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Jackie Shane

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Jackie Shane

JaiotzaNashville1940ko maiatzaren 15a
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
HeriotzaNashville2019ko otsailaren 21a (78 urte) (78 urte)
Genero artistikoasoula
Musika instrumentuaahotsa

Bandcamp: jackieshane Musicbrainz: 4a42c82e-7c16-4d1e-8fab-ebc70b294656 Discogs: 381901 Allmusic: mn0001260662 Edit the value on Wikidata

Jackie Shane (Nashville, Tennessee, 1940ko maiatzaren 15a - ibidem, 2019ko otsailaren 21a) estatubatuar soul eta rhythm and blues abeslari izan zen. Batez ere Kanadan aritu zen musikari.[1] Any Other Way singleagatik ezaguna da.

  • "Money (That's What I Want)" b/w "I've Really Got the Blues" (1962)
  • "Have You Ever Had the Blues?" b/w "Money (That's What I Want)" (1962)
  • "Any Other Way" b/w "Sticks and Stones" (1962)
  • "In My Tenement" b/w "Comin' Down" (1963)
  • "Stand Up Straight and Tall" b/w "You Are My Sunshine" (1967)
  • "Cruel Cruel World" b/w "New Way of Lovin'" (1969)
  • Jackie Shane Live (Caravan Records, 1967)
  • Honkin' at Midnight (2000, bootleg, with Frank Motley and his Motley Crew)
  • Live at the Sapphire Tavern (2011, bootleg)
  • Soul Singles Classics (2011, bootleg)
  • Jackie Shane Live (2015, reissue)
  • "Slave For You Baby" eta "Chickadee" The Original Blues Sound of Charles Brown & Amos Milburn with Jackie Shane-Bob Marshall & The Crystals bilduman (Grand Prix/Pickwick, 1965)
  • Any Other Way (Numero Group, 2017)


[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  1. Azpitarte, Julen. (2018ko urtarrilaren 14a). «Trans-soul misterioa» Berria (Noiz kontsultatua: 2018ko urtarrilaren 14a).