th century Hermitage museoa
The Dovecote 170s Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans
Fishing 1767 Versaillesko jauregia
The Rape of Europa or Abduction of Europa 1747 Louvreko margogintza saila
Landscape with a Watermill 1755 National Gallery
Pan and Syrinx 1759 National Gallery
Rinaldo and Armida 1734 Louvreko margogintza saila
Pan and Syrinx 1762
Pradoko Museoa
Idyllic Landscape with Woman Fishing 1761 Indianapolisko Arte Museoa
The Assumption of the Virgin National Galleries Scotland
Crossing the Ford 170s Hermitage museoa
Cupids. Allegory of Painting 170s Hermitage museoa
A Pastoral Scene ('L'Offrande a la Villageoise') 1761 National Galleries Scotland
A Pastoral Scene ('La Jardiniere Endormie') 1762 National Galleries Scotland
A Pastoral Scene ('L'Aimable Pastorale') 1762 National Galleries Scotland
Landscape with a Pond 1746 Hermitage museoa
The Cherub Harvesters Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Putti as Fisherman 1744 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
The Judgment of Paris 17th century Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Jacques Goudstikker collection
Collection Goudstikker heirs
Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Diana Returning from the Hunt 1745 Cagnacq-Jay museoa
Jupiter in the Guise of Diana, and the Nymph Callisto 1759 The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Landscape with a Water Mill 1740 The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Mill at Charenton 1758 Toledoko Arte Museoa
Rast am Brunnen 1730 Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Pastoral River Landscape 1741 Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Saint Peter walking on the water 1764
Vénus et l'Amour
Le Sacrifice de Gédéon 1728 Louvreko margogintza saila
Rébecca reçoit les présents d'Abraham 170s Louvreko margogintza saila
Young Lady with a Muff 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
L'Aurore 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Le Sommeil des amours 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Vertumne et Pomone 1763 Louvreko margogintza saila
Vénus désarme l'Amour 1749 Louvreko margogintza saila
La Toilette de Vénus 1749 Louvreko margogintza saila
Les forges de Vulcain 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
The Nest, also known as the Berger Present 17th century
Louvreko margogintza saila
Céphale et l'Aurore 1764 Louvreko margogintza saila
L'Appeau 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Charms of Country Life 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Venus Asking Vulcan for Arms for Aeneas 1732 Louvreko margogintza saila
The Bridge 1751 Louvreko margogintza saila
The Mill 1751 Louvreko margogintza saila
La Cible d'Amour 1758 Louvreko margogintza saila
The Three Graces 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Les forges de Vulcain 1747 Louvreko margogintza saila
La marquise de Pompadour 1750 Louvreko margogintza saila
Painter in his Studio 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Vertumnus und Pomona (Kopie nach) Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Rural idyll 1735 Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Mercury Entrusting the Infant Bacchus to the Nymphs of Nysa 1734 Cincinnati Art Museum
Venus in the Workshop of Vulcan 1757 Yale University Art Gallery
O poeta abandona o vício pela virtude. Hércules na encruzilhada 1750 São Pauloko arte museoa
Alegoria da sabedoria e da força - a escolha de Hércules ou Hércules e Ônfale São Pauloko arte museoa
Diane et Callisto 1760 Slovak National Gallery
Sculpture (The Arts) 1758 National Trust
Music (The Arts) 1758 National Trust
Painting (The Arts) 1758 National Trust
Poetry (The Arts) 1758 National Trust
'La vie champêtre' 1728 National Trust
Landscape with Farm house 1758 Gemäldegalerie
Landscape with Tower and Bridge 1758 Gemäldegalerie
The Forest 1740 Louvreko margogintza saila
Musées Nationaux Récupération
Munich Central Collecting Point
Apollo Revealing his Divinity before the Shepherdess Isse 1750 Toursko Arte Ederretako Museoa
The Judgement of Susannah 170s Kanadako Galeria Nazionala
