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Dosiero:Alfred duke of Edinburgh.jpg

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El Vikipedio, la libera enciklopedio

Bildo en pli alta difino ((624 × 800 rastrumeroj, grandeco de dosiero: 116 KB, MIME-tipo: image/jpeg))

Jen dosiero de la Wikimedia-Komunejo. La priskribo en ties priskriba paĝo estas montrata suben.
La Komunejo estas dosieruja retejo de libere licencitaj dosieroj.


Attributed to Maull and Fox
Dato la 19-a de februaro 1881
date QS:P571,+1881-02-19T00:00:00Z/11
Medio woodburytype on paper mount
institution QS:P195,Q238587
Historio de objekto Given by W.M. Campbell Smyth, 1934

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one or more third parties have made copyright claims against Wikimedia Commons in relation to the work from which this is sourced or a purely mechanical reproduction thereof. This may be due to recognition of the "sweat of the brow" doctrine, allowing works to be eligible for protection through skill and labour, and not purely by originality as is the case in the United States (where this website is hosted). These claims may or may not be valid in all jurisdictions. As such, use of this image in the jurisdiction of the claimant or other countries may be regarded as copyright infringement. Please see Commons:When to use the PD-Art tag for more information.

See User:Dcoetzee/NPG legal threat for original threat and National Portrait Gallery and Wikimedia Foundation copyright dispute for more information.

This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.


Public domain

Tiu ĉi verko estas publika havaĵo en tiuj landoj, kies kopirajtado validas por longo de vivo plus 70 jaroj aŭ malpli.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1930.

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118 592 bajto

800 rastrumero

624 rastrumero


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nun18:51, 2 apr. 2018Bildeto por versio ekde 18:51, 2 apr. 2018624 × 800 (116 KB)Ras67levels adjusted
18:50, 2 apr. 2018Bildeto por versio ekde 18:50, 2 apr. 2018624 × 800 (107 KB)Ras67higher resolution from NPG
21:43, 19 feb. 2017Bildeto por versio ekde 21:43, 19 feb. 2017334 × 428 (22 KB)Franzy89User created page with UploadWizard

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