Usuario:Echani/Borrador 4
Esta es una lista de arquitectos célebres, de gran influencia histórica y con una extensa obra documentada.

Arquitectos de la antigüedad
[editar]Arquitectos de la Edad Media
[editar]Arquitectos del siglo XV
[editar]Arquitectos del siglo XVI
[editar]Arquitectos del siglo XVII
[editar]Arquitectos del siglo XVIII
[editar]- Robert Adam
- Étienne-Louis Boullée
- William Buckland (Architect)
- Colen Campbell
- John Carr of York
- William Chambers
- Christoph Dientzenhofer
- Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer
- Laurent-Benoît Dewez
- Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach
- Johann Michael Fischer
- Pierre François Léonard Fontaine
- Ange-Jacques Gabriel
- Nicholas Hawksmoor
- Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt
- James Hoban
- Thomas Jefferson
- Filippo Juvarra
- William Kent
- Benjamin Latrobe
- Giacomo Leoni
- Johann Friedrich Ludwig
- Giorgio Massari
- Balthasar Neumann
- Giovanni Paolo Pannini
- Edward Lovett Pearce
- Charles Percier
- Giuseppe Piermarini
- Jakob Prandtauer
- Francesco Maria Preti
- Johann Michael Prunner
- Bartolomeo Rastrelli
- Charles Ribart
- Antonio Rinaldi
- Thomas Sandby
- Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel (1677-1723)
- Michael Searles
- Jacques-Germain Soufflot
- William Thornton
- Domenico Trezzini
- John Vanbrugh
- Luigi Vanvitelli
- Juan de Villanueva
- Bernardo Vittone
- John Wood I & II
- Giacomo Quarenghi
- Dominikus Zimmermann
- Johann Baptist Zimmermann
19th century architects
[editar]- Dankmar Adler
- Henry Austin
- James P. Bailey
- Charles Barry
- Edward Middleton Barry
- Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
- Carlo Bassi
- Asher Benjamin
- Hendrik Beyaert
- Edward Blore
- Ignatius Bonomi
- Joseph Bonomi the Elder
- Carl Ludvig Engel
- Charles Bulfinch
- William Burges
- Decimus Burton
- J. Cleaveland Cady
- Sir Basil Champneys
- Edward Clark
- Adolf Cluss
- Lewis Cubitt
- Thomas Cubitt
- Pierre Cuypers
- Alexander Jackson Davis
- George Devey
- John Dobson
- Thomas Leverton Donaldson
- Henry Engelbert
- Frank Furness
- Charles Garnier
- Antoni Gaudí
- Edward William Godwin
- William Alexander Harvey
- Victor Horta
- William LeBaron Jenney
- Leo von Klenze
- Henri Labrouste
- Benjamin Henry Latrobe
- Charles Follen McKim
- Samuel McIntire
- Enrico Marconi
- Leandro Marconi
- Oskar Marmorek
- Frederick Marrable
- Robert Mills
- Josef Mocker
- Auguste de Montferrand
- William Morris
- Alfred B. Mullett (1834-1890)
- John Nash
- Joseph Maria Olbrich
- Frederick Law Olmsted
- Frederick J. Osterling
- Alexander Parris
- Joseph Paxton
- Sir James Pennethorne
- Henry Hobson Richardson
- Antonio Rivas Mercado (1853-1927)
- Robert S. Roeschlaub (1843-1923)
- Isaiah Rogers (1834-1890)
- John Root
- Carlo Rossi (1775-1849)
- Archimedes Russell (1840-1915)
- George Gilbert Scott
- George Gilbert Scott Junior
- Karl Friedrich Schinkel
- Gottfried Semper
- Richard Norman Shaw
- Joseph Lyman Silsbee (1848-1913)
- John Soane
- Vasily P. Stasov
- J. J. Stevenson (1831-1908)
- George Edmund Street
- William Strickland
- Louis Sullivan
- Calvert Vaux
- Eugene Viollet-le-Duc
- Otto Wagner
- Stanford White
- Thomas Worthington
- Thomas Henry Wyatt
- Ammi B. Young
Arquitectos del siglo XX
[editar]- Alvar Aalto
- Max Abramovitz
- David Adler
- Christopher Alexander
- Tadao Ando
- Raul de Armas
- Eric Gunnar Asplund
- Luis Barragán
- Peter Behrens
- Pietro Belluschi
- Hendrik Petrus Berlage
- Gottfried Böhm
- Ricardo Bofill
- Oriol Bohigas
- Mario Botta
- Marcel Breuer
- Gordon Bunshaft
- Daniel Burnham
- Serge Chermayeff
- David Chipperfield