Pastorale 1760 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Pastorale Scene with Two Shepherdesses 1760 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Amorcillos vendimiando 17th century Pradoko Museoa
Amorcillos jugando con un pichón 17th century Pradoko Museoa
Fountain of Venus 1756 Cleveland Museum of Art
Head of a Young Woman 170s Cleveland Museum of Art
Music and Dance and Cupids in Conspiracy 170s Cleveland Museum of Art
Music and Dance 170s Cleveland Museum of Art
Cupids in Conspiracy 170s Cleveland Museum of Art
Two Nymphs of Diana resting after their Return from the Hunt 1748 No/unknown value
Aurora and Cephalus 1733 Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Shepherd and Shepherdess in a Landscape
Rustic Landscape
Pausing by the Fountain 1765 Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection
Bird-Catching Cherubs 170s Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Young Girl and Eros 1750 Detroit Institute of Arts
The Birth of Venus 1765 Detroit Institute of Arts
The Chariot of Venus Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour 1750 Fogg Museum
Harvard Art Museums
The Education of Cupid 1742 Charlottenburg Palace
Mercury Confiding the Infant Bacchus to the Nymphs of Nysa 1769 Kimbell Art Museum
Juno Asking Aeolus to Release the Winds 1769 Kimbell Art Museum
Venus at Vulcan's Forge 1769 Kimbell Art Museum
Boreas Abducting Oreithyia 1769 Kimbell Art Museum
Allégorie de la Peinture 18th century Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille
Pastorale: The Vegetable Vendor 1735 Chrysler Museum of Art
Pastorale: A Peasant Boy Fishing 1732 Frick Art & Historical Center
Cupid and the Three Graces 1738 Calouste Gulbenkian museoa
Venus Rising from the Waves 1766 North Carolina Museum of Art
A Young Girl in a Park 17th century Irlandako Galeria Nazionala
The Footbridge 1760 Toledoko Arte Museoa
The Dovecote 1758 Saint Louis Art Museum
Die Flötenlektion 1751 Collection Rau for UNICEF
Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
Venus Rescuing Paris from Menelaus 170s Worcester Art Museum
Landscape with Distant Buildings and a Herdswoman Dallas Museum of Art
The Triumph of Venus 1745 Tokyo Fuji Art Museum
Pleasures of the Country 1743 Tokyo Fuji Art Museum
Pastoral Music 1743 Tokyo Fuji Art Museum
The Grape Harvest 1748 Krannert Art Museum
Earth: Vertumnus and Pomona 1749 Columbus Museum of Art
Nymph and Cupid in a Glade McMaster Museum of Art
Putti Composition 17th century Fondation Bemberg
Putti composition 17th century Fondation Bemberg
Lovers in a Park 1758 Timken Museum of Art
Portrait of a Lady 170s Portland Art Museum
Joseph Presenting His Father and Brothers to the Pharaoh 1724 Columbia Museum of Art
Love Letter Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens
The Egg Seller 1734 Wadsworth Atheneum
The Gallant Fisherman, known as Landscape with a Young Fisherman 1768 Manchester Art Gallery
Amintas Revived by Sylvia Kelvingrove arte museoa
Sylvia Saved by Amintas Kelvingrove arte museoa
Landscape with a Watermill 1743 Bowes Museum
Putti with a Goat in a Landscape Bowes Museum
The Hand of Madame de Pompadour Bowes Museum
A Summer Pastoral 1749 Wallace Bilduma
Bacchus and Erigone 1745 Wallace Bilduma
Cupid a Captive 1754 Wallace Bilduma
Daphnis and Chloe 1743 Wallace Bilduma
Mercury Confiding the Infant Bacchus to the Nymphs 1733 Wallace Bilduma
Seated Nymph with Flutes 170s Wallace Bilduma
Shepherd and Shepherdess Reposing 1761 Wallace Bilduma
Shepherd Piping to a Shepherdess 1749 Wallace Bilduma
Spring 1745 Wallace Bilduma
The Birth of Venus Wallace Bilduma
The Judgment of Paris 1754 Wallace Bilduma
The Modiste 1746 Wallace Bilduma
The Rape of Europa 1733 Wallace Bilduma
Venus and Cupid 170s Wallace Bilduma
Venus and Vulcan 1754 Wallace Bilduma
Jupiter and Callisto 1769 Wallace Bilduma
Madame de Pompadour (1721-1764), Mistress of Louis XV 1758 Victoria and Albert Museum
Pastoral Scene: Shepherd with a Pipe and a Girl 1763 Victoria and Albert Museum
Air: Three Putti with Birds 1741 Victoria and Albert Museum
Arcadian Nymphs Making Music 17th century Victoria and Albert Museum
