The Child's Own Music Book
This work is incomplete. If you'd like to help expand it, see the help pages and the style guide, or leave a comment on the talk page. (sources: Index:Childs own music book.djvu) |
Copyright, 1918, by
Albert E. Wier
ASSIGNED, JAN. 5th, 1920, TO
ASSIGNED, NOV. 3rd, 1922, TO
Printed in the United States of America
Chapters (not listed in original)
Babes in the Wood | 32 |
Baby Bunting | 18 |
Baby Bye, Here's a Fly | 19 |
Bed-Time | 27 |
Chinese Lullaby | 35 |
Cradle Hymn | 36 |
Cradle Song | 37 |
Cradle Song (Brahms) | 25 |
Cradle Song (Weber) | 17 |
Dance a Baby Diddy | 26 |
Dodo, Baby Do | 24 |
Dustman, The | 14 |
French Lullaby | 15 |
Go to Sleep, Lena Darling | 16 |
I Will Sing a Lullaby | 31 |
Lullaby (Elliott) | 28 |
Lullaby (Erminie) | 20 |
Lullaby, Baby | 22 |
Mother's Kisses | 38 |
Our Baby | 25 |
Porridge Time | 34 |
Rock-a-Bye, Baby | 22 |
Scotch Lullaby | 23 |
Sleep, O Sleep | 31 |
Slumber Song | 30 |
Sweet and Low | 29 |
To Babyland | 18 |
Welsh Lullaby | 26 |
Winkum, Winkum | 21 |
Would You Know? | 33 |
Come, Take a Little Partner | 107 |
Cuckoo Song | 90 |
Dollie's Dance | 106 |
Farmer, The | 89 |
Farmer In the Dell, The | 84 |
Girls and Boys Come Out to Play | 89 |
Golden Boat Song | 97 |
Good-Night Song | 110 |
I'll Give to You a Paper of Pins | 93 |
Itiskit, Itasket | 85 |
Jennie Jones | 95 |
King of France. The | 94 |
Lazy Mary | 88 |
Little Sailor Song | 101 |
Little Sally Waters | 94 |
Looby Loo | 86 |
London Bridge | 88 |
Lullaby Song | 109 |
Marching Game | 83 |
Marching Song | 102 |
Muffin-Man, The | 102 |
Mulberry Bush | 108 |
Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow | 82 |
Play-time | 91 |
Rain-Drop Song | 98 |
Ring Around a Rosie | 84 |
Round and Round the Village | 82 |
Sleigh Ride | 104 |
Soldier Boy | 106 |
Soldier, Soldier, Will You Marry Me? | 96 |
Song of Bells | 105 |
Ten Little Indians | 85 |
Tip-Toe Song | 103 |
Tree Song | 100 |
Uncle John is Very Sick | 92 |
We'll All Go A-Singing | 87 |
When I Was a Lady | 86 |
Action Song | 139 |
Boat Song | 143 |
Child's Dreamland, The | 156 |
Clink, Clink, Clinkerty, Clink | 164 |
Come, Lasses and Lads | 146 |
Dance of the Fairies | 144 |
Evening Song | 162 |
Fairy Ring, The | 144 |
Follow Me, Full of Glee | 163 |
Geography Song | 151 |
Golden Rule, The | 156 |
Haymaking Song | 140 |
Jingle Bells | 154 |
Lightly Row | 141 |
Little Things | 135 |
Merrily, Merrily Sing | 158 |
Merrily We Skip Along | 138 |
Mix a Pancake | 158 |
Mowing the Hay | 137 |
Mud Pies | 148 |
Musical Alphabet | 135 |
O Come, Come Away | 140 |
Oh, Isn't it Nice? | 159 |
Over Field and Meadow | 160 |
Over the Summer Sea | 147 |
Parting Song | 161 |
Robinson Crusoe | 153 |
Rowing | 155 |
Sailing | 149 |
See-Saw | 152 |
Shoemaker, The | 157 |
Sing, Gaily Sing | 138 |
Snow Man, The | 150 |
Song of the Bells | 142 |
Thanksgiving Day | 162 |
There is Joy in Ev'ry Day | 143 |
Try, Try Again | 136 |
Vacation Days | 145 |
Work and Play | 136 |
Autumn Song | 114 |
Bloom, My Tiny Violet | 128 |
Buttercups and Daisies | 129 |
Calendar Song | 112 |
Child and the Star, The | 124 |
Come Back, Sweet May | 133 |
Daisy, The | 131 |
Days of Summer Glory | 115 |
Golden Sun, The | 130 |
Good Morning, Merry Sunshine | 134 |
I Love the Summertime | 127 |
