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From Proto-Finnic *hërmo (sinew? blood vessel?). Furthermore perhaps in some way related to hervota.


  • IPA(key): /ˈhermo/, [ˈhe̞rmo̞]
  • Rhymes: -ermo
  • Hyphenation(key): her‧mo


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  1. (anatomy) nerve (bundle of neurons)
  2. (often in the plural) nerve, nerves (one's ability to control oneself)
    Minulta menee kohta hermot.
    I'm about to lose my nerve.
    Hän on aivan hermona.
    She's just a bundle of nerves.
    Alat käydä hermoilleni.
    You are getting on my nerves.
  3. snap (card game)


Inflection of hermo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
nominative hermo hermot
genitive hermon hermojen
partitive hermoa hermoja
illative hermoon hermoihin
singular plural
nominative hermo hermot
accusative nom. hermo hermot
gen. hermon
genitive hermon hermojen
partitive hermoa hermoja
inessive hermossa hermoissa
elative hermosta hermoista
illative hermoon hermoihin
adessive hermolla hermoilla
ablative hermolta hermoilta
allative hermolle hermoille
essive hermona hermoina
translative hermoksi hermoiksi
abessive hermotta hermoitta
instructive hermoin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of hermo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative hermoni hermoni
accusative nom. hermoni hermoni
gen. hermoni
genitive hermoni hermojeni
partitive hermoani hermojani
inessive hermossani hermoissani
elative hermostani hermoistani
illative hermooni hermoihini
adessive hermollani hermoillani
ablative hermoltani hermoiltani
allative hermolleni hermoilleni
essive hermonani hermoinani
translative hermokseni hermoikseni
abessive hermottani hermoittani
comitative hermoineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative hermosi hermosi
accusative nom. hermosi hermosi
gen. hermosi
genitive hermosi hermojesi
partitive hermoasi hermojasi
inessive hermossasi hermoissasi
elative hermostasi hermoistasi
illative hermoosi hermoihisi
adessive hermollasi hermoillasi
ablative hermoltasi hermoiltasi
allative hermollesi hermoillesi
essive hermonasi hermoinasi
translative hermoksesi hermoiksesi
abessive hermottasi hermoittasi
comitative hermoinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative hermomme hermomme
accusative nom. hermomme hermomme
gen. hermomme
genitive hermomme hermojemme
partitive hermoamme hermojamme
inessive hermossamme hermoissamme
elative hermostamme hermoistamme
illative hermoomme hermoihimme
adessive hermollamme hermoillamme
ablative hermoltamme hermoiltamme
allative hermollemme hermoillemme
essive hermonamme hermoinamme
translative hermoksemme hermoiksemme
abessive hermottamme hermoittamme
comitative hermoinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative hermonne hermonne
accusative nom. hermonne hermonne
gen. hermonne
genitive hermonne hermojenne
partitive hermoanne hermojanne
inessive hermossanne hermoissanne
elative hermostanne hermoistanne
illative hermoonne hermoihinne
adessive hermollanne hermoillanne
ablative hermoltanne hermoiltanne
allative hermollenne hermoillenne
essive hermonanne hermoinanne
translative hermoksenne hermoiksenne
abessive hermottanne hermoittanne
comitative hermoinenne

Derived terms


Further reading