Venus and Cupid 1732 Memorial Art Gallery
St. Joseph's dream 1722 Yamadera Gotō Museum of Art
Rébecca reçoit d'Eliezer les présents d'Abraham 1725 Arte Ederren Museoa (Estrasburgo)
Das verzogene Kind 1742 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Das gelehrige Hündchen 1742 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Pastorale à la guirlande 1738 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Le pêcheur 1759 Hamburger Kunsthalle
The Old Loft 1739 Hamburger Kunsthalle
Amours 1763 Khanenko Museum
The Blonde Odalisque 1751 Wallraf-Richartz Museum
Laundresses in a Landscape 1760 Clark Art Institute
The Love Letter 1745 Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art
Aurora and Cephalus 1745 Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art
David and Bathsheba 1757 National Museum of Ancient Art
Le bouton de rose 1765 Raclin Murphy Museum of Art
Portrait of madame Badouin, the artist's daughter 17th century Cagnacq-Jay museoa
Suzanne et les vieillards 1740 Musée Sainte-Croix
Stable interior with amorous scene 17th century Cagnacq-Jay museoa
The music lesson 17th century Cagnacq-Jay museoa
Cupids 1758 No/unknown value
Fontaine avec deux amours dont l'un est agenouillé 17th century Carnavalet museoa
Fontaine avec deux amours dont l'un est couché 17th century Carnavalet museoa
Amour aux raisins 17th century Carnavalet museoa
Panneaux décoratifs pour le salon de Demarteau 17th century Carnavalet museoa
L'Heureuse Mère 1758 Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
La toilette de Vénus Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Allegory of summer in a circle of flowers National Museum in Warsaw
Putta playing in the grain field (L'amour moissonneur) National Museum in Warsaw
In the painter's studio (“Le peintre de paysage” or “Le peintre a son chevalet”) National Museum in Warsaw
Vulcan Presenting Arms to Venus for Aeneas 1756 Clark Art Institute
The child Duke of Montpensier taking his porridge
Le Mariage de l'Amour et Psyché 1744 Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen
The Dream of Saint Joseph
Rest from the hunt
Berger gardant ses moutons 1739 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen
Mercure confie le jeune Bacchus aux nymphes du mont Nisa Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen
pastoral landscape Musée de la Chartreuse de Douai
Allegory of Music 1752 No/unknown value
Projet pour un décor de théâtre : la place d'un village 17th century Pikardiako Museoa
collection Lavalard Frères de Roye
Evening Scene 1764 Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
Pygmalion and Galatea 170s Hermitage museoa
Arion on the Dolphin 1748 Princeton University Art Museum
The Sleep of Venus 1754 No/unknown value
Allegory of the Education of Louis XV 1756 Allen Memorial Art Museum
Two Putti Playing with a 'Heartboard' 1754 Waddesdon Manor
Five Naked Children Playing by a Rocky Pool 1732 Waddesdon Manor
Louis-Philippe-Joseph (1747–1793), duc de Montpensier, Later duc d'Orléans 1749 Waddesdon Manor
National Trust
Three Cupids Floating in the Clouds 1754 Waddesdon Manor
Sketch for a Portrait of Madame de Pompadour (1721–1764) 1750 Waddesdon Manor
Venus, Merkur und Amor Gemäldegalerie
Venus und Amor Gemäldegalerie
Landschaft mit Turm und Brücke 1758 Gemäldegalerie
Landschaft mit Bauernhaus 1758 Gemäldegalerie
Venus und Amor 1742 Gemäldegalerie
Les Confidences Pastorales 1745 Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Landscape 17th century Musée d'art et d'histoire de Narbonne
Blond Odalisque 1752 Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
The Judgement of Paris 1763 Musée des beaux-arts de Mulhouse
Allegory of Autumn: Putti Playing with a Goat 170s No/unknown value
Autumn 1738 David Owsley Museum of Art Ball State University
The Exchange of Produce 1768 Kenwood House
English Heritage
The Cherry Gatherers 1768 Kenwood House
English Heritage
De trois choses, en ferez-vous une ? 1733 Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild
