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titan arum (plural titan arums)
- Amorphophallus titanum, an aroid native to Sumatra. [from 20th century]
1962, “A Titan Arum Flowers”, in The American Horticultural Magazine, volume 41, page 45:In April of 1961 Longwood Gardens was able to display for the first time in its greenhouses a flowering specimen of Amorphophallus titanum, the titan arum of Sumatra, often billed incorrectly as "the largest flower in the world."
Amorphopallus titanum
- Arabic: زهرة الجثة
- Bulgarian: титаничният аморфофалус (titaničnijat amorfofalus), трупно цвете (trupno cvete)
- Catalan: amorfofal·lus
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 巨花魔芋 (jùhuā móyù)
- Danish: titan arum, ligblomst, penisblomst
- Dutch: reuzenaronskelk (nl) m, penisplant f
- Finnish: jättipökkövehka
- French: arum titan (fr) m
- German: Titanenwurz f
- Hebrew: לוף ענק
- Hungarian: titánbuzogány (hu)
- Indonesian: kibut, bunga bangkai raksasa, suweg raksasa
- Italian: aro titano, aro gigante
- Japanese: ショクダイオオコンニャク (shokudaiōkon'nyaku), スマトラオオコンニャク (sumatoraōkon'nyaku)
- Javanese: kembang bangah, suweg raksasa, pang krebuit
- Korean: 시체꽃 (sichekkot)
- Lithuanian: gigantiškasis amorfofalas
- Malay: pokok bunga bangkai
- Persian: گل بدبو, گل جسد
- Polish: dziwidło olbrzymie
- Portuguese: jarro-titã, flor-cadáver
- Russian: aморфофаллус титанический (amorfofallus titaničeskij)
- Spanish: aro gigante
- Sundanese: kembang bangké baksaksa
- Swedish: jätteknölkalla
- Tagalog: titan arum
- Tamil: டைட்டன் ஆரம் (ṭaiṭṭaṉ āram)
- Thai: บุกยักษ์, ดอกบุกยักษ์, ดอกซากศพ
- Turkish: ceset çiçeği
- Ukrainian: аморфофалюс велетенський (amorfofaljus veletensʹkyj)
- Urdu: لوفِ جسیم
- Vietnamese: titan arum, hoa xác chết khổng lồ, chân bê titan