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- (transgender slang, dated) Representing the word transgender.
1996 April 16, Carl Buijs, “A new perspective on an old topic”, in[1] (Usenet):I just kept running into the problem of what to call non-T*people in various discussions, and one day it just hit me: non-trans = cis. Therefore, cisgendered.
1998 April 27, Kris, “I'm not a woman”, in[2] (Usenet):You say it is fake, artificial, unnatural. In essence, that we who are T* are these things. I am not unnatural - I'm exceedingly unusual (and not just becasue of my T*ness), but not unnatural - there was no human intervention that played with my DNA to give me the abilities that I have, or that made me whole brained and mostly ambidexterous, and there was no human intervention that diddled with my gender or my body (which ain't "normal" but it's sure natural). Far from fake, I make a true effort to be as honest, as open, as "real" if you like, as is possible. T*ism is just one facet of who I am; I am a complex human being.
1999 August 29,, “Albany Gender Clinic”, in[3] (Usenet):The Albany clinic is a well-known organization in the UK which takes advantage of T*'s fear of outing and seeking private sources of hormones.
2000 December 6, Stephe Thayer, “Trapped or stuck in a woman's body”, in[4] (Usenet):What has shocked me is the T* people I've met who wanted to talk with me about his stuff who are on HRT but living as male/men.
2002 November 14, Helen Smith, “Over-dialation possible?”, in[5] (Usenet):There are a lot of wiccan T*'s who, IMHO, tend to be a little outspoken of people of other religious convictions.