Schäferpaar 1768 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Portrait of Mme Pompadour 1758 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Blumendekoration mit Quellennymphe 1756 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
boy playing with a dog 1728 Musées Nationaux Récupération
Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Cholet
child at a well in a garden 1728 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
lying woman with putti 1761 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
"La Fontaine", Rokoko-Szene am Brunnen 1728 Musées Nationaux Récupération
Lying girl ( Miss O' Myrphy ) 1743 Musées Nationaux Récupération
Louvreko margogintza saila
sleeping Amor 1728 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Femme et enfants 17th century Musées Nationaux Récupération
Louvreko margogintza saila
La Mort de Socrate (esquisse) 1762 Musées Nationaux Récupération
Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée de Tessé
Musée Ingres-Bourdelle - Pastorale - François Boucher 17th century Musée Ingres Bourdelle
Venus chastising Amor Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Venus spielt mit Amor Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
woman with water-jug Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
woman with two children Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
landscape Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Allegory (Music on Party) Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Die Geburt des Bacchus (Allegorie der Erde) Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Juno bitte Äolus, die Winde gegen die trojanischen Schiffe zu entfesseln (Allegorie des Wassers) Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Boreas raubt Chloris und entführt sie zum Kaukasus (Allegorie der Luft) Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Allegorys of the Fire Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Venus and Amor Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Venus ....unleserlich Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
woman reading Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Schäfer und Schäferin, links der Schäfer, der seine Linke der Schäferin entgegenstreckt, daneben Schaf und Ziege (die jungen Liebenden) Hermann Göring Collection
Aurora Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
the picknick in a wood Munich Central Collecting Point
Neptun + Venus Munich Central Collecting Point
Lady with fan Munich Central Collecting Point
portrait of a girl with muff Munich Central Collecting Point
Venus + Cupid Munich Central Collecting Point
concert Munich Central Collecting Point
laundress Munich Central Collecting Point
picnic in the forest Munich Central Collecting Point
couple of lovers Munich Central Collecting Point
three putti, one as Amor with Pfeile arrows and flowers Munich Central Collecting Point
three putti, two sleeping, one with fire Munich Central Collecting Point
three putti shooting with Pfeilen Munich Central Collecting Point
Nativity Munich Central Collecting Point
lion hunting Munich Central Collecting Point
Wallraf-Richartz Museum
L'Enlèvement de Proserpine 1769 Quimperko Arte Ederren Museoa
Venus and Cupid 1769 The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens
La petite jardinière 1767 Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
Le matin (environs de Beauvais) 1764 Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
Pan and Syrinx 1743 MUŻA
L'enfant Jésus et le petit Saint Jean 1758 Uffizi galeria
Uffizi Galeria
The Secret Message 1767 Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum
La Belle Villageoise Landesmuseum Mainz
Adoration of the Magi 1756 Museum Kunsthaus Heylshof
Rape of Europa 1733 Pikardiako Museoa
collection Lavalard Frères de Roye
Putti with Birds 170s Honolulu Museum of Art
Femmes à la fontaine 1730 Speed Art Museum
Mucius Scaevola devant Porsenna. Esquisse. 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée de l'hôtel Sandelin
Apollon, Dieu du Jour, dissipant les ombres de la nuit 1753 Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau
L'Eté 1753 Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau
