I am an audiologist with a background in neuroscience. Also, I am highly interested in:
- any discipline of medical or health science
- linguistics and languages (particularly Romance languages)
- music (particularly romantic and impressionistic)
- religion
If you have any questions or feel I have made a mistake, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Se credete che io abbia fatto un errore ortografico o grammaticale in italiano, per favore correggetemi, affinché io possa imparare.
I devote most of my time here on Wiktionary to:
- Creating entries for technical terms, primarily in the fields of audiology, neuroscience, anatomy and physiology
- Making existing entries in the aforementioned fields more accurate (while still trying to be succinct)
- Increasing the number of entries for the Venetian language, which is sadly lacking. I also contribute to Venetian translations
- Adding phonetic transcriptions