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From de- +‎ number.



denumber (third-person singular simple present denumbers, present participle denumbering, simple past and past participle denumbered)

  1. (mathematics) To denumerate.
    • 1950, ACEC review, page 19:
      In the applications which we will now discuss, we propose each time to consider the counting or the denumbering of the signals of a sequence.
    • 1987, F. Durst, Turbulent shear flows 5, page 82:
      In a recent paper Sreenivasan [2] has denumbered at least four successive sequences of emergence of ordered and chaotic behaviour for the Reynolds number range of 100 to 200.
    • 2010, Maurice Lagueux, Rationality and Explanation in Economics:
      Otherwise, on what basis could one effectuate this necessary segmentation of a causal net, which is made up of interconnected causal links which cannot even be denumbered?
  2. To go from a number to the item or element that it indexes.
    • 1985, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 81:
      The program for denumbering gives the possibility by the numbers from a given range to receive the correspondent mnemocombinations.
    • 1992, E. Sirota, Complex Fluids, page 245:
      On the contrary, it is clear in picture 1 that they become important in the 4 Hz experiment : lateral peaks are following the rotating magnetic field and it is difficult to denumber these on picture 1.
    • 2010, Alexis Weedon, Jane Annette Roberts, Pamela R. Robinson, The History of the Book in the West: 1455-1700 - Volume 2, page 406:
      In addition, although the tables in these volumes regularly referred to the fueillet, foeullet, or feullet, the numbers in approximately fifteen percent of these vernacular leaf-numbered manuscripts referred to openings rather than to folios, and in the table of one such book, Brussels BR 9263, the scribe actually became confused as to which unit he was supposed to be denumbering.
  3. To abolish a system of numbering.
    • 1976, African Law Reports: Commercial law series - Volume 1, page 154:
      This resolution was passed before the plaintiff came to the meeting, and on its being read to him when he came he challenged the company's right to denumber his shares.
    • 1987, Devey Fearon de l'Hoste Ranking, Ernest Evan Spicer, J. M. Gullick, Ranking and Spicer's Company law, page 111:
      A company which has issued numbered shares may abolish these numbers by passing a 'denumbering resolution' in general meeting.
    • 2013, Sophie Divry, The Library of Unrequited Love:
      Some of my colleagues spend their lives working out tiny nuances in the shelfmarks, classifying, numbering, declassifying, denumbering.
  4. To remove from a numbered list of official items, members, etc.
    • 2000, Minh Trị Lưu, Hanoi Capital, page 50:
      After fulfilling duties of locking up and denumbering their forces, we withdrew out of Hanoi at night of 17 Feb 1947.
    • 2012, J.M. Debois, Selected Topics in Clinical Oncology, page 86:
      It is not impossible that the actual application of SRS will denumber more other 'ectopic' locations and lowers the number of unknown or unfound primaries.
    • 2013, Gijs Mom, The Electric Vehicle:
      After that, the CGV "denumbered" a total of sixty taxicabs, that is, it removed them from the register of stationing taxicabs. The end of the CGV experiment is controversial, but it is certain that the behavior of the drivers (who, as we saw, were not directly salaried by CGV) was an important incentive to the denumbering of cabs: because of the high moyenne, they refused to accept customers for short trips and only accepted orders by the day or half-day.