- Josep Antoni Coderch
- Mary Colter
- Peter Cook
- Le Corbusier
- Charles Correa
- Lúcio Costa
- Filipe Oliveira Dias
- Theo van Doesburg
- Andrés Duany
- Willem Marinus Dudok
- Charles Eames
- Ray Eames
- Peter Eisenman
- Aldo van Eyck
- Hassan Fathy
- Sverre Fehn
- Theodor Fischer
- Norman Foster
- Yona Friedman
- Buckminster Fuller
- Ignazio Gardella
- Frank Gehry
- Heydar Ghiai
- Cass Gilbert
- Romaldo Giurgola
- Bruce Goff
- Michael Graves
- Greene and Greene
- Walter Burley Griffin
- Nicholas Grimshaw
- Walter Gropius
- Hugo Häring
- John Hejduk
- Fernando Higueras Díaz
- Coop Himmelb(l)au
- Charles Holden
- Hans Hollein
- Victor Horta
- A. R. Hye
- Friedensreich Hundertwasser
- Arata Isozaki
- Arne Jacobsen
- Helmut Jahn
- Pierre Jeanneret
- Philip Johnson
- E. Fay Jones
- Josep Maria Jujol
- Louis Kahn
- Oskar Kaufmann
- Michel de Klerk
- Hans Kollhoff
- Léon Krier
- Kisho Kurokawa
- Ivan Sergeyevich Kuznetsov
- Thomas W. Lamb
- John Lautner
- Ricardo Legorreta
- Sigurd Lewerentz
- Liang Sicheng
- Daniel Libeskind
- El Lissitzky
- Adolf Loos
- Owen Luder
- Edwin Lutyens
- George Washington Maher
- Fumihiko Maki
- Charles Rennie Mackintosh
- Robert Mallet-Stevens
- Bernard Maybeck
- McKim, Mead and White
- Roy Mason
- Richard Meier
- Konstantin Melnikov
- Erich Mendelsohn
- Giovanni Michelucci
- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
- Enric Miralles
- Rafael Moneo
- Charles Willard Moore
- Lester S. Moore
- Julia Morgan
- Raymond Moriyama
- Eric Owen Moss
- Glenn Murcutt
- Richard Neutra
- Oscar Niemeyer
- Ralph Erskine
- Percy Erskine Nobbs
- Gyo Obata
- Frei Otto
- John Pawson
- J.J.P. Oud
- Ieoh Ming Pei(贝聿明)
- César Pelli
- Renzo Piano
- Stjepan Planić
- Jože Plečnik
- Hans Poelzig
- Gio Ponti
- John Russell Pope
- John Portman
- Christian de Portzamparc
- Albert Richardson
- Henry Hobson Richardson
- Gerrit Rietveld
- Kevin Roche
- Richard Rogers
- Aldo Rossi
- Paul Rudolph
- Eero Saarinen
- Eliel Saarinen
- Eugen Sacharias
- Moshe Safdie
- Carlo Scarpa
- Hans Scharoun
- Rudolf Schindler
- Giles Gilbert Scott
- Harry Seidler
- Joseph Lluís Sert
- H. Craig Severance
- Vladimir Shukhov
- Alvaro Siza
- Alison Smithson
- Peter Smithson
- Alejandro de la Sota
- Albert Speer
- James Stirling
- Benedetta Tagliabue
- Kenzo Tange
- Bruno Taut
- Max Taut
- Giuseppe Terragni
- Quinlan Terry
- Horace Trumbauer
- Bernard Tschumi
- Oswald Mathias Ungers
- Gilbert Stanley Underwood
- Jørn Utzon (b1918)
- William van Alen
- Henry Van de Velde
- Robert Venturi
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Minoru Yamasaki
- Peter Zumthor
Arquitectos del siglo XXI
[editar]Lists of architects by country
[editar]- List of Australian architects
- List of Austrian architects
- List of Belgian architects
- List of Brazilian architects
- List of British architects
- List of Canadian architects
- List of Croatian architects
- List of Dutch architects
- List of Estonian architects
- List of Finnish architects
- List of Filipino architects
- List of French architects
- List of German architects
- List of Greek architects
- List of Hungarian architects
- List of Indian architects
- List of Indonesian architects
- List of Iranian architects
- List of Irish architects
- List of Italian architects
- List of Japanese architects
- List of Mexican architects
- List of Norwegian architects
- List of Pakistani architects
- List of Portuguese architects
- List of Puertorican architects
- List of Russian architects
- List of Slovenian architects
- List of Swedish architects
- List of Spanish architects See Spanish architecture
- List of Turkish architects
- List of United States architects