- 1982 novelization
- 2002 book and audio
- 2002 novelization
- A Friend for E.T.
- A Holiday Reunion
- Agi Jabi
- Antum Tadana
- Be Good, Gertie!
- Botanicus
- Carlo Rambaldi
- Chemon Xrus
- Chris Trevas
- Crees
- David Wiesner
- Dee Wallace
- Deleted Scenes
- Discovers Communications
- Discovers Planet Earth
- Discovers Plants
- Discovers the Solar System
- Drew Barrymore
- E.T.
- E.T.'s Communicator
- E.T.'s First Words
- E.T.'s Species
- E.T./Gallery
- E.T. Adventure
- E.T. II: Nocturnal Fears
- E.T. The Extra Terrestrial Wiki
- E.T. and Me
- E.T. and the Cosmic Garden
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (video game)
- Earth
- Elliott
- Elliott's Father
- Elliott Jr.
- Everything I Need to Know I Learned from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
- Flopglopple
- Fluteroot
- From Concept to Classic
- Funko Pop Little Golden Book
- Games and Activities
- Gertie
- Grace
- Green Planet
- Greg
- Harrison Ford
- Harvey
- Henry Thomas
- How to Win at ET the Video Game
- John Williams
- Julie
- Jumpum
- Keys
- LEGO Dimensions
- Letters to E.T.
- Lizard's Love
- Maggie
- Mary
- Michael
- Micro Tech
- Muppet Show E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
- Parent
- Pat Bilon
- Pat Welsh
- Peter Capaldi
- Peter Coyote
- Phone Home (Play-a-Sound book)
- Pretty Girl
- Related Websites
- Robert MacNaughton
- Space Puzzles
- Space Slug
- Spaceship
- Steve
- Steven Spielberg
- Storybook
- Supergirl
- Supergirl Meets E.T.
- Superman
- The Book of the Green Planet
- The Classic Illustrated Storybook
- The Dragon River of Stars
- The Earth Day Special
- The Electric Company Magazine
- The Ultimate Visual History
- Tickli Moot-Moot
- Timpanum
- Trompayd
- Twelfth Doctor
- Tyler
- UFI und sein gefährlicher Einsatz
- Universal Pictures
- Universal Studios Theme Parks Adventure
- Wyldstyle