July Song | 118 |
Lovely May | 126 |
May Day Song | 114 |
New Year Carol | 111 |
New Year Song | 132 |
North Wind, The | 117 |
October Song | 113 |
Polish May Song | 123 |
Sister May | 132 |
Song of the Moon | 116 |
Spring, Spring, Gentle Spring | 120 |
Spring-time | 122 |
Summer is Coming! | 112 |
Sunset Song | 117 |
To My Little Flower | 128 |
Tree, The | 124 |
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star | 116 |
Welcome, Sweet Springtime | 119 |
Which Way Does the Wind Blow? | 126 |
Wild Rose, The | 125 |
Bluebird, The | 172 |
Burial of the Robin | 175 |
Buttercup Meadow, The | 191 |
Butterfly's Ball, The | 166 |
Clucking Hen, The | 189 |
Cock Robin and Jenny Wren | 171 |
Cow, The | 176 |
Cuckoo! | 174 |
Dog and Cat, The | 186 |
Eight Little Birds | 172 |
Farmyard Song | 184 |
Flying Birds | 190 |
Gobble Duet | 180 |
Happy Kitten, The | 182 |
He Didn't Think | 190 |
I Love Little Pussy | 178 |
Lazy Cat, The | 179 |
Little Black Ant, The | 198 |
Little Brown Thrush, The | 199 |
Little Cock Sparrow | 165 |
Little Fish, The | 201 |
Little Lamb, The | 195 |
Little Lamb | 178 |
Little Robin Redbreast | 176 |
Long Time Ago | 194 |
Lost Chicken, The | 197 |
My Little Dog | 195 |
Old Mother Toad | 179 |
Pretty Little Deer | 181 |
Puff! | 188 |
Robin! Robin! | 166 |
Sheep and the Boy, The | 177 |
Singing in the Rain | 169 |
Sparrow in the Tree, The | 170 |
Squirrel Loves a Pleasant Chase, The | 182 |
Sweet Song Bird | 168 |
Three Crows, The | 167 |
Three Little Kittens | 187 |
Three Little Mice | 185 |
Three Little Pigs | 183 |
Turtle Dove's Nest | 198 |
Two Little Kittens | 192 |
Wasp and a Bee, A | 200 |
Daddy | 206 |
Dolly and Her Mamma | 202 |
Good-Night and Good-Morning | 204 |
Holidays | 212 |
Jemina | 210 |
Lady Moon | 202 |
Little Fib, The | 211 |
Little Fishermaiden, The | 207 |
Little Girl, Where Have You Been? | 214 |
Little Girl's Good-Night | 208 |
Lost Doll, The | 214 |
Maggie's Pet | 210 |
My Dolly | 205 |
O Dear, What Can the Matter Be? | 203 |
Sarah Jane's Tea Party | 209 |
Watering the Roses | 213 |
Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid | 215 |
Admiral Jack and General Tom | 233 |
Balloon, The | 226 |
Boy and the Cuckoo, The | 219 |
Comrades | 218 |
Dancing Lesson, The | 223 |
Dirty Jack | 236 |
Grumbling Joe | 235 |
Humming Top, The | 228 |
In the Tea-Room | 229 |
Jack | 234 |
Jolly Miller, The | 225 |
Little Drummer, The | 225 |
Little Tin Soldier, The | 216 |
Merry Swiss Boy, The | 221 |
My Pony | 220 |
My Ship and I | 232 |
Outing, The | 228 |
Pedlar's Caravan, The | 231 |
Sailboat, The | 217 |
Sister Ruth | 227 |
Soldier Song | 220 |
Tommy and Maizie | 230 |
Young Recruit, The | 222 |
Abide with Me | 241 |
As a Little Child | 245 |
Carol, Children, Carol | 254 |
Children's Hosanna | 243 |
Child's Hymn | 248 |
Christmas Carol | 252 |
Christmas Chimes | 259 |
Christmas Voices | 258 |
Evening Hymn | 246 |
Evening Prayer (Hansel and Gretel) | 237 |
Guardian Angels | 239 |
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing | 257 |
How Gentle God's Commands | 248 |
How Happy is the Child | 240 |
Jesus, Lover of My Soul | 246 |
Nearer, My God, to Thee | 245 |
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep | 250 |
Now the Day is Over | 241 |
Old Santa Claus | 253 |