L'Automne 1753 Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau
Sujet pastoral. La Musette 1753 Louvreko margogintza saila
Frantziako Nazio Biltzarra
L'Hiver 1753 Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau
La Cage 1763 Louvreko margogintza saila
Baron Gérard Museum
Jupiter et Callisto 1760 Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau
Le Déjeuner de chasse, esquisse. 1733 Louvreko margogintza saila
Sujet pastoral. La Bergère endormie 1743 Louvreko margogintza saila
Frantziako Nazio Biltzarra
Vénus désarmant l'Amour 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau
Le Printemps 1753 Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau
Vénus et l'Amour 17th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau
The winning Obedience 1768 Musée des beaux-arts de Nîmes
Les deux confidentes Wallraf-Richartz Museum
Les sabots 1768 Ontarioko Arte Galeria
Vue imaginaire de Tivoli château-musée de Boulogne-sur-Mer
Un amour aux colombes Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild
Crocodile hunt 1739 Pikardiako Museoa
Leopard hunt 1736 Pikardiako Museoa
Triomphe de Vénus 1750 Pikardiako Museoa
collection Lavalard Frères de Roye
Le repos des fermiers 1732 Horvitz Collection
Laban Searching for His Idols National Gallery Prague
Psyché et l'Amour accueillis par les Dieux 1739 Musée des Arts décoratifs
Prédication de Saint Jean Baptiste 1750 Musée des Arts décoratifs
Les Forges de Vulcain 1756 Musée des Arts décoratifs
The Beautiful Country Woman 1732 Norton Simon museoa
The Offering to Love 1757 No/unknown value
Evening or The Interrupted Sleep 1757 No/unknown value
Le billet doux 1757 Chimei Museum
Venus and Cupid 17th century Brodsworth Hall
Venus and Cupid in the Clouds Lady Lever Art Gallery
The Flower Gatherers 1770 Kenwood House
L'amour oiseleur (Cupid as a Bird-Catcher) Victoria and Albert Museum
Amintas Revived by Sylvia Glasgow Museums Resource Centre
L'amour moissonneur (Cupid as a Reaper) Victoria and Albert Museum
Sylvia Saved by Amintas Glasgow Museums Resource Centre
The Graces Disarming Cupid 18th century Waddesdon Manor
Fire: Three Putti Holding a Bow and Arrow, a Burning Torch, and a Mantle Containing Hearts and Flowers Victoria and Albert Museum
Three Cupids with Signs of the Zodiac: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra Victoria and Albert Museum
Sketch for a Feast (Sketch for the Birth of Adonis) York Art Gallery
Rustic Courtship Victoria Gallery & Museum
Cupids Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
Le pêcheur 1800 Kenwood House
Two Putti Temple Newsam
La France consolée par la Fidélité Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille
Portrait of Alexandrine Le Normant d'Étiolles, playing with a Goldfinch 1749 Versaillesko jauregia
Portrait of Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour 1758 Victoria and Albert Museum
L'éducation d'Achille Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Angers
La Réunion des Arts 1761 Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Angers
Amours dans les nuages Nantesko Arte Ederren Museoa
Le Berger récompensé Bordeleko Arte Ederretako Museoa
A rustic scene 1750 Charles Sedelmeyer collection
Neptune et Amymone 1764 Rennesko Arte Ederren Museoa
Vénus et Vulcain 1764 Rennesko Arte Ederren Museoa
Le jeune Pyrrhus sauvé ? 1728 Rennesko Arte Ederren Museoa
La mort de Méléagre 1728 Rennesko Arte Ederren Museoa
Le Mérite de tout pays 17th century Besançoneko arte ederretako eta arkeologia museoa
Paysage au pont de pierre 1764 Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art
Paysage au moulin 1764 Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art
Allégorie des arts libéraux: L'Architecture 1761 Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Genève
The Assumption of the Virgin 1759 Montrealgo Arte Ederren Museoa
Festin de l'empereur de Chine 1742 Besançoneko arte ederretako eta arkeologia museoa
Le Galant Colporteur 1743 Museum Baron Martin
An allegory of poetry 17th century
An allegory of music 17th century
Le Pasteur complaisant Musée des Ursulines
Young Lady 18th century
Young Lady to the Left 18th century