Wiktionary:Requested entries (Swedish)
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- Add glosses or brief definitions.
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- For inflected languages, if you see inflected forms (plurals, past tenses, superlatives, etc.) indicate the base form (singular, infinitive, absolute, etc.) of the requested term and the type of inflection used in the request.
- For words in languages that don’t use Latin script but are listed here only in their romanized form, please add the correct form in the native script.
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Requested-entry pages for other languages: Category:Requested entries.
- -:- -- It seems like this is perhaps used to join abbreviations, as in sms, or numbers (2:e), and orther things like a and l:a.? I find this vaguely fascinating.__Gamren (talk) 21:04, 26 February 2017 (UTC)
- adventsljusstake – Advent wreath
- aganodine
- få en släng av sleven -- to receive a slice of the pie/cake
- av samma skrot och korn -- "of the same scrap and corn" (a saying similar to "birds of a feather" or "cut from the same cloth")
- bebisbio, already a definition in Danish, means pretty much the same thing, see w:sv:Babybio
- blankspolade, "flushed smooth"
- bondska: dialect in northern Sweden (Västerbotten)
- bopen
- bunt (bundle)
- digitaliseringsminister - also is Norwegian and Danish, the sv.wikt entry for it was featured on the Wiktionary facebook page recently.
- dogg - a group of dog breeds (including bulldog)
- Farbror Blå ("Uncle Blue") = slang for police (because of the blue uniform)?
- folköl ("people's beer", a kind of weak beer in legal classification)
- formation (needs Swedish)
- fotsena
- futurum exaktum
- futurum exaktum preteriti
- futurum preteriti
- försvarstal
- gamme “crib, manger”
- glasmästarsill
- gullgosse, guldgosse: see [1]
- halmbock
- handtryck -- hand-printed?
- harfång
- hiskelig -- ghastly, horrible, terrible, frightful?
- hur enkelt - simply or plainly
- hyperdrift - apparently used as a translation for hyperdrive in TV subtitles.
- högsvenska – (Finland) standard Swedish (as opposed to dialectal Swedish); standard Finland Swedish (as opposed to rikssvenska)
- härdarmästare - apparently a working-class profession related to metals and heat
- inandnings - ingressive
- ingendera / ingetdera - neither
- Janssons frestelse: type of food; see Wikipedia
- julmust, type of drink; see Wikipedia
- kebabtekniker
- kopplingskåpan
- krita -- chalk/crayon
- kalsongfylla -- like Finnish kalsarikännit
- landre
- lastförskjutningsnät
- lunchdisco - a disco at lunchtime, this fad's getting popular around Sweden.
- murpelare (redlink, but a bluelinked form is murpelarna)
- måttbestämda -- definite form singular and plural of måttbestämd -- som har ett bestämt mått - that has a set measure
- metonym (needs Swedish) - translation of English metonym. Philmonte101 (talk) 23:58, 2 September 2016 (UTC)
- moscha: moonshine (illicit alcoholic drink)? - Finland Swedish, apparently derived from "moonshine"
- negerkung (neger + kung)
- nepalesisk - Nepalese
- nunatakker - might be plural form of the noun nunatak
- nusvenska - the Swedish language as spoken since the year 1900
- nyingen - perhaps related to nying, type of signal fire or something? see sv.wikipedia
- nu är det kokta fläsket stekt - now the shit has really hit the fan?
- när katten är borta dansar råttorna på bordet - when the cat's away the mice will play?
- okapabla plural or definite form of okapabel -- incapable
- omljud -- mutation ...or apophony, as wp uses.
- panpsykism = panpsychism
- potatiskorv = type of sausage
- pukor plural of puka -- timpani?
- pusha
- påskkärring -- a kind of Easter practice
- påskmust, type of drink; see Wikipedia
- realisationsvinstbeskattning
- renommé – reputation
- Direct borrowing from French, then. Mglovesfun (talk) 20:07, 19 September 2012 (UTC)
- renommésnyltning – "reputation leeching" or "credibility leeching" (business law), compare with "leeching off Britain's credibility and respected reputation".[2] Also translated as "reputation parasitism" here.
- reson
- ribbstol (“wall bars”) - source of Serbo-Croatian ripstol
- rikssvenska - standard Swedish (as spoken in Sweden); the prestige accent of standard Swedish in Sweden
- runtslussad - past participle of "slussa runt"
- rymdgrodan - this means "the space frog", but it's not a word that is used
- senapsill
- shobresvenska - same as rinkebysvenska
- sinfonietta — Cf. German Sinfonietta, English sinfonietta, Italian sinfonietta, French symphoniette.
- släng av sleven - slice of the pie
- småskurna
- smörgåstårta - "sandwich cake", a type of cold, savory, bread-based cake with filling
- smultronställe strawberry patch; WP says "idiomatically signifies an underrated gem of a place, often with personal or sentimental value"
- snapsvisa = type of drinking song
- snudd -- is there any point in having this as a standalone entry? I doubt it is ever used in other contexts than in the expression snudd på...
- snutt = sound bite?
- snygging
- snylta – sponge, cadge
- snyltning
- sockenmål -- "parish speech" -- a term used by Swedish linguists to refer to local Swedish dialects
- sparvhänder
- sånär
- så när som på / sånär som på
- schejk -- sheik
- skäliga -- "reasonable; fair; justified"
- sädesfrön -- seeds
- schasa -- shoo (encourage to leave)
- sortering -- Already a Danish entry, but this is apparently also a word in Swedish and Dutch. Someone added "sorteringen" with a Swedish inflection of the noun, but did not add the noun itself. Any takers? Philmonte101 (talk) 09:22, 20 July 2016 (UTC)
- spettkaka: some kind of food ("spit cake", cake cooked on a spit?)
- stamområde --[3]
- snuskhummer – "dirty lobster" – creep? douche bag?
- skägget i brevlådan - to get caught with one's pants down? to get caught red-handed?
- "Systembolaget, colloquially known as systemet or bolaget, is a government-owned chain of liquor stores in Sweden". Missing senses?
- tillförordnad (as linked to in tf)
- tillhandahållna ("provided"? "available"?)
- trollkonsternas, definite plural genitive of trollkonst -- magic arts, trick of an illusionist, (wizardry?)
- tonartshöjning - modulation(?), as in when a piece of music changes the key (upwards).
- Troca: slang nickname for the soft drink Trocadero? (I think)
- tycker om
- uppstyrdheten definite of uppstyrdhet (a most uncommon word; slang or a temporary compound)
- uppvisning -- display, performance, show
- valk - has other languages, but not Swedish
- vargavinter - per Dacucar's dictionary "bitterly cold winter"
- värdighet – oddly, there's already an entry for the plural, värdigheten
- värmlandskorv = type of sausage
- verklighetsflykt
- vredesdom, definite singular vredesdomen already exists
- välbehag, see sv:välbehag