Onward, Christian Soldiers | 244 |
O Thou Joyful Day | 260 |
Over the Stars There is Rest | 242 |
Palms, The | 238 |
Pilgrim's Song | 249 |
Prayer (Weber) | 251 |
Remember Thy Creator | 250 |
Rock of Ages | 240 |
Silently Falling Snow | 256 |
Sun of My Soul | 247 |
Upon a Lowly Manger | 256 |
A, B, C, Tumble-down D Abide with Me |
60 241 |
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Babes in the Wood |
44 |
Calendar Song Carol, Children, Carol |
112 |
Daddy Daisy, The |
206 |
Eight Little Birds Emmett's Lullaby |
172 |
Fairy Ring, The Fairy Ship |
144 |
Hail! Columbia Happy Kitten, The |
274 |
Jack Jack and Jill |
234 |
King Arthur |
77 |
Lady Moon |
202 |
Lazy Mary Lightly Row |
88 |
Maggie's Pet Man in the Moon, The |
210 |
Natural History Nearer, My God, to Thee |
52 |
Palms, The Parting Song |
238 |
Quaker's Wife Sat Down to Bake, The |
69 |
Sailboat, The Sailing |
217 |
Uncle John is Very Sick |
92 |
Vacation Days |
145 |
Alpine Flowers Always Jolly |
Behr |
334 |
300 |
Castanets, The |
471 |
295 |
Fair, The |
330 |
Game of Forfeits |
332 |
Happy Farmer |
342 |
306 |
Jolly Huntsman | Merkel | 398 |
Larghetto |
Mozart |
451 |
March from Norma |
Bellini |
304 |
New Toy, The | Button | 333 |
Once There Was a Princess | Kullak | 350 |
414 |
372 |
358 |
Sack Waltz |
Metcalf |
400 |
284 |
Vainly Asking | Button | 359 |
Waltz Op. 490, No. 1 |
314 |
At the Forge | Lichner | 510 |
Birthday Song | Gurlitt | 482 |
Chatterbox | Bachmann | 486 |
Dance of the Toys | Behr | 518 |
Diligent Pupil | Gurlitt | 476 |
Dolly's Lullaby | Diabelli | 480 |
Fairy Waltz | Lichner | 524 |
Greeting | Behr | 496 |
Happy Hours | Diabelli | 534 |
Humpty Dumpty | Krug | 478 |
Hurrying to School | Gurlitt | 492 |
Hymn of Praise | Gurlitt | 482 |
Immortelle | Spindler | 516 |
Melody | Diabelli | 488 |
Morning Prayer | Gurlitt | 476 |
Morning Serenade | Bachmann | 508 |
Morning Song | Reinecke | 494 |
Morning Walk, The | Oesten | 484 |
Polka | Behr | 498 |
Rondino | Diabelli | 528 |
Rosie's Party | Wohlfahrt | 522 |
Saltarelle | Behr | 530 |
Soldier's Ride | Behr | 504 |
Song of the Mermaids (Oberon) | Weber | 490 |
Turkish March | Behr | 502 |
Wanderer, The | Kohler | 512 |
Welcome March | Anon. | 506 |
PAGE | ||
Alpine Floweis | Behr | 334 |
Always Jolly | Knayer | 307 |
Angel of Peace | Brunner | 303 |
At the Fountain | Oesten | 294 |
At the Theatre | Huntcn | 302 |
Bagatelle | Schumann | 300 |
Dance, Dolly, Dance | Reinecke | 255 |
Fair, The | Gurlitt | 330 |
Fun in the Country | Oesten | 324 |
Game of Forfeits | Oesten | 332 |
Gathering Nosegays | Reinecke | 290 |
Glorious Race, A | Chwatal | 289 |
Idyl | Reinecke | 306 |
In May | Behr | 301 |
In Rank and File | Lange | 320 |
In the Spring-time | Oesten | 326 |
Little Ferryman | Lange | 318 |
Little Playmates | Chwatal | 287 |
March from Norma | Bellini | 304 |
March in C | Rummel | 328 |
Melody | Schumann | 288 |
Merry | Zilcher | 337 |
Petite Carnival | Streabbog | 293 |
Restless Galop | Streabbog | 296 |
Round and Round We Go | Diabelli | 235 |
Short Song | Gurlitt | 290 |
Sleep, Dolly, Sleep | Reinecke | 286 |
Soldiers' March | Schumann | 291 |
Spade and Pail | Brunner | 287 |
To Begin With | Wilm | 284 |
Trumpeter's Serenade | Spindler | 308 |
Waltz Op. 490, No. 1 | Behr | 314 |
Waltz Op. 101, No. 11 | Gurlitt | 310 |
When the Rain Stops | Schmitt | 286 |
PAGE | ||
Ave Maria | Reinecke | 355 |
Bagpipe, The | Reinhold | 344 |
Clock, The | Kullak | 375 |
Dragonflies in Sunshine | Reinecke | 347 |
Funeral March | Chopin | 376 |
Gavotte | Bach | 365 |
Grandmother Tells a Ghost-story | Kullak | 349 |
Happy Farmer | Schumann | 342 |
Harmonious Blacksmith | Handel | 364 |
Heather Rose | Lange | 424 |
Hunting Song | Gurlitt | 403 |
Huntsmen's Chorus | Weber | 378 |
Italian Song | Tschaikowsky | 367 |
Jolly Huntsman | Merkel | 398 |
Little Chatterbox | Reinecke | 390 |
Martha (Last Rose of Summer) | Flotow | 395 |
May Song | Wilm | 361 |
Minuet in F | Bach | 418 |
Morning Prayer | Streabbog | 338 |
New Toy, The | Button | 333 |
Once There Was a Princess | Kullak | 350 |
Parade March | Lichner | 414 |
Rataplan | Donizetti | 372 |
Romance | Reinecke | 412 |
Rondo | Dussek | 358 |
Sack Waltz | Metcalf | 400 |
Silhouette | Reinhold | 413 |
Silver Lake Waltz | Anon. | 419 |
Sonatina Op. 36, No. 1 | Clementi | 396 |
Sonatina Op. 36, No. 5 | Clementi | 406 |
Song of Love | Jadassohn | 381 |
Starlight Waltz | Brainerd | 379 |
Turkish March | Beethoven | 370 |
Vainly Asking | Button | 359 |
Wild Horseman, The | Schumann | 354 |
PAGE | ||
Andante | Scharwenka | 353 |
Child's Prayer | Kullak | 346 |
Circle Dance | Wilm | 356 |
Content | Herrmann | 343 |
Gavotte | Wilm | 368 |
Little Romp | Herrmann | 388 |
Lucia di Lammermoor (Melody) | Donizetti | 362 |
May- Day March | Behr | 420 |
Mazurka | Wilm | 384 |
Music-Box | Koschwitz | 386 |
Song Without Words | Scharwenka | 392 |
PAGE | ||
Andante from Sonata Op. 26 | Beethoven | 463 |
Andante | Handel | 454 |
Andante (Orpheus) | Cluck | 466 |
Angels in the Dream, The | Kullak | 448 |
Castanets, The | Duvernoy | 471 |
Faust (Petite Fantasie) | Krug | 433 |
Fragrant Violet | Spindler | 468 |
Hungarian Dance | Kleinmkhel | 457 |
Larghetto | Mozart | 451 |
Mazurka | Chopin | 455 |
Minuet (Don Juan) | Mozart | 446 |
Moment Musical | Schubert | 464 |
Musette | Bach | 353 |
Petite Valse | Tschaikowsky | 439 |
Soldiers' Song | Eizenberger | 460 |
Sonatina No. 1 | Beethoven | 436 |
Spring Song | Mendelssohn | 429 |
Wayside Rose | Fischer | 442 |
Weber's Last Thought | Weber | 452 |
PAGE | ||
Chatterbox | Bachmann | 486 |
Dance of the Toys | Behr | 518 |
Diligent Pupil | Gurlitt | 475 |
Dolly's Lullaby | Diabelli | 480 |
Fairy Waltz | Lichner | 524 |
Happy Hours | Diabelli | 534i |
Humpty Dumpty | Krug | 473 |
Hurrying to School | Gurlitt | 493 |
Morning Prayer | Gurlitt | 476 |
Morning Serenade | Bachmann | 508 |
Polka | Behr | 498 |
Rosie's Party | Wohlfahrt | 522 |
Saltarelle | Behr | 530 |
Soldier's Ride | Behr | 504 |
Song of the Mermaids (Oberon) | Weber | 490 |
Turkish March | Behr | 503 |
Welcome March | Anon. | 506 |
PAGE | ||
At the Forge | Lichner | 510 |
Birthday Song | Gurlitt | 482 |
Greeting | Behr | 496 |
Hymn of Praise | Gurlitt | 482 |
Immortelle | Spindler | 516 |
Melody | Diabelli | 488 |
Morning Song | Reinecke | 494 |
Morning Walk, The | Oesten | 484 |
Rondino | Diabelli | 528 |
Wanderer, The | Kohler | 512 |
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1930.
This